#! /bin/bash # The Towers Of Hanoi # Original script (hanoi.bash) copyright (C) 2000 Amit Singh. # All Rights Reserved. # http://hanoi.kernelthread.com # hanoi2.bash # Version 2: modded for ASCII-graphic display. # Uses code contributed by Antonio Macchi, #+ with heavy editing by ABS Guide author. # This variant also falls under the original copyright, see above. # Used in ABS Guide with Amit Singh's permission (thanks!). # Variables # E_NOPARAM=86 E_BADPARAM=87 # Illegal no. of disks passed to script. E_NOEXIT=88 DELAY=2 # Interval, in seconds, between moves. Change, if desired. DISKS=$1 Moves=0 MWIDTH=7 MARGIN=2 # Arbitrary "magic" constants, work okay for relatively small # of disks. # BASEWIDTH=51 # Original code. let "basewidth = $MWIDTH * $DISKS + $MARGIN" # "Base" beneath rods. # Above "algorithm" could likely stand improvement. # Display variables. let "disks1 = $DISKS - 1" let "spaces1 = $DISKS" let "spaces2 = 2 * $DISKS" let "lastmove_t = $DISKS - 1" # Final move? declare -a Rod1 Rod2 Rod3 ################# function repeat { # $1=char $2=number of repetitions local n # Repeat-print a character. for (( n=0; n<$2; n++ )); do echo -n "$1" done } function FromRod { local rod summit weight sequence while true; do rod=$1 test ${rod/[^123]/} || continue sequence=$(echo $(seq 0 $disks1 | tac)) for summit in $sequence; do eval weight=\${Rod${rod}[$summit]} test $weight -ne 0 && { echo "$rod $summit $weight"; return; } done done } function ToRod { # $1=previous (FromRod) weight local rod firstfree weight sequence while true; do rod=$2 test ${rod/[^123]} || continue sequence=$(echo $(seq 0 $disks1 | tac)) for firstfree in $sequence; do eval weight=\${Rod${rod}[$firstfree]} test $weight -gt 0 && { (( firstfree++ )); break; } done test $weight -gt $1 -o $firstfree = 0 && { echo "$rod $firstfree"; return; } done } function PrintRods { local disk rod empty fill sp sequence tput cup 5 0 repeat " " $spaces1 echo -n "|" repeat " " $spaces2 echo -n "|" repeat " " $spaces2 echo "|" sequence=$(echo $(seq 0 $disks1 | tac)) for disk in $sequence; do for rod in {1..3}; do eval empty=$(( $DISKS - (Rod${rod}[$disk] / 2) )) eval fill=\${Rod${rod}[$disk]} repeat " " $empty test $fill -gt 0 && repeat "*" $fill || echo -n "|" repeat " " $empty done echo done repeat "=" $basewidth # Print "base" beneath rods. echo } display () { echo PrintRods # Get rod-number, summit and weight first=( `FromRod $1` ) eval Rod${first[0]}[${first[1]}]=0 # Get rod-number and first-free position second=( `ToRod ${first[2]} $2` ) eval Rod${second[0]}[${second[1]}]=${first[2]} if [ "${Rod3[lastmove_t]}" = 1 ] then # Last move? If yes, then display final position. tput cup 0 0 echo; echo "+ Final Position: $Moves moves" PrintRods fi sleep $DELAY } # From here down, almost the same as original (hanoi.bash) script. dohanoi() { # Recursive function. case $1 in 0) ;; *) dohanoi "$(($1-1))" $2 $4 $3 if [ "$Moves" -ne 0 ] then tput cup 0 0 echo; echo "+ Position after move $Moves" fi ((Moves++)) echo -n " Next move will be: " echo $2 "-->" $3 display $2 $3 dohanoi "$(($1-1))" $4 $3 $2 ;; esac } setup_arrays () { local dim n elem let "dim1 = $1 - 1" elem=$dim1 for n in $(seq 0 $dim1) do let "Rod1[$elem] = 2 * $n + 1" Rod2[$n]=0 Rod3[$n]=0 ((elem--)) done } ### Main ### trap "tput cnorm" 0 tput civis clear setup_arrays $DISKS tput cup 0 0 echo; echo "+ Start Position" case $# in 1) case $(($1>0)) in # Must have at least one disk. 1) disks=$1 dohanoi $1 1 3 2 # Total moves = 2^n - 1, where n = # of disks. echo exit 0; ;; *) echo "$0: Illegal value for number of disks"; exit $E_BADPARAM; ;; esac ;; *) echo "usage: $0 N" echo " Where \"N\" is the number of disks." exit $E_NOPARAM; ;; esac exit $E_NOEXIT # Shouldn't exit here. # Exercise: # -------- # There is a minor bug in the script that causes the display of #+ the next-to-last move to be skipped. #+ Fix this.