TARGET=lkmpg TARBALL = ${TARGET}.tar.bz2 EXAMPLES = ./${TARGET}-examples BACKUPDIR=/usr/local/backup/${TARGET} LDPDSL='/usr/share/sgml/docbook/stylesheet/dsssl/modular/html/ldp.dsl\#html' DOCDSL='/usr/share/sgml/docbook/stylesheet/dsssl/modular/html/docbook.dsl' TIMESTAMP=`/bin/date +'%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M'` JADEOPTIONS=-t sgml -i html -V nochunks -d $(LDPDSL) WEBDIR='/www/linux/writing' # Make the darn thing... # new: make index jade ${JADEOPTIONS} ${TARGET}.sgml > ${TARGET}.html -ldp_print ${TARGET}.html #make tidy # This target creates index stuff # index: -N -o index.sgml jade -t sgml -V html-index -d ${DOCDSL} ${TARGET}.sgml -g -t Index -i doc-index -o index.sgml HTML.index publish: @make clean @make @./extractor cp ${TARGET}.html /www/linux/writing/lkmpg cp ${TARGET}.ps /www/linux/writing/lkmpg @make clean cd ..; tar jcv lkmpg > ${TARBALL} mv ../${TARBALL} . cp ${TARBALL} /www/linux/writing/lkmpg # Get rid of the temp files created during the index and document build. # tidy: @rm -rf body.html title.html HTML.index index.sgml [a-km-z]*.html ln14.html # Get rid of everything. # clean: make tidy @rm -rf ${EXAMPLES}/*/*.o ${EXAMPLES}/*/*.ko ${TARBALL} *.html *.ps *.pdf