]]> ]]> ]> ;; ============================== ;; customize the print stylesheet ;; ============================== (declare-characteristic preserve-sdata? ;; this is necessary because right now jadetex does not understand ;; symbolic entities, whereas things work well with numeric entities. "UNREGISTERED::James Clark//Characteristic::preserve-sdata?" #f) (define %generate-article-toc% ;; Should a Table of Contents be produced for Articles? #t) (define (toc-depth nd) 2) (define %generate-article-titlepage-on-separate-page% ;; Should the article title page be on a separate page? #t) (define %section-autolabel% ;; Are sections enumerated? #t) (define %footnote-ulinks% ;; Generate footnotes for ULinks? #f) (define %bop-footnotes% ;; Make "bottom-of-page" footnotes? #f) (define %body-start-indent% ;; Default indent of body text 0pi) (define %para-indent-firstpara% ;; First line start-indent for the first paragraph 0pt) (define %para-indent% ;; First line start-indent for paragraphs (other than the first) 0pt) (define %block-start-indent% ;; Extra start-indent for block-elements 0pt) (define formal-object-float ;; Do formal objects float? #t) (define %hyphenation% ;; Allow automatic hyphenation? #t) (define %admon-graphics% ;; Use graphics in admonitions? #f) (declare-characteristic preserve-sdata? ;; this is necessary because right now jadetex does not understand ;; symbolic entities, whereas things work well with numeric entities. "UNREGISTERED::James Clark//Characteristic::preserve-sdata?" #f) (define %generate-legalnotice-link% ;; put the legal notice in a separate file #t) (define %admon-graphics-path% ;; use graphics in admonitions, set their "../images/") (define %admon-graphics% #f) (define %funcsynopsis-decoration% ;; make funcsynopsis look pretty #t) (define %html-ext% ;; when producing HTML files, use this extension ".html") (define %generate-article-toc% ;; Should a Table of Contents be produced for Articles? ;; If true, a Table of Contents will be generated for each 'Article'. #t) (define %generate-part-toc% ;; show a partial table of contents on books; usually at chapter level #t) (define %generate-article-titlepage% ;; produce a title page for articles #t) (define (chunk-skip-first-element-list) ;; forces the Table of Contents on separate page '()) (define %root-filename% ;; The filename of the root HTML document (e.g, "index"). "index") (define %shade-verbatim% ;; verbatim sections will be shaded if t(rue) #t) (define %use-id-as-filename% ;; Use ID attributes as name for component HTML files? #t) (define %graphic-extensions% ;; graphic extensions allowed '("gif" "png" "jpg" "jpeg" "tif" "tiff" "eps" "epsf" )) (define %graphic-default-extension% "gif") (define %section-autolabel% ;; For enumerated sections (1.1, 1.1.1, 1.2, etc.) #t) (define (toc-depth nd) ;; more depth (2 levels) to toc; instead of flat hierarchy 2) (element emphasis ;; make role=strong equate to bold for emphasis tag (if (equal? (attribute-string "role") "strong") (make element gi: "STRONG" (process-children)) (make element gi: "EM" (process-children)))) (define (article-titlepage-recto-elements) ;; elements on an article's titlepage ;; note: added othercredit to the default list (list (normalize "title") (normalize "subtitle") (normalize "authorgroup") (normalize "author") (normalize "othercredit") (normalize "releaseinfo") (normalize "copyright") (normalize "pubdate") (normalize "revhistory") (normalize "abstract"))) (mode article-titlepage-recto-mode (element contrib ;; print out with othercredit information; for translators, etc. (make sequence (make element gi: "SPAN" attributes: (list (list "CLASS" (gi))) (process-children)))) (element othercredit ;; print out othercredit information; for translators, etc. (let ((author-name (author-string)) (author-contrib (select-elements (children (current-node)) (normalize "contrib")))) (make element gi: "P" attributes: (list (list "CLASS" (gi))) (make element gi: "B" (literal author-name) (literal " - ")) (process-node-list author-contrib)))) )