xml support in build script

This commit is contained in:
gferg 2000-10-09 15:12:25 +00:00
parent 1c9ccd0cd3
commit 4f406fbe19
1 changed files with 41 additions and 25 deletions

View File

@ -16,15 +16,17 @@ if($ARGV[0] eq '') {
my($_toolroot) = $ENV{'SGML_TOOLROOT'} ||
my($_jade) = 'jade-1.2.1';
my($dtd) = 'SGML';
my($dcl) = '';
my($linuxdoc) = 1;
my($create_index) = 1;
my($cmd, $fname, $fname_wo_ext, $txt_filter, $style, $s, $db_v) = '';
my($cmd, $fname, $fname_wo_ext, $txt_filter, $style, $s, $db_v, $x) = '';
while(1) {
if ($ARGV[0] eq "-style") {
$style = ($ARGV[0] + 0);
$style = $ARGV[0];
} elsif ($ARGV[0] eq "-txt") {
@ -39,10 +41,14 @@ while(1) {
$fname = $ARGV[(@ARGV + 0) - 1];
$fname_wo_ext = $fname;
if( $fname =~ /\.sgml$/ ) {
if( $fname =~ /\.[\w]+ml$/ ) {
$fname_wo_ext =~ s/\.[\w]+$//;
} else {
$fname .= "\.sgml";
if( -e "$fname.sgml" ) {
$fname .= "\.sgml";
} else {
$fname .= "\.xml";
if( !(-e "$fname") ) {
print "\nldp_mk: ERROR - cannot find/read $fname\n";
@ -59,7 +65,7 @@ if( $style eq '' ) {
# determine DTD
open(FP_IN, "head $fname | grep -i '\!doctype' |") ||
open(FP_IN, "head -20 $fname | grep -i '\!doctype' |") ||
die "\nldp_mk: ERROR - cannot determine DTD for $fname\n";
$s = <FP_IN>;
@ -67,6 +73,9 @@ close(FP_IN);
if( $s eq '' ) {
die "\nldp_mk: cannot determine DTD for $fname\n";
if( $s =~ /linuxdoc/i ) {
$linuxdoc = 1;
@ -80,11 +89,17 @@ if( $s =~ /linuxdoc/i ) {
# do not override any various SGML catalog file settings
if( $s =~ /\ xml\ /i ) {
$dtd = 'XML';
$x = 'x';
$dcl = "${_toolroot}/${_jade}/pubtext/xml.dcl";
if( $ENV{'SGML_CATALOG_FILES'} eq '' ) {
$s = ($db_v =~ /3/ ? "$_toolroot/dtd/docbook_31/catalog:" :
"$_toolroot/dtd/docbook_41/catalog:") .
"$_toolroot/dsssl/docbook/catalog:" .
$s = ($db_v =~ /3/ ? "${_toolroot}/dtd/docbook${x}_31/catalog:" :
"${_toolroot}/dtd/docbook${x}_41/catalog:") .
"${_toolroot}/dsssl/docbook/catalog:" .
@ -93,18 +108,19 @@ if( $s =~ /linuxdoc/i ) {
$linuxdoc = 0;
print "\nldp_mk: $fname is DocBook (vers. $db_v) SGML\n";
print "\nldp_mk: $fname is DocBook (vers. $db_v) $dtd\n";
# create the SGML index...
# create the index...
if( $linuxdoc == 0 && $create_index == 1 ) {
print "\nldp_mk: creating SGML index from $fname...\n";
print "\nldp_mk: creating index from $fname...\n";
$cmd = "$_toolroot/mkindex/collateindex.pl -N -o index.sgml; " .
"$_toolroot/$_jade/jade/jade -t sgml -V html-index -d $style $fname ; " .
$cmd =
"$_toolroot/mkindex/collateindex.pl -N -o index.sgml; " .
"$_toolroot/$_jade/jade/jade -t sgml -V html-index -d $style $dcl $fname ; " .
"$_toolroot/mkindex/collateindex.pl -g -t Index -i doc-index " .
"-o index.sgml HTML.index;" .
"rm -f HTML.index";
@ -122,10 +138,11 @@ if( $linuxdoc == 1 ) {
} else {
$cmd = "$_toolroot/$_jade/jade/jade -t sgml -i html -d $style $fname; " .
"mv -f \*.html $fname_wo_ext/;" .
"$_toolroot/$_jade/jade/jade -t sgml -i html -V nochunks " .
"-d $style $fname > 00_" . "$fname_wo_ext.html";
$cmd =
"$_toolroot/$_jade/jade/jade -t sgml -i html -d $style $dcl $fname; " .
"mv -f \*.html $fname_wo_ext/;" .
"$_toolroot/$_jade/jade/jade -t sgml -i html -V nochunks " .
"-d $style $dcl $fname > 00_" . "$fname_wo_ext.html";
@ -176,6 +193,9 @@ if( -e "$fname_wo_ext.txt" ) {
open(CPIPE, "pwd |");
$s = <CPIPE>; chop($s);
my($pat) = 'file://localhost' . $s . '/';
$pat =~ s/\+/\\+/g;
my($pat2) = $fname_wo_ext;
$pat2 =~ s/\+/\\+/g;
open(HFILE, "+< $fname_wo_ext.txt") ||
@ -188,7 +208,7 @@ if( -e "$fname_wo_ext.txt" ) {
if ($count <= $def_blanks) {
$_ =~ s/$pat//g;
$_ =~ s/00_$fname_wo_ext/$fname_wo_ext/g;
$_ =~ s/00_$pat2/$pat2/g;
push(@flines, $_);
@ -261,13 +281,9 @@ if( !(-e "$fname_wo_ext-html.tar.gz") ) {
print "\nldp_mk: creating SGML package...\n";
$cmd = "cp $fname ldp_mk_tmp; gzip -f ldp_mk_tmp; " .
"mv -f ldp_mk_tmp.gz $fname_wo_ext.sgml.gz";
"mv -f ldp_mk_tmp.gz $fname_wo_ext." . lc($dtd) . ".gz";
if( !(-e "$fname_wo_ext.sgml.gz") ) {
print "\nldp_mk: WARNING - could not create $fname_wo_ext.sgml.gz\n";
# if LinuxDoc, create DocBook SGML...
@ -276,7 +292,7 @@ if( $linuxdoc == 1 ) {
print "\nldp_mk: creating DocBook from LinuxDoc...\n";
$cmd = "$_toolroot/$_jade/sgmlnorm/sgmlnorm " .
"$_toolroot/ld2db/docbook.dcl $fname > EX_$fname ;" .