diff --git a/LDP/howto/docbook/Scripting-GUI-TclTk.xml b/LDP/howto/docbook/Scripting-GUI-TclTk.xml index 8136d7e8..4c30af5a 100644 --- a/LDP/howto/docbook/Scripting-GUI-TclTk.xml +++ b/LDP/howto/docbook/Scripting-GUI-TclTk.xml @@ -224,7 +224,7 @@ proc put_text {} { screen -First, let's have a look at the screen procedure. The radiobutton command works just like html radiobuttons. The -variable parameter accepts the name of the variable as an argument. The -value parameter accepts the variable's value as an argument. The button, .top.submit uses the -command parameter to to call the init procedure defined later in the script. These buttons are then packed into the top frame and a second frame called bottom is created. +First, let's have a look at the screen procedure. The radiobutton command works just like html radiobuttons. The -variable parameter accepts the name of the variable as an argument. The -value parameter accepts the variable's value as an argument. The button, .top.submit uses the -command parameter to call the init procedure defined later in the script. These buttons are then packed into the top frame and a second frame called bottom is created. The bottom frame is composed of a text widget and a scrollbar. Text widgets are created with the text command which takes a variety of options. In this case, we have used the -relief option which specifies the 3D effect for the field (other values for -relief include raised, flat, ridge, solid, groove); -bd option, which specifies borderwidth; and the yscrollcommand which specifies the name of a scrollbar that will be engaged by the textfield. Our scrollbar widget takes one option, -command which specifies how to behave when text scrolls beyond the screen of the text widget that it is interacting with.