Vim spell check and tag completion.

This commit is contained in:
emmajane 2003-12-08 05:27:42 +00:00
parent d257a44f9b
commit 537436eb9c
1 changed files with 69 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -27,7 +27,6 @@
length, but definitely needs some TLC from a Real Emacs
<section id="tools-vim">
@ -93,6 +92,75 @@
the change in highlighting).
</section> <!-- vim-new-file -->
<section id="vim-spellcheck">
<title>Spell Check</title>
As in <application>Emacs</application>,
<application>Vim</application>, will work quite happily with
<application>aspell</application>. It can be run from within Vim
with the following:
<userinput>:! aspell -c %</userinput>.
For more sophisticated spell check alternatives, give <ulink
url="">Cream</ulink> or <ulink
url="">vimspell</ulink> a try.
<section id="vim-tagcompletion">
<title>Tag Completion<title>
The following information is provided by <ulink
url="">Kwan Lowe</ulink>.
Vim has a DocBook helper script which can be easily copied into
your <filename class="directory">.vimscripts</filename>
directory and used to <quote>auto complete</quote> tags while
writing DocBook documents. The script can be downloaded from:
<ulink url=""
Grab the file, then untar it. Copy the
<filename>dbhelper.vim</filename> to your <filename
class="directory">.vimscripts</filename> directory if you have one.
<prompt>$ </prompt><command>mkdir</command> <filename class="directory".vimscripts</filename>
<prompt>$ </prompt><command>cp</command> <filename>dbhelper.vim</filename> <filename class="directory">.vimscripts</filename>
You'll also have to convert the dbhelper.vim file to unix formatting:
<prompt>$ </prompt><command>dos2unix</command> <filename>dbhelper.vim</filename>
Next, edit your <filename>.vimrc</filename> file and add the line:
To use the scripts, enter vi and go into insert mode. Press
<keycap>,</keycap> followed by the shortcut. For example:
</section> <!-- vim -->
<section id="tools-epcEdit">