This directory is structured as follows: LDP/howto/docbook/NCURSES-HOWTO | |----> NCURSES-Programming-HOWTO.sgml -- the sgml source of the howto |----> ncurses_programs -- directory containing example | -- programs. See README in the | -- directory for details |----> ncurses_programs.tar.gz -- tar, gzipped programs. Generated | -- with command | -- tar --exclude CVS -cvf ncurses_programs.tar.gz | -- ncurses_programs/* |----> -- a script used to remove inlined programs | -- it is used only once. |----> README -- this file Bulding from source ------------------- If you are planning to download the sgml source and build various formats of the document, follow these instructions. Get both the source and the tar,gzipped programs, available at NCURSES-HOWTO/NCURSES-Programming-HOWTO.sgml NCURSES-HOWTO/ncurses_programs.tar.gz Unzip ncurses_programs.tar.gz with tar zxvf ncurses_programs.tar.gz Use jade to create various formats. For example if you just want to create the multiple html files, you would use jade -t sgml -i html -d NCURSES-Programming-HOWTO.sgml to get pdf, first create a single html file of the HOWTO with jade -t sgml -i html -d -V nochunks NCURSES-Programming-HOWTO.sgml > NCURSES-ONE-BIG-FILE.html then use htmldoc to get pdf file with htmldoc --size universal -t pdf --firstpage p1 -f NCURSES-ONE-BIG-FILE.html for ps, you would use htmldoc --size universal -t ps --firstpage p1 -f NCURSES-ONE-BIG-FILE.html For more details on jade usage see the section on jade in LDP-Author-Guide