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@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ LILO, Linux Crash Rescue HOW-TO
<author>Al Dev (Alavoor Vasudevan)
<htmlurl url="mailto:alavoor[AT]"
<date>v10.2, 20 Jan 2002
<date>v10.3, 21 Jan 2002
This document discusses methods to recover from Linux system failures.
Various reasons for linux system failures can be -
@ -106,6 +106,14 @@ See the list of tiny floppy linux given below -
************ End of Section ***************
<sect> Crash Recovery<label id="crash">
************ End of Section ***************
<sect1> Preparation Tips <label id="tips">
@ -139,9 +147,27 @@ Follow these steps to recover from LILO or system failures.
(see also <ref name="Tiny Linux" id="tiny">).
Boot with tomsrtbt floppy
Use fdisk to find the partitions. Try to recognise the
root partition by doing this -
root and boot partition. Watch out, you may be having the /boot files on
the root partition itself.
The Linux's root partition has the following directories
And the Linux's boot partition has these directories:
To find out root partition do this :
bash# fdisk /dev/hda
Command (m for help): m (Gives you help on commands)
Command (m for help): p (Gives you list of partitons)
Command (m for help): q
bash# mkdir /test
bash# mount /dev/hda1 /test
bash# ls /test
@ -150,66 +176,79 @@ bin fd lib mnt proc sbin usr
boot dev etc home lost+found opt root tmp var
If this is not a root partition, then try the next partition /dev/hda2.
Next try hda3, hda4, hda5, etc.. untill you find the root partition.
Still not found in <bf>hda</bf> then repeat the above steps for other devices
like <bf>hdb</bf>, <bf>hdc</bf>, <bf>hdd</bf> etc..
Also the /usr, /var, and /boot partition are needed as these are
required to create new lilo configuration.
Keep trying hda3, hda4, hda5, etc.. untill you find the root partition.
If you do not find root partition in <bf>hda</bf> device then repeat the above
steps for other hard disk devices like <bf>hdb</bf>, <bf>hdc</bf>, <bf>hdd</bf> etc..
Next, you should find the /boot, /usr and /var partitions.
The disk locations of these partitions are needed to create the new lilo configuration.
In my case the root partition is /dev/hda4 which is used in the examples below:
bash# mkdir /hda4
bash# mount /dev/hda4 /hda4
bash# cat /hda4/etc/fstab
bash# mkdir /rootpart
bash# mount /dev/hda4 /rootpart
bash# cat /rootpart/etc/fstab
Read the output of fstab and mount partitions as per fstab file, see below -
bash# mount /dev/hda5 /hda4/boot
bash# mount /dev/hda6 /hda4/usr
bash# mount /dev/hda7 /hda4/var
bash# mount /dev/hda8 /hda4/opt
bash# mount /dev/hda9 /hda4/root
bash# mount /dev/hda10 /hda4/home
bash# mount /dev/hda5 /rootpart/boot
bash# mount /dev/hda6 /rootpart/usr
bash# mount /dev/hda7 /rootpart/var
bash# mount /dev/hda8 /rootpart/opt
bash# mount /dev/hda9 /rootpart/root
bash# mount /dev/hda10 /rootpart/home
In my case, as per fstab file hda5 was boot, hda6 was usr, hda7 was var, hda8 was opt,
hda9 was root, hda10 was home and hda11 was windows95 directory.
In my case, as per fstab file hda5 was <bf>boot</bf>, hda6 was <bf>usr</bf>,
hda7 was <bf>var</bf>, hda8 was <bf>opt</bf>,
hda9 was <bf>root</bf>, hda10 was <bf>home</bf> and hda11 was windows95 (FAT16 partition).
Edit /etc/fstab (not /hda4/etc/fstab) and put (sample code given here) -
Edit /etc/fstab (not /rootpart/etc/fstab) and put (sample code given here) -
/dev/hda4 /hda4 ext2 defaults 1 1
/dev/hda5 /hda4/boot ext2 defaults 1 1
/dev/hda6 /hda4/usr ext2 defaults 1 1
/dev/hda7 /hda4/var ext2 defaults 1 1
/dev/hda8 /hda4/opt ext2 defaults 1 1
/dev/hda9 /hda4/root ext2 defaults 1 1
/dev/hda10 /hda4/home ext2 defaults 1 1
/dev/hda11 /hda4/win95part vfat defaults 1 1
/dev/hda4 /rootpart ext2 defaults 1 1
/dev/hda5 /rootpart/boot ext2 defaults 1 1
/dev/hda6 /rootpart/usr ext2 defaults 1 1
/dev/hda7 /rootpart/var ext2 defaults 1 1
/dev/hda8 /rootpart/opt ext2 defaults 1 1
/dev/hda9 /rootpart/root ext2 defaults 1 1
/dev/hda10 /rootpart/home ext2 defaults 1 1
/dev/hda11 /rootpart/win95part vfat defaults 1 1
On my computer hda4 contains the linux root partition, hda5 had boot partition and
hda11 has windows 95 vfat system.
bash# mkdir /hda4/win95part
bash# mount /hda4/win95part
And repair the system using fsck or e2fsck commands.
bash# mkdir /rootpart/win95part
bash# mount /rootpart/win95part
And repair the problem partitions using fsck or e2fsck commands.
bash# man fsck
bash# man e2fsck
<item> <bf>SCENE 2:</bf> If LILO is not working..
Follow scene 1 above, if that fails then follow these steps. Now you should have
already mounted /hda4 and have created /etc/fstab file.
Follow scene 1 above, if that fails then follow these steps.
After executing steps in scene 1 above, you should have
already mounted /rootpart and have created /etc/fstab file.
Note: It is very important to note how chroot command works below. The <bf>/sbin/lilo</bf>
file which chroot uses is actually located in <bf>/rootpart/sbin/lilo</bf> and
NOT in /sbin!! Hence, do not get confused.
bash# mount -a
bash# chroot /hda4 /sbin/lilo -q
bash# chroot /rootpart /sbin/lilo -q
bash# man chroot
bash# chroot /hda4 /sbin/lilo
bash# chroot /rootpart /sbin/lilo
Note: New users of chroot will be confused. If chroot command complains that
it cannot find /boot/map file then it actually
means it that it cannot find /rootpart/boot/map. Because you gave /rootpart as the
first argument to chroot and all references are with respect to /rootpart.
Alternatively, you can directly use /sbin/lilo instead of chroot. The
-r option of lilo actually does chroot.
It is very <bf>strongly recommended</bf> that you use chroot, instead of lilo -r,
as it is more convenient and can catch errors more easily.
bash# man lilo
bash# /sbin/lilo -r /hda4
bash# /sbin/lilo -r /rootpart
<item> <bf>SCENE 3:</bf> If LILO is not working..
@ -265,14 +304,14 @@ scenes 1, 2, 3 and 4 fail then -
Edit /etc/fstab and put (sample code given here, you may have to
change as per your disk layout) -
/dev/hda4 /hda4 ext2 defaults 1 1
/dev/hda4 /rootpart ext2 defaults 1 1
/dev/hda11 /b1 vfat defaults 1 1
bash$ mkdir /hda4; mount /hda4
bash$ mkdir /rootpart; mount /rootpart
bash$ mkdir /b1; mount /b1
bash$ cd /
bash$ df
And see that there is enough disk space in /b1 to tar up the root partition
bash$ tar cvf /b1/root-hda4.tar /hda4
bash$ tar cvf /b1/root-hda4.tar /rootpart
<it><bf>Step 2: </bf></it>