Ra and Nest PLD is developed in two branches: stable and devel. Codename for devel is nest, it stands for Never Ending STory. Name of the current stable PLD distribution is ra, version number is 1.0. Ra stands for radium, Egyptian god of sun, one of the perfect vowels and something else, I guess ;) There are RPM's for both ra and nest on ftp. Ra is on the main ftp server, but nest is located on separated ftp: ftp://ftp.nest.pld-linux.org/ or http://ftp.nest.pld-linux.org/. directories respectively. Current policy in CVS, is that packages for ra are in the HEAD, and packages for nest are in DEVEL branch (this ain't true for few packages, for example kernel has KERNEL_2_4 and rpm has rpm-4_0_4 branch, use cvs status -v foo.spec to find it out). This policy should change soon, though (nest will go to HEAD).