2003 33 The Linux Documentation Project 2003-12-10 The Linux Documentation Project Weekly News New documents @ TLDP Lars Starnd is the author of our starring document this week, the Mobile IPv6 HOWTO. He describes how to configure mobile computers, such as laptops and PDAs, for actual mobile use with IPv6. You need a fully functional IPv6 network; how to set this up is discussed in the IPv6 HOWTO. You'll need to patch kernels. We know the Kernel HOWTO is in review, but! 1. Lars gives a step-by-step explanation and 2. you may find the same information in the ACPI HOWTO. Our reviewers are working on the Kernel HOWTO as fast as they can, there's already a draft for the new Kernel HOWTO. Documents submitted for review . . . New document proposals . . . Updated HOWTOs, FAQs and Guides The Skoric tripplet, we'll call them: The FBB Packet-radio BBS mini-HOWTO, v1.28, covers the installation, configuration and use of the popular packet-radio BBS server software FBB. While GRUB is a wonderful thing (uses a Bash-like interface), LILO is the most popular Linux boot loader. The LILO mini-HOWTO is a supplement to the LILO User Guide, for those who want a quick start or a short overview. Details for starting Windows NT from LILO can be found in the Linux+WindowsNT mini-HOWTO. Alex Weeks is updating the Linux System Administrator's Guide or SAG. Here are the first results, including a new part about NTP, the Network Time Protocol. News in The LDP world Jamie sets the example Reviewers are highly in demand, yet we recently had the joy of welcoming a few. They mysteriously appeared out of nowhere to offer their much-needed services to our project. One of those new-comers is Jamie Patterson. Not that long ago, he found the TLDP web site, while looking for Linux documentation. He must have approved of our system, because he volunteered as a reviewer: I wanted to help improve and build on the foundation blocks of the ever-expanding Linux Community. Jamie reviews for content suitability, checks grammar and spelling and, probably the most important thing: ease of reading. Tabatha, our head-reviewer, thinks he's one of the most faithful reviewers she works with. However devoted, Jamie can make his voice heard. As his colleagues say, in an appreciative tone of voice: He's a little outspoken in his comments. Jamie joined the project only recently, but is already training other reviewers. Jamie is thirteen years old. We also want to welcome the rest of the flock, among others: Jennifer Riley, with a master's degree in both English and by experience in programming in all kinds of languages, does language review but hopes to start on technical reviewing soon. Emma Jane Hogbin admits that spelling is not her cup of tea, so she does technical reviews. She is also the ACPI HOWTO. Doris Cross is getting her own business off the ground, and says that technical editing for TLDP is an asset because it keeps her skills up to date. News item 2 . News item 3 . Discussions on TLDP lists Discussion topic 1 . Discussion topic 2 . Discussion topic 3 . Interview with Abc Xyz . HOWTO contribute to TLDP The Linux Documentation Project (TLDP) is working on developing free, high quality documentation for the GNU/Linux operating system. If you want to help TLDP, consider joining discuss-subscribe@en.tldp.org. Help us create this newsletter. We need volunteers who follow the community (mailing lists, newsgroups, web channels) and report events related to free software documentation. Write to us at feedback@en.tldp.org. LDP Weekly News is compiled and edited by Machtelt Garrels and Y Giridhar Appaji Nag with help from several other people.