2004 30 The Linux Documentation Project 2004-07-28 The Linux Documentation Project Weekly News New documents @ The LDP The summer holidays (for some at least) are a very productive season: The Linux Kernel Module Programming Guide is now split up into two branches, one for the 2.4 and one for the 2.6 kernels. Peter Jay Salzman, Ori Pomerantz and Michael Burian have put a lot of work into this, each covering a stable kernel branch starting from the 2.2 kernels. Our colleagues over at have published a document about Linux/MS Windows integration using OpenLDAP, Samba, CUPS and Python. It is entitled Integración de redes con OpenLDAP, Samba, CUPS y PyKota; other formats are available here. The French have translated the Event HOWTO by Mark Komarinski into a document entitled Réaliser une présentation sur les logiciels libres. Pawel (McGiwer) Sadowski intends to write a HOWTO about installation modem SpeedTouch 330 USB on Fedora Core 2. He did not find any document on The LDP site discussing the same. New document proposals Trevor Thompson proposed to submit a Kernel Compile HOWTO; however, Emma Jane suggested to check with Kwan Lowe's start for a Kernel Build HOWTO documenting the 2.6 kernel build process. Chadley Wilson would like to write a 10-page Linux introduction. Updated HOWTOs, FAQs and Guides John Tapsell, Thomas Spellman and Matthias Grimm contributed to v.0.09 of the Masquerading Made Simple HOWTO. This document is a complement to the original Linux IP Masquerade HOWTO by David A. Ranch. Peter Jay Salzman published v1.3 of the Debian Jigdo HOWTO, explaining how you can make your own Debian installation CDs or DVDs, now including info on how to make ISO images on MS Windows machines. News in The LDP world LQ Wiki to include TLDP docs Members of the LinuxQuestions Wiki have expressed their interest in including TLDP docs into the LQ Wiki. Since many of our documents are published under the free licenses, this initiative can only be encouraged. Mirror updates Richard Mitchell lets us know that his New Zealand mirrors will be available at and instead of at http://www.yaksha.co.nz/ldp as previously announced. Sadit Sathianpaisarn is hosting the second official Thai mirror located in Bangkok at , updated daily, courtesy of NECTEC. HOWTO contribute to The LDP The Linux Documentation Project (TLDP) is working on developing free, high quality documentation for the GNU/Linux operating system. If you want to help TLDP, consider joining discuss-subscribe@en.tldp.org. Help us create this newsletter. We need volunteers who follow the community (mailing lists, newsgroups, web channels) and report events related to free software documentation. Write to us at feedback@en.tldp.org. The LDP Weekly News is compiled and edited by Machtelt Garrels and Y Giridhar Appaji Nag with help from several other people.