2004 50 & 51 & 52 The Linux Documentation Project 2004-12-29 The Linux Documentation Project Weekly News The Linux Documentation Project wishes its readers a happy year 2005. Documents submitted for review Luis Lima posted a HOWTO on using Netinstaller to install Debian. Ian Hakes finally got approval from IBM to submit his DB2 HOWTO. It should pass pretty fast because it has already been reviewed internally by IBM. Avy Alkalay put together the old Font HOWTO and the FDU HOWTO and did a great deal of rewriting in the new FONT HOWTO. At the request of the author, the FDU HOWTO will be removed to the Obsolete section. New document proposals Paul Chavent made a start with a Gameboy Advance Programming HOWTO (French only for the moment, Machtelt Garrels proposed to translate in English). He argues that while the GBA becomes obsolete, it is a cheap way to study embedded Linux. Sandeep Nayak proposes to write about SCSI internals for the 2.6 kernels. Michal Kosmulski has a set of computing related documents hosted at and would like to contribute them to The LDP. Please send in any feedback you have to the author. News in The LDP world Mirror troubles There were some troubles on our servers which made it impossible for our mirror maintainers to synchronize. The Ibiblio support team assures us that everything is running OK now. Remember that you have to use a command similar to the following in order to start the synchronization process: rsync ftp.ibiblio.org::ldp_mirror /your_path_to/LDP In January, all maintainers will be contacted again to check that their mirror and contact information is still up to date and that their mirrors are running in sync. Printed Books The Printed Books section will be cleaned out. If you know about any printed versions (original or translations) of TLDP documents, let us know: title and/or ISBN of the publication, author, publisher, short book or document content if available. XML diff tool If you need a good XML diff tool, Ari Makela recommends trying xmldiff: . New mirrors This is the list of sites that have started mirroring The LDP: in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, maintained by Eelco Wesemann. HOWTO contribute to The LDP The Linux Documentation Project (TLDP) is working on developing free, high quality documentation for the GNU/Linux operating system. If you want to help TLDP, consider joining discuss-subscribe@en.tldp.org. Help us create this newsletter. We need volunteers who follow the community (mailing lists, newsgroups, web channels) and report events related to free software documentation. Write to us at feedback@en.tldp.org. The LDP Weekly News is compiled and edited by Machtelt Garrels and Y Giridhar Appaji Nag with help from several other people.