CVS Repository All resources of PLD are kept in CVS repository. CVS is designed to hold data with possibility of modification by many people (with different access rights) allowing effective version control. No one can remove resources - they are only moved to other directory (to junk yard :-). Also every version is being kept, so you can download distribution in state from last month or last hour. Resources marked by STABLE flag are built with many different optimization (i386, i586, i686 etc.) and you placed as rpm packages on FTP Server. Read-only access to repository (repo) can be established in two different methods: CVSWeb: ViewCVS: (without SOURCES dir) From shell account you can use CVS client program. To use second method, first you need to login with empty password (if you get 'Error: .cvspass file not exist' please type 'touch ~/.cvspass' and try again): bash$ cvs -d login Next, get the module(s) you need: bash$ cvs -d get module_name All resources are grouped in modules. Repository contains several modules, some of them are: Major modules in PLD CVS Repository Module name Contents CVSROOT CVS server settings test Perform all your tests with cvs program here! SPECS Module, that contain SPEC files (files with package definitions for rpm packages manager) SOURCES Sources and other files necessary to build rpm packages. Warning: Never 'get' this module! Use 'builder' script (it is in SPECS module). Run the script without parameters to get help. bootdisk Bootdisk for installer rc-scripts The way system is starting pl_PL Polish Manuals Translation Project shadow Shadow passwords for Linux
There are also other modules in PLD repo. Most of them are open source project of PLD developers, more or less connected with PLD itself. You can use CVSWeb to view complete list. To download contents of some module you should use command: bash$ cvs -d get "module" ["module2" ...]