Viewing compatibility volumes after migrating Migrating to EVMS allows you to have the flexibility of EVMS without losing the integrity of your existing data. EVMS discovers existing volume management volumes as compatibility volumes. After you have installed EVMS, you can view your existing volumes with the interface of your choice. Using the EVMS GUI If you are using the EVMS GUI as your preferred interface, you can view your migrated volumes by typing evmsgui at the command prompt. The following window opens, listing your migrated volumes.
GUI start-up window GUI start-up window
Using Ncurses If you are using the Ncurses interface, you can view your migrated volumes by typing evmsn at the command prompt. The following window opens, listing your migrated volumes.
Ncurses start-up window Ncurses start-up window
Using the CLI If you are using the Command Line Interpreter (CLI) interface, you can view your migrated volumes by following these steps: Start the Command Line Interpreter by typing evms at the command line. Query the volumes by typing the following at the EVMS prompt: query:volumes Your migrated volumes are displayed as results of the query.
CLI volume query results CLI volume query