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gferg 2000-10-10 14:10:39 +00:00
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commit c961f3fcae
1 changed files with 117 additions and 3 deletions

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@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ Covers PostgreSQL Version 6.5.3
<author>Al Dev (Alavoor Vasudevan)
<htmlurl url=""
<date>v31.0, 08 Oct 2000
<date>v33.0, 10 Oct 2000
This document is a "practical guide" to very quickly setup a SQL Database
engine and
@ -1027,6 +1027,7 @@ Now you can start <bf>rapidly BANGING away</bf> SQL commands at psql or pgaccess
To drop the database do :
bash$ man dropdb
bash$ man destroydb (for older versions of pgsql)
bash$ dropdb <dbname>
It is also possible to destroy a database from within an SQL session by using:
@ -1061,7 +1062,8 @@ bash$ createuser -h host -p port -i userid <username>
To drop a postgres user, use shell script 'destroyuser' -
bash$ man destroyuser
bash$ man dropuser
bash$ man destroyuser (older versions of pgsql)
bash$ destroyuser
@ -1287,6 +1289,75 @@ Tip: In psql press up/down arrow keys for history line editing or \s
************ End of Section ***************
<sect1> Creating Triggers and Stored Procedures
To create triggers or stored procedures,
First run 'createlang' script to install 'plpgsql'
in the particular database you are using. If you want
by default then install it in 'template1' and subsequent
created databases will be clones of template1.
See 'createlang' web page in User guide at /usr/doc/postgresql-7.0.2/user/index.html.
bash$ man createlang
bash$ createdb mydb
bash$ export PGLIB=/usr/lib/pgsql
bash$ createlang plpgsql mydb
bash$ createlang plpgsql template1
See also the trigger, stored procedures examples in
<ref id="Examples RPM">. One sample code from examples RPM:
create function tg_pfield_au() returns opaque as '
if != then
update PSlot set pfname = where pfname =;
end if;
return new;
' language 'plpgsql';
create trigger tg_pfield_au after update
on PField for each row execute procedure tg_pfield_au();
Another trigger example sample code:
create trigger check_fkeys_pkey_exist
before insert or update on fkeys
for each row
execute procedure
check_primary_key ('fkey1', 'fkey2', 'pkeys', 'pkey1', 'pkey2');
You must also install the TEST package - postgresql-test-7.0.2-2.rpm
and read the example sql scripts at - /usr/lib/pgsql/test/regress/sql
To see the list of triggers in database do -
bash$ psql mydb
psql=> \?
psql=> \dS
psql=> \d pg_trigger
psql=> select tgname from pg_trigger order by tgname;
To see the list of functions and stored procedures in database do -
bash$ psql mydb
psql=> \?
psql=> \dS
psql=> \d pg_proc
psql=> select proname, prosrc from pg_proc order by proname;
psql=> \df
************ End of Section ***************
@ -2400,8 +2471,30 @@ containing load and to load pgaccess.tcl not with wish, but
with pgwish (or wishpg) that wish that was linked with libpgtcl library.
If you get crypt not found during compilation pgaccess source tree then use -lcrypt.
************ End of Section ***************
<sect1>GtkSQL Graphical Query Tool for PostgreSQL
GtkSQL is a graphical query tool (like PostgreSQL's psql). It is
released under the GNU GPL license, and was developped
using Gtk+ 1.2.3 and PostgreSQL 6.3.
The main site of GtkSQL is at <url url="">
Its main features are :
<item> multiple SQL buffers
<item> SQL keywords, table names and fields autocompletion
<item> easy displaying of table definition
<item> PostgreSQL and MySQL support (and easy addition of other databases)
The current version is GtkSQL v. 0.3. You can get the source from
<url url="">
************ End of Section ***************
@ -3742,6 +3835,27 @@ It is at
See the section - <ref id="Testing ecpg" name="Testing Embedded SQL/C interface to PostgreSQL">
To use Vim color editor to edit 'ecpg' files (*.pgc), you must do the following:-
bash$ su - postgres
bash$ mkdir $HOME/vim
And create a file '$HOME/vim/myfilestypes.vim' which has these lines
" myfiletypefile
au! BufRead,BufNewFile *.pgc set filetype=esqlc
You should have $HOME/.gvimrc file. If not create one, refer to Vim howto doc at
<url url="">
Put the following line in $HOME/.gvimrc file
let myfiletypefile = "~/vim/myfiletypes.vim"
Now, if you edit with
bash$ gvim sample.pgc
you will get the color syntax highlighted.
************ End of Section ***************