This commit is contained in:
gferg 2003-11-03 16:26:45 +00:00
parent 36ecdef705
commit 02ca4d5e31
11 changed files with 1889 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
# DOS to UNIX text file converter.
if [ -z "$1" ]
echo "Usage: `basename $0` filename-to-convert"
CR='\015' # Carriage return.
# 015 is octal ASCII code for CR.
# Lines in a DOS text file end in a CR-LF.
tr -d $CR < $1 > $NEWFILENAME
# Delete CR's and write to new file.
echo "Original DOS text file is \"$1\"."
echo "Converted UNIX text file is \"$NEWFILENAME\"."
exit 0
# Exercise:
# --------
# Change the above script to convert from UNIX to DOS.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
#! /bin/bash
# array-append.bash
# Copyright (c) Michael S. Zick, 2003, All rights reserved.
# License: Unrestricted reuse in any form, for any purpose.
# Version: $ID$
# Slightly modified in formatting by M.C.
# Array operations are Bash-specific.
# Legacy UNIX /bin/sh lacks equivalents.
# Pipe the output of this script to 'more'
#+ so it doesn't scroll off the terminal.
# Subscript packed.
declare -a array1=( zero1 one1 two1 )
# Subscript sparse ([1] is not defined).
declare -a array2=( [0]=zero2 [2]=two2 [3]=three2 )
echo '- Confirm that the array is really subscript sparse. -'
echo "Number of elements: 4" # Hard-coded for illustration.
for (( i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i++ ))
echo "Element [$i]: ${array2[$i]}"
# See also the more general code example in basics-reviewed.bash.
declare -a dest
# Combine (append) two arrays into a third array.
echo 'Conditions: Unquoted, default IFS, All-Elements-Of operator'
echo '- Undefined elements not present, subscripts not maintained. -'
# # The undefined elements do not exist; they are not being dropped.
dest=( ${array1[@]} ${array2[@]} )
# dest=${array1[@]}${array2[@]} # Strange results, possibly a bug.
# Now, list the result.
echo '- - Testing Array Append - -'
echo "Number of elements: $cnt"
for (( i = 0 ; i < cnt ; i++ ))
echo "Element [$i]: ${dest[$i]}"
# Assign an array to a single array element (twice).
# List the result.
echo '- - Testing modified array - -'
echo "Number of elements: $cnt"
for (( i = 0 ; i < cnt ; i++ ))
echo "Element [$i]: ${dest[$i]}"
# Examine the modified second element.
echo '- - Reassign and list second element - -'
declare -a subArray=${dest[1]}
echo "Number of elements: $cnt"
for (( i = 0 ; i < cnt ; i++ ))
echo "Element [$i]: ${subArray[$i]}"
# The assignment of an entire array to a single element
#+ of another array using the '=${ ... }' array assignment
#+ has converted the array being assigned into a string,
#+ with the elements separated by a space (the first character of IFS).
# If the original elements didn't contain whitespace . . .
# If the original array isn't subscript sparse . . .
# Then we could get the original array structure back again.
# Restore from the modified second element.
echo '- - Listing restored element - -'
declare -a subArray=( ${dest[1]} )
echo "Number of elements: $cnt"
for (( i = 0 ; i < cnt ; i++ ))
echo "Element [$i]: ${subArray[$i]}"
echo '- - Do not depend on this behavior. - -'
echo '- - This behavior is subject to change - -'
echo '- - in versions of Bash newer than version 2.05b - -'
# MSZ: Sorry about any earlier confusion folks.
exit 0

View File

@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
#! /bin/bash
# array-assign.bash
# Array operations are Bash specific,
#+ hence the ".bash" in the script name.
# Copyright (c) Michael S. Zick, 2003, All rights reserved.
# License: Unrestricted reuse in any form, for any purpose.
# Version: $ID$
# Based on an example provided by Stephane Chazelas
#+ which appeared in the book: Advanced Bash Scripting Guide.
# Output format of the 'times' command:
# User CPU &lt;space&gt; System CPU
# User CPU of dead children &lt;space&gt; System CPU of dead children
# Bash has two versions of assigning all elements of an array
#+ to a new array variable.
# Both drop 'null reference' elements
#+ in Bash versions 2.04, 2.05a and 2.05b.
# An additional array assignment that maintains the relationship of
#+ [subscript]=value for arrays may be added to newer versions.
# Constructs a large array using an internal command,
#+ but anything creating an array of several thousand elements
#+ will do just fine.
declare -a bigOne=( /dev/* )
echo 'Conditions: Unquoted, default IFS, All-Elements-Of'
echo "Number of elements in array is ${#bigOne[@]}"
# set -vx
echo '- - testing: =( ${array[@]} ) - -'
declare -a bigTwo=( ${bigOne[@]} )
# ^ ^
echo '- - testing: =${array[@]} - -'
declare -a bigThree=${bigOne[@]}
# No parentheses this time.
# Comparing the numbers shows that the second form, pointed out
#+ by Stephane Chazelas, is from three to four times faster.
# I will continue to use the first form in my example descriptions
#+ because I think it is a better illustration of what is happening.
# The reusable portions of my examples will actual contain
#+ the second form where appropriate because of the speedup.
# MSZ: Sorry about that earlier oversight folks.
exit 0

View File

@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
# More fun with arrays.
array=( zero one two three four five )
echo ${array[0]} # zero
echo ${array:0} # zero
# Parameter expansion of first element,
#+ starting at position # 0 (1st character).
echo ${array:1} # ero
# Parameter expansion of first element,
#+ starting at position # 1 (2nd character).
echo "--------------"
echo ${#array[0]} # 4
# Length of first element of array.
echo ${#array} # 4
# Length of first element of array.
# (Alternate notation)
echo ${#array[1]} # 4
# Length of second element of array.
# Arrays in Bash have zero-based indexing.
echo ${#array[*]} # 6
# Number of elements in array.
echo ${#array[@]} # 6
# Number of elements in array.
echo "--------------"
array2=( [0]="first element" [1]="second element" [3]="fourth element" )
echo ${array2[0]} # first element
echo ${array2[1]} # second element
echo ${array2[2]} #
# Skipped in initialization, and therefore null.
echo ${array2[3]} # fourth element
exit 0

View File

@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
# String operations on arrays.
# Script by Michael Zick.
# Used with permission.
# In general, any string operation in the ${name ... } notation
#+ can be applied to all string elements in an array
#+ with the ${name[@] ... } or ${name[*] ...} notation.
arrayZ=( one two three four five five )
# Trailing Substring Extraction
echo ${arrayZ[@]:0} # one two three four five five
# All elements.
echo ${arrayZ[@]:1} # two three four five five
# All elements following element[0].
echo ${arrayZ[@]:1:2} # two three
# Only the two elements after element[0].
echo "-----------------------"
# Substring Removal
# Removes shortest match from front of string(s),
#+ where the substring is a regular expression.
echo ${arrayZ[@]#f*r} # one two three five five
# Applied to all elements of the array.
# Matches "four" and removes it.
# Longest match from front of string(s)
echo ${arrayZ[@]##t*e} # one two four five five
# Applied to all elements of the array.
# Matches "three" and removes it.
# Shortest match from back of string(s)
echo ${arrayZ[@]%h*e} # one two t four five five
# Applied to all elements of the array.
# Matches "hree" and removes it.
# Longest match from back of string(s)
echo ${arrayZ[@]%%t*e} # one two four five five
# Applied to all elements of the array.
# Matches "three" and removes it.
echo "-----------------------"
# Substring Replacement
# Replace first occurance of substring with replacement
echo ${arrayZ[@]/fiv/XYZ} # one two three four XYZe XYZe
# Applied to all elements of the array.
# Replace all occurances of substring
echo ${arrayZ[@]//iv/YY} # one two three four fYYe fYYe
# Applied to all elements of the array.
# Delete all occurances of substring
# Not specifing a replacement means 'delete'
echo ${arrayZ[@]//fi/} # one two three four ve ve
# Applied to all elements of the array.
# Replace front-end occurances of substring
echo ${arrayZ[@]/#fi/XY} # one two three four XYve XYve
# Applied to all elements of the array.
# Replace back-end occurances of substring
echo ${arrayZ[@]/%ve/ZZ} # one two three four fiZZ fiZZ
# Applied to all elements of the array.
echo ${arrayZ[@]/%o/XX} # one twXX three four five five
# Why?
echo "-----------------------"
# Before reaching for awk (or anything else)
# Recall:
# $( ... ) is a function call.
# Functions run as a sub-process.
# Functions write their output to stdout.
# Assignment reads the function's stdout.
# The name[@] notation specifies a "for-each" operation.
newstr() {
echo -n "!!!"
echo ${arrayZ[@]/%e/$(newstr)}
# on!!! two thre!!! four fiv!!! fiv!!!
# Q.E.D: The replacement action is an 'assignment.'
# Accessing the "For-Each"
echo ${arrayZ[@]//*/$(newstr optional_arguments)}
# Now, if Bash would just pass the matched string as $0
#+ to the function being called . . .
exit 0

View File

@ -0,0 +1,999 @@
# basics-reviewed.bash
# File extension == *.bash == specific to Bash
# Copyright (c) Michael S. Zick, 2003; All rights reserved.
# License: Use in any form, for any purpose.
# Revision: $ID$
# Edited for layout by M.C.
# (author of the "Advanced Bash Scripting Guide")
# This script tested under Bash versions 2.04, 2.05a and 2.05b.
# It may not work with earlier versions.
# This demonstration script generates one --intentional--
#+ "command not found" error message. See line 394.
# The current Bash maintainer, Chet Ramey, has fixed the items noted
#+ for an upcoming version of Bash.
### Pipe the output of this script to 'more' ###
###+ else it will scroll off the page. ###
### ###
### You may also redirect its output ###
###+ to a file for examination. ###
# Most of the following points are described at length in
#+ the text of the foregoing "Advanced Bash Scripting Guide."
# This demonstration script is mostly just a reorganized presentation.
# -- msz
# Variables are not typed unless otherwise specified.
# Variables are named. Names must contain a non-digit.
# File descriptor names (as in, for example: 2>&1)
#+ contain ONLY digits.
# Parameters and Bash array elements are numbered.
# (Parameters are very similar to Bash arrays.)
# A variable name may be undefined (null reference).
unset VarNull
# A variable name may be defined but empty (null contents).
VarEmpty='' # Two, adjacent, single quotes.
# A variable name my be defined and non-empty
# A variable may contain:
# * A whole number as a signed 32-bit (or larger) integer
# * A string
# A variable may also be an array.
# A string may contain embedded blanks and may be treated
#+ as if it where a function name with optional arguments.
# The names of variables and the names of functions
#+ are in different namespaces.
# A variable may be defined as a Bash array either explicitly or
#+ implicitly by the syntax of the assignment statement.
# Explicit:
declare -a ArrayVar
# The echo command is a built-in.
echo $VarSomething
# The printf command is a built-in.
# Translate %s as: String-Format
printf %s $VarSomething # No linebreak specified, none output.
echo # Default, only linebreak output.
# The Bash parser word breaks on whitespace.
# Whitespace, or the lack of it is significant.
# (This holds true in general; there are, of course, exceptions.)
# Translate the DOLLAR_SIGN character as: Content-Of.
# Extended-Syntax way of writing Content-Of:
echo ${VarSomething}
# The ${ ... } Extended-Syntax allows more than just the variable
#+ name to be specified.
# In general, $VarSomething can always be written as: ${VarSomething}.
# Call this script with arguments to see the following in action.
# Outside of double-quotes, the special characters @ and *
#+ specify identical behavior.
# May be pronounced as: All-Elements-Of.
# Without specification of a name, they refer to the
#+ pre-defined parameter Bash-Array.
# Glob-Pattern references
echo $* # All parameters to script or function
echo ${*} # Same
# Bash disables filename expansion for Glob-Patterns.
# Only character matching is active.
# All-Elements-Of references
echo $@ # Same as above
echo ${@} # Same as above
# Within double-quotes, the behavior of Glob-Pattern references
#+ depends on the setting of IFS (Input Field Separator).
# Within double-quotes, All-Elements-Of references behave the same.
# Specifying only the name of a variable holding a string refers
#+ to all elements (characters) of a string.
# To specify an element (character) of a string,
#+ the Extended-Syntax reference notation (see below) MAY be used.
# Specifying only the name of a Bash array references
#+ the subscript zero element,
# Additional qualification is needed to reference other elements,
#+ which means that the reference MUST be written in Extended-Syntax.
# The general form is: ${name[subscript]}.
# The string forms may also be used: ${name:subscript}
#+ for Bash-Arrays when referencing the subscript zero element.
# Bash-Arrays are implemented internally as linked lists,
#+ not as a fixed area of storage as in some programming languages.
# Characteristics of Bash arrays (Bash-Arrays):
# --------------------------------------------
# If not otherwise specified, Bash-Array subscripts begin with
#+ subscript number zero. Literally: [0]
# This is called zero-based indexing.
# If not otherwise specified, Bash-Arrays are subscript packed
#+ (sequential subscripts without subscript gaps).
# Negative subscripts are not allowed.
# Elements of a Bash-Array need not all be of the same type.
# Elements of a Bash-Array may be undefined (null reference).
# That is, a Bash-Array my be "subscript sparse."
# Elements of a Bash-Array may be defined and empty (null contents).
# Elements of a Bash-Array may contain:
# * A whole number as a signed 32-bit (or larger) integer
# * A string
# * A string formated so that it appears to be a function name
# + with optional arguments
# Defined elements of a Bash-Array may be undefined (unset).
# That is, a subscript packed Bash-Array may be changed
# + into a subscript sparse Bash-Array.
# Elements may be added to a Bash-Array by defining an element
#+ not previously defined.
# For these reasons, I have been calling them "Bash-Arrays".
# I'll return to the generic term "array" from now on.
# -- msz
# Demo time -- initialize the previously declared ArrayVar as a
#+ sparse array.
# (The 'unset ... ' is just documentation here.)
unset ArrayVar[0] # Just for the record
ArrayVar[1]=one # Unquoted literal
ArrayVar[2]='' # Defined, and empty
unset ArrayVar[3] # Just for the record
ArrayVar[4]='four' # Quoted literal
# Translate the %q format as: Quoted-Respecting-IFS-Rules.
echo '- - Outside of double-quotes - -'
printf %q ${ArrayVar[*]} # Glob-Pattern All-Elements-Of
echo 'echo command:'${ArrayVar[*]}
printf %q ${ArrayVar[@]} # All-Elements-Of
echo 'echo command:'${ArrayVar[@]}
# The use of double-quotes may be translated as: Enable-Substitution.
# There are five cases recognized for the IFS setting.
echo '- - Within double-quotes - Default IFS of space-tab-newline - -'
IFS=$'\x20'$'\x09'$'\x0A' # These three bytes,
#+ in exactly this order.
printf %q "${ArrayVar[*]}" # Glob-Pattern All-Elements-Of
echo 'echo command:'"${ArrayVar[*]}"
printf %q "${ArrayVar[@]}" # All-Elements-Of
echo 'echo command:'"${ArrayVar[@]}"
echo '- - Within double-quotes - First character of IFS is ^ - -'
# Any printing, non-whitespace character should do the same.
IFS='^'$IFS # ^ + space tab newline
printf %q "${ArrayVar[*]}" # Glob-Pattern All-Elements-Of
echo 'echo command:'"${ArrayVar[*]}"
printf %q "${ArrayVar[@]}" # All-Elements-Of
echo 'echo command:'"${ArrayVar[@]}"
echo '- - Within double-quotes - Without whitespace in IFS - -'
printf %q "${ArrayVar[*]}" # Glob-Pattern All-Elements-Of
echo 'echo command:'"${ArrayVar[*]}"
printf %q "${ArrayVar[@]}" # All-Elements-Of
echo 'echo command:'"${ArrayVar[@]}"
echo '- - Within double-quotes - IFS set and empty - -'
printf %q "${ArrayVar[*]}" # Glob-Pattern All-Elements-Of
echo 'echo command:'"${ArrayVar[*]}"
printf %q "${ArrayVar[@]}" # All-Elements-Of
echo 'echo command:'"${ArrayVar[@]}"
echo '- - Within double-quotes - IFS undefined - -'
unset IFS
printf %q "${ArrayVar[*]}" # Glob-Pattern All-Elements-Of
echo 'echo command:'"${ArrayVar[*]}"
printf %q "${ArrayVar[@]}" # All-Elements-Of
echo 'echo command:'"${ArrayVar[@]}"
# Put IFS back to the default.
# Default is exactly these three bytes.
IFS=$'\x20'$'\x09'$'\x0A' # In exactly this order.
# Interpretation of the above outputs:
# A Glob-Pattern is I/O; the setting of IFS matters.
# An All-Elements-Of does not consider IFS settings.
# Note the different output using the echo command and the
#+ quoted format operator of the printf command.
# Recall:
# Parameters are similar to arrays and have the similar behaviors.
# The above examples demonstrate the possible variations.
# To retain the shape of a sparse array, additional script
#+ programming is required.
# The source code of Bash has a routine to output the
#+ [subscript]=value array assignment format.
# As of version 2.05b, that routine is not used,
#+ but that might change in future releases.
# The length of a string, measured in non-null elements (characters):
echo '- - Non-quoted references - -'
echo 'Non-Null character count: '${#VarSomething}' characters.'
# test='Lit'$'\x00''eral' # $'\x00' is a null character.
# echo ${#test} # See that?
# The length of an array, measured in defined elements,
#+ including null content elements.
echo 'Defined content count: '${#ArrayVar[@]}' elements.'
# That is NOT the maximum subscript (4).
# That is NOT the range of the subscripts (1 . . 4 inclusive).
# It IS the length of the linked list.
# Both the maximum subscript and the range of the subscripts may
#+ be found with additional script programming.
# The length of a string, measured in non-null elements (characters):
echo '- - Quoted, Glob-Pattern references - -'
echo 'Non-Null character count: '"${#VarSomething}"' characters.'
# The length of an array, measured in defined elements,
#+ including null-content elements.
echo 'Defined element count: '"${#ArrayVar[*]}"' elements.'
# Interpretation: Substitution does not effect the ${# ... } operation.
# Suggestion:
# Always use the All-Elements-Of character
#+ if that is what is intended (independence from IFS).
# Define a simple function.
# I include an underscore in the name
#+ to make it distinctive in the examples below.
# Bash separates variable names and function names
#+ in different namespaces.
# The Mark-One eyeball isn't that advanced.
_simple() {
echo -n 'SimpleFunc'$@ # Newlines are swallowed in
} #+ result returned in any case.
# The ( ... ) notation invokes a command or function.
# The $( ... ) notation is pronounced: Result-Of.
# Invoke the function _simple
echo '- - Output of function _simple - -'
_simple # Try passing arguments.
# or
(_simple) # Try passing arguments.
echo '- Is there a variable of that name? -'
echo $_simple not defined # No variable by that name.
# Invoke the result of function _simple (Error msg intended)
$(_simple) # Gives an error message:
# line 394: SimpleFunc: command not found
# ---------------------------------------
# The first word of the result of function _simple
#+ is neither a valid Bash command nor the name of a defined function.
# This demonstrates that the output of _simple is subject to evaluation.
# Interpretation:
# A function can be used to generate in-line Bash commands.
# A simple function where the first word of result IS a bash command:
_print() {
echo -n 'printf %q '$@
echo '- - Outputs of function _print - -'
_print parm1 parm2 # An Output NOT A Command.
$(_print parm1 parm2) # Executes: printf %q parm1 parm2
# See above IFS examples for the
#+ various possibilities.
$(_print $VarSomething) # The predictable result.
# Function variables
# ------------------
echo '- - Function variables - -'
# A variable may represent a signed integer, a string or an array.
# A string may be used like a function name with optional arguments.
# set -vx # Enable if desired
declare -f funcVar #+ in namespace of functions
funcVar=_print # Contains name of function.
$funcVar parm1 # Same as _print at this point.
funcVar=$(_print ) # Contains result of function.
$funcVar # No input, No output.
$funcVar $VarSomething # The predictable result.
funcVar=$(_print $VarSomething) # $VarSomething replaced HERE.
$funcVar # The expansion is part of the
echo #+ variable contents.
funcVar="$(_print $VarSomething)" # $VarSomething replaced HERE.
$funcVar # The expansion is part of the
echo #+ variable contents.
# The difference between the unquoted and the double-quoted versions
#+ above can be seen in the "" example.
# The first case above is processed as two, unquoted, Bash-Words.
# The second case above is processed as one, quoted, Bash-Word.
# Delayed replacement
# -------------------
echo '- - Delayed replacement - -'
funcVar="$(_print '$VarSomething')" # No replacement, single Bash-Word.
eval $funcVar # $VarSomething replaced HERE.
eval $funcVar # $VarSomething replaced HERE.
# Restore the original setting trashed above.
# There are a pair of functions demonstrated in the
#+ "" and "" examples.
# These are general purpose functions for delayed replacement literals
#+ containing variables.
# ------
# A string can be considered a Classic-Array of elements (characters).
# A string operation applies to all elements (characters) of the string
#+ (in concept, anyway).
# The notation: ${array_name[@]} represents all elements of the
#+ Bash-Array: array_name.
# The Extended-Syntax string operations can be applied to all
#+ elements of an array.
# This may be thought of as a For-Each operation on a vector of strings.
# Parameters are similar to an array.
# The initialization of a parameter array for a script
#+ and a parameter array for a function only differ
#+ in the initialization of ${0}, which never changes its setting.
# Subscript zero of the script's parameter array contains
#+ the name of the script.
# Subscript zero of a function's parameter array DOES NOT contain
#+ the name of the function.
# The name of the current function is accessed by the $FUNCNAME variable.
# A quick, review list follows (quick, not short).
echo '- - Test (but not change) - -'
echo '- null reference -'
echo -n ${VarNull-'NotSet'}' ' # NotSet
echo ${VarNull} # NewLine only
echo -n ${VarNull:-'NotSet'}' ' # NotSet
echo ${VarNull} # Newline only
echo '- null contents -'
echo -n ${VarEmpty-'Empty'}' ' # Only the space
echo ${VarEmpty} # Newline only
echo -n ${VarEmpty:-'Empty'}' ' # Empty
echo ${VarEmpty} # Newline only
echo '- contents -'
echo ${VarSomething-'Content'} # Literal
echo ${VarSomething:-'Content'} # Literal
echo '- Sparse Array -'
echo ${ArrayVar[@]-'not set'}
# ASCII-Art time
# State Y==yes, N==no
# - :-
# Unset Y Y ${# ... } == 0
# Empty N Y ${# ... } == 0
# Contents N N ${# ... } > 0
# Either the first and/or the second part of the tests
#+ may be a command or a function invocation string.
echo '- - Test 1 for undefined - -'
declare -i t
_decT() {
# Null reference, set: t == -1
t=${#VarNull} # Results in zero.
${VarNull- _decT } # Function executes, t now -1.
echo $t
# Null contents, set: t == 0
t=${#VarEmpty} # Results in zero.
${VarEmpty- _decT } # _decT function NOT executed.
echo $t
# Contents, set: t == number of non-null characters
VarSomething='_simple' # Set to valid function name.
t=${#VarSomething} # non-zero length
${VarSomething- _decT } # Function _simple executed.
echo $t # Note the Append-To action.
# Exercise: clean up that example.
unset t
unset _decT
echo '- - Test and Change - -'
echo '- Assignment if null reference -'
echo -n ${VarNull='NotSet'}' ' # NotSet NotSet
echo ${VarNull}
unset VarNull
echo '- Assignment if null reference -'
echo -n ${VarNull:='NotSet'}' ' # NotSet NotSet
echo ${VarNull}
unset VarNull
echo '- No assignment if null contents -'
echo -n ${VarEmpty='Empty'}' ' # Space only
echo ${VarEmpty}
echo '- Assignment if null contents -'
echo -n ${VarEmpty:='Empty'}' ' # Empty Empty
echo ${VarEmpty}
echo '- No change if already has contents -'
echo ${VarSomething='Content'} # Literal
echo ${VarSomething:='Content'} # Literal
# "Subscript sparse" Bash-Arrays
# Bash-Arrays are subscript packed, beginning with
#+ subscript zero unless otherwise specified.
# The initialization of ArrayVar was one way
#+ to "otherwise specify". Here is the other way:
declare -a ArraySparse
ArraySparse=( [1]=one [2]='' [4]='four' )
# [0]=null reference, [2]=null content, [3]=null reference
echo '- - Array-Sparse List - -'
# Within double-quotes, default IFS, Glob-Pattern
printf %q "${ArraySparse[*]}"
# Note that the output does not distinguish between "null content"
#+ and "null reference".
# Both print as escaped whitespace.
# Note also that the output does NOT contain escaped whitespace
#+ for the "null reference(s)" prior to the first defined element.
# This behavior of 2.04, 2.05a and 2.05b has been reported
#+ and may change in a future version of Bash.
# To output a sparse array and maintain the [subscript]=value
#+ relationship without change requires a bit of programming.
# One possible code fragment:
# local l=${#ArraySparse[@]} # Count of defined elements
# local f=0 # Count of found subscripts
# local i=0 # Subscript to test
( # Anonymous in-line function
for (( l=${#ArraySparse[@]}, f = 0, i = 0 ; f < l ; i++ ))
# 'if defined then...'
${ArraySparse[$i]+ eval echo '\ ['$i']='${ArraySparse[$i]} ; (( f++ )) }
# The reader coming upon the above code fragment cold
#+ might want to review "command lists" and "multiple commands on a line"
#+ in the text of the foregoing "Advanced Bash Scripting Guide."
# Note:
# The "read -a array_name" version of the "read" command
#+ begins filling array_name at subscript zero.
# ArraySparse does not define a value at subscript zero.
# The user needing to read/write a sparse array to either
#+ external storage or a communications socket must invent
#+ a read/write code pair suitable for their purpose.
# Exercise: clean it up.
unset ArraySparse
echo '- - Conditional alternate (But not change)- -'
echo '- No alternate if null reference -'
echo -n ${VarNull+'NotSet'}' '
echo ${VarNull}
unset VarNull
echo '- No alternate if null reference -'
echo -n ${VarNull:+'NotSet'}' '
echo ${VarNull}
unset VarNull
echo '- Alternate if null contents -'
echo -n ${VarEmpty+'Empty'}' ' # Empty
echo ${VarEmpty}
echo '- No alternate if null contents -'
echo -n ${VarEmpty:+'Empty'}' ' # Space only
echo ${VarEmpty}
echo '- Alternate if already has contents -'
# Alternate literal
echo -n ${VarSomething+'Content'}' ' # Content Literal
echo ${VarSomething}
# Invoke function
echo -n ${VarSomething:+ $(_simple) }' ' # SimpleFunc Literal
echo ${VarSomething}
echo '- - Sparse Array - -'
echo ${ArrayVar[@]+'Empty'} # An array of 'Empty'(ies)
echo '- - Test 2 for undefined - -'
declare -i t
_incT() {
# Note:
# This is the same test used in the sparse array
#+ listing code fragment.
# Null reference, set: t == -1
t=${#VarNull}-1 # Results in minus-one.
${VarNull+ _incT } # Does not execute.
echo $t' Null reference'
# Null contents, set: t == 0
t=${#VarEmpty}-1 # Results in minus-one.
${VarEmpty+ _incT } # Executes.
echo $t' Null content'
# Contents, set: t == (number of non-null characters)
t=${#VarSomething}-1 # non-null length minus-one
${VarSomething+ _incT } # Executes.
echo $t' Contents'
# Exercise: clean up that example.
unset t
unset _incT
# ${name?err_msg} ${name:?err_msg}
# These follow the same rules but always exit afterwards
#+ if an action is specified following the question mark.
# The action following the question mark may be a literal
#+ or a function result.
# ${name?} ${name:?} are test-only, the return can be tested.
# Element operations
# ------------------
echo '- - Trailing sub-element selection - -'
# Strings, Arrays and Positional parameters
# Call this script with multiple arguments
#+ to see the parameter selections.
echo '- All -'
echo ${VarSomething:0} # all non-null characters
echo ${ArrayVar[@]:0} # all elements with content
echo ${@:0} # all parameters with content;
# ignoring parameter[0]
echo '- All after -'
echo ${VarSomething:1} # all non-null after character[0]
echo ${ArrayVar[@]:1} # all after element[0] with content
echo ${@:2} # all after param[1] with content
echo '- Range after -'
echo ${VarSomething:4:3} # ral
# Three characters after
# character[3]
echo '- Sparse array gotch -'
echo ${ArrayVar[@]:1:2} # four - The only element with content.
# Two elements after (if that many exist).
#+ (the FIRST WITH CONTENTS is being
#+ considered as if it
#+ were subscript zero).
# Executed as if Bash considers ONLY array elements with CONTENT
# printf %q "${ArrayVar[@]:0:3}" # Try this one
# In versions 2.04, 2.05a and 2.05b,
#+ Bash does not handle sparse arrays as expected using this notation.
# The current Bash maintainer, Chet Ramey, has corrected this
#+ for an upcoming version of Bash.
echo '- Non-sparse array -'
echo ${@:2:2} # Two parameters following parameter[1]
# New victims for string vector examples:
arrayZ=( abcabc ABCABC 123123 ABCABC abcabc )
sparseZ=( [1]='abcabc' [3]='ABCABC' [4]='' [5]='123123' )
echo ' - - Victim string - -'$stringZ'- - '
echo ' - - Victim array - -'${arrayZ[@]}'- - '
echo ' - - Sparse array - -'${sparseZ[@]}'- - '
echo ' - [0]==null ref, [2]==null ref, [4]==null content - '
echo ' - [1]=abcabc [3]=ABCABC [5]=123123 - '
echo ' - non-null-reference count: '${#sparseZ[@]}' elements'
echo '- - Prefix sub-element removal - -'
echo '- - Glob-Pattern match must include the first character. - -'
echo '- - Glob-Pattern may be a literal or a function result. - -'
# Function returning a simple, Literal, Glob-Pattern
_abc() {
echo -n 'abc'
echo '- Shortest prefix -'
echo ${stringZ#123} # Unchanged (not a prefix).
echo ${stringZ#$(_abc)} # ABC123ABCabc
echo ${arrayZ[@]#abc} # Applied to each element.
# Fixed by Chet Ramey for an upcoming version of Bash.
# echo ${sparseZ[@]#abc} # Version-2.05b core dumps.
# The -it would be nice- First-Subscript-Of
# echo ${#sparseZ[@]#*} # This is NOT valid Bash.
echo '- Longest prefix -'
echo ${stringZ##1*3} # Unchanged (not a prefix)
echo ${stringZ##a*C} # abc
echo ${arrayZ[@]##a*c} # ABCABC 123123 ABCABC
# Fixed by Chet Ramey for an upcoming version of Bash
# echo ${sparseZ[@]##a*c} # Version-2.05b core dumps.
echo '- - Suffix sub-element removal - -'
echo '- - Glob-Pattern match must include the last character. - -'
echo '- - Glob-Pattern may be a literal or a function result. - -'
echo '- Shortest suffix -'
echo ${stringZ%1*3} # Unchanged (not a suffix).
echo ${stringZ%$(_abc)} # abcABC123ABC
echo ${arrayZ[@]%abc} # Applied to each element.
# Fixed by Chet Ramey for an upcoming version of Bash.
# echo ${sparseZ[@]%abc} # Version-2.05b core dumps.
# The -it would be nice- Last-Subscript-Of
# echo ${#sparseZ[@]%*} # This is NOT valid Bash.
echo '- Longest suffix -'
echo ${stringZ%%1*3} # Unchanged (not a suffix)
echo ${stringZ%%b*c} # a
echo ${arrayZ[@]%%b*c} # a ABCABC 123123 ABCABC a
# Fixed by Chet Ramey for an upcoming version of Bash.
# echo ${sparseZ[@]%%b*c} # Version-2.05b core dumps.
echo '- - Sub-element replacement - -'
echo '- - Sub-element at any location in string. - -'
echo '- - First specification is a Glob-Pattern - -'
echo '- - Glob-Pattern may be a literal or Glob-Pattern function result. - -'
echo '- - Second specification may be a literal or function result. - -'
echo '- - Second specification may be unspecified. Pronounce that'
echo ' as: Replace-With-Nothing (Delete) - -'
# Function returning a simple, Literal, Glob-Pattern
_123() {
echo -n '123'
echo '- Replace first occurrence -'
echo ${stringZ/$(_123)/999} # Changed (123 is a component).
echo ${stringZ/ABC/xyz} # xyzABC123ABCabc
echo ${arrayZ[@]/ABC/xyz} # Applied to each element.
echo ${sparseZ[@]/ABC/xyz} # Works as expected.
echo '- Delete first occurrence -'
echo ${stringZ/$(_123)/}
echo ${stringZ/ABC/}
echo ${arrayZ[@]/ABC/}
echo ${sparseZ[@]/ABC/}
# The replacement need not be a literal,
#+ since the result of a function invocation is allowed.
# This is general to all forms of replacement.
echo '- Replace first occurrence with Result-Of -'
echo ${stringZ/$(_123)/$(_simple)} # Works as expected.
echo ${arrayZ[@]/ca/$(_simple)} # Applied to each element.
echo ${sparseZ[@]/ca/$(_simple)} # Works as expected.
echo '- Replace all occurrences -'
echo ${stringZ//[b2]/X} # X-out b's and 2's
echo ${stringZ//abc/xyz} # xyzABC123ABCxyz
echo ${arrayZ[@]//abc/xyz} # Applied to each element.
echo ${sparseZ[@]//abc/xyz} # Works as expected.
echo '- Delete all occurrences -'
echo ${stringZ//[b2]/}
echo ${stringZ//abc/}
echo ${arrayZ[@]//abc/}
echo ${sparseZ[@]//abc/}
echo '- - Prefix sub-element replacement - -'
echo '- - Match must include the first character. - -'
echo '- Replace prefix occurrences -'
echo ${stringZ/#[b2]/X} # Unchanged (neither is a prefix).
echo ${stringZ/#$(_abc)/XYZ} # XYZABC123ABCabc
echo ${arrayZ[@]/#abc/XYZ} # Applied to each element.
echo ${sparseZ[@]/#abc/XYZ} # Works as expected.
echo '- Delete prefix occurrences -'
echo ${stringZ/#[b2]/}
echo ${stringZ/#$(_abc)/}
echo ${arrayZ[@]/#abc/}
echo ${sparseZ[@]/#abc/}
echo '- - Suffix sub-element replacement - -'
echo '- - Match must include the last character. - -'
echo '- Replace suffix occurrences -'
echo ${stringZ/%[b2]/X} # Unchanged (neither is a suffix).
echo ${stringZ/%$(_abc)/XYZ} # abcABC123ABCXYZ
echo ${arrayZ[@]/%abc/XYZ} # Applied to each element.
echo ${sparseZ[@]/%abc/XYZ} # Works as expected.
echo '- Delete suffix occurrences -'
echo ${stringZ/%[b2]/}
echo ${stringZ/%$(_abc)/}
echo ${arrayZ[@]/%abc/}
echo ${sparseZ[@]/%abc/}
echo '- - Special cases of null Glob-Pattern - -'
echo '- Prefix all -'
# null substring pattern means 'prefix'
echo ${stringZ/#/NEW} # NEWabcABC123ABCabc
echo ${arrayZ[@]/#/NEW} # Applied to each element.
echo ${sparseZ[@]/#/NEW} # Applied to null-content also.
# That seems reasonable.
echo '- Suffix all -'
# null substring pattern means 'suffix'
echo ${stringZ/%/NEW} # abcABC123ABCabcNEW
echo ${arrayZ[@]/%/NEW} # Applied to each element.
echo ${sparseZ[@]/%/NEW} # Applied to null-content also.
# That seems reasonable.
echo '- - Special case For-Each Glob-Pattern - -'
echo '- - - - This is a nice-to-have dream - - - -'
_GenFunc() {
echo -n ${0} # Illustration only.
# Actually, that would be an arbitrary computation.
# All occurrences, matching the AnyThing pattern.
# Currently //*/ does not match null-content nor null-reference.
# /#/ and /%/ does match null-content but not null-reference.
echo ${sparseZ[@]//*/$(_GenFunc)}
# A possible syntax would be to make
#+ the parameter notation used within this construct mean:
# ${1} - The full element
# ${2} - The prefix, if any, to the matched sub-element
# ${3} - The matched sub-element
# ${4} - The suffix, if any, to the matched sub-element
# echo ${sparseZ[@]//*/$(_GenFunc ${3})} # Same as ${1} here.
# Perhaps it will be implemented in a future version of Bash.
exit 0

View File

@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
#! /bin/sh
# Counting letter occurrences in a text file.
# Script by nyal (
# Used with permission.
# Recommented by document author.
# Parameter to initialize awk script.
echo "Usage: file letters" 2>&1
# For example: ./ filename.txt a b c
exit $E_PARAMERR # Not enough arguments passed to script.
if [ ! -f "$1" ] ; then
echo "$1: No such file." 2>&1
if [ -z "$2" ] ; then
echo "$2: No letters specified." 2>&1
shift # Letters specified.
for letter in `echo $@` # For each one . . .
INIT_TAB_AWK="$INIT_TAB_AWK tab_search[${count_case}] = \"$letter\"; final_tab[${count_case}] = 0; "
# Pass as parameter to awk script below.
count_case=`expr $count_case + 1`
# echo $INIT_TAB_AWK;
# Pipe the target file to 'awk.'
awk -v tab_search=0 -v final_tab=0 -v tab=0 -v nb_letter=0 -v chara=0 -v chara2=0 \
{ split(\$0, tab, \"\"); \
for (chara in tab) \
{ for (chara2 in tab_search) \
{ if (tab_search[chara2] == tab[chara]) { final_tab[chara2]++ } } } } \
END { for (chara in final_tab) \
{ print tab_search[chara] \" => \" final_tab[chara] } }"
# Nothing all that complicated, just . . .
#+ for-loops, if-tests, and a couple of specialized functions.
exit $?

View File

@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
#! /bin/bash
# set -vx
Copyright (c) Michael S. Zick, 2003; All Rights Reserved
License: Unrestricted reuse in any form, for any purpose.
Warranty: None
Revision: $ID$
Documentation redirected to the Bash no-operation.
Bash will '/dev/null' this block when the script is first read.
(Uncomment the above set command to see this action.)
Remove the first (Sha-Bang) line when sourcing this as a library
procedure. Also comment out the example use code in the two
places where shown.
_protect_literal_str 'Whatever string meets your ${fancy}'
Just echos the argument to standard out, hard quotes
$(_protect_literal_str 'Whatever string meets your ${fancy}')
as the right-hand-side of an assignment statement.
As the right-hand-side of an assignment, preserves the
hard quotes protecting the contents of the literal during
The strange names (_*) are used to avoid trampling on
the user's chosen names when this is sourced as a
# The 'for illustration' function form
_protect_literal_str() {
# Pick an un-used, non-printing character as local IFS.
# Not required, but shows that we are ignoring it.
local IFS=$'\x1B' # \ESC character
# Enclose the All-Elements-Of in hard quotes during assignment.
local tmp=$'\x27'$@$'\x27'
# local tmp=$'\''$@$'\'' # Even uglier.
local len=${#tmp} # Info only.
echo $tmp is $len long. # Output AND information.
# This is the short-named version.
_pls() {
local IFS=$'x1B' # \ESC character (not required)
echo $'\x27'$@$'\x27' # Hard quoted parameter glob
# :<<-'_Protect_Literal_String_Test'
# # # Remove the above "# " to disable this code. # # #
# See how that looks when printed.
echo "- - Test One - -"
_protect_literal_str 'Hello $user'
_protect_literal_str 'Hello "${username}"'
# Which yields:
# - - Test One - -
# 'Hello $user' is 13 long.
# 'Hello "${username}"' is 21 long.
# Looks as expected, but why all of the trouble?
# The difference is hidden inside the Bash internal order
#+ of operations.
# Which shows when you use it on the RHS of an assignment.
# Declare an array for test values.
declare -a arrayZ
# Assign elements with various types of quotes and escapes.
arrayZ=( zero "$(_pls 'Hello ${Me}')" 'Hello ${You}' "\'Pass: ${pw}\'" )
# Now list that array and see what is there.
echo "- - Test Two - -"
for (( i=0 ; i<${#arrayZ[*]} ; i++ ))
echo Element $i: ${arrayZ[$i]} is: ${#arrayZ[$i]} long.
# Which yields:
# - - Test Two - -
# Element 0: zero is: 4 long. # Our marker element
# Element 1: 'Hello ${Me}' is: 13 long. # Our "$(_pls '...' )"
# Element 2: Hello ${You} is: 12 long. # Quotes are missing
# Element 3: \'Pass: \' is: 10 long. # ${pw} expanded to nothing
# Now make an assignment with that result.
declare -a array2=( ${arrayZ[@]} )
# And print what happened.
echo "- - Test Three - -"
for (( i=0 ; i<${#array2[*]} ; i++ ))
echo Element $i: ${array2[$i]} is: ${#array2[$i]} long.
# Which yields:
# - - Test Three - -
# Element 0: zero is: 4 long. # Our marker element.
# Element 1: Hello ${Me} is: 11 long. # Intended result.
# Element 2: Hello is: 5 long. # ${You} expanded to nothing.
# Element 3: 'Pass: is: 6 long. # Split on the whitespace.
# Element 4: ' is: 1 long. # The end quote is here now.
# Our Element 1 has had its leading and trailing hard quotes stripped.
# Although not shown, leading and trailing whitespace is also stripped.
# Now that the string contents are set, Bash will always, internally,
#+ hard quote the contents as required during its operations.
# Why?
# Considering our "$(_pls 'Hello ${Me}')" construction:
# " ... " -> Expansion required, strip the quotes.
# $( ... ) -> Replace with the result of..., strip this.
# _pls ' ... ' -> called with literal arguments, strip the quotes.
# The result returned includes hard quotes; BUT the above processing
#+ has already been done, so they become part of the value assigned.
# Similarly, during further usage of the string variable, the ${Me}
#+ is part of the contents (result) and survives any operations
# (Until explicitly told to evaluate the string).
# Hint: See what happens when the hard quotes ($'\x27') are replaced
#+ with soft quotes ($'\x22') in the above procedures.
# Interesting also is to remove the addition of any quoting.
# _Protect_Literal_String_Test
# # # Remove the above "# " to disable this code. # # #
exit 0

View File

@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
# Random number between two specified values.
# Script by Bill Gradwohl, with minor modifications by the document author.
# Used with permission.
randomBetween() {
# Generates a positive or negative random number
#+ between $min and $max
#+ and divisible by $divisibleBy.
# Gives a "reasonably random" distribution of return values.
# Bill Gradwohl - Oct 1, 2003
syntax() {
# Function embedded within function.
echo "Syntax: randomBetween [min] [max] [multiple]"
echo "Expects up to 3 passed parameters, but all are completely optional."
echo "min is the minimum value"
echo "max is the maximum value"
echo "multiple specifies that the answer must be a multiple of this value."
echo " i.e. answer must be evenly divisible by this number."
echo "If any value is missing, defaults area supplied as: 0 32767 1"
echo "Successful completion returns 0, unsuccessful completion returns"
echo "function syntax and 1."
echo "The answer is returned in the global variable randomBetweenAnswer"
echo "Negative values for any passed parameter are handled correctly."
local min=${1:-0}
local max=${2:-32767}
local divisibleBy=${3:-1}
# Default values assigned, in case parameters not passed to function.
local x
local spread
# Let's make sure the divisibleBy value is positive.
[ ${divisibleBy} -lt 0 ] && divisibleBy=$((0-divisibleBy))
# Sanity check.
if [ $# -gt 3 -o ${divisibleBy} -eq 0 -o ${min} -eq ${max} ]; then
return 1
# See if the min and max are reversed.
if [ ${min} -gt ${max} ]; then
# Swap them.
# If min is itself not evenly divisible by $divisibleBy,
#+ then fix the min to be within range.
if [ $((min/divisibleBy*divisibleBy)) -ne ${min} ]; then
if [ ${min} -lt 0 ]; then
# If max is itself not evenly divisible by $divisibleBy,
#+ then fix the max to be within range.
if [ $((max/divisibleBy*divisibleBy)) -ne ${max} ]; then
if [ ${max} -lt 0 ]; then
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# Now do the real work.
# Note that to get a proper distribution for the end points, the
#+ range of random values has to be allowed to go between 0 and
#+ abs(max-min)+divisibleBy, not just abs(max-min)+1.
# The slight increase will produce the proper distribution for the
#+ end points.
# Changing the formula to use abs(max-min)+1 will still produce
#+ correct answers, but the randomness of those answers is faulty in
#+ that the number of times the end points ($min and $max) are returned
#+ is considerably lower than when the correct formula is used.
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
[ ${spread} -lt 0 ] && spread=$((0-spread))
let spread+=divisibleBy
return 0
# Let's test the function.
# Generate an array of expected answers and check to make sure we get
#+ at least one of each answer if we loop long enough.
declare -a answer
if [ $((minimum/divisibleBy*divisibleBy)) -ne ${minimum} ]; then
if [ ${minimum} -lt 0 ]; then
# If max is itself not evenly divisible by $divisibleBy,
#+ then fix the max to be within range.
if [ $((maximum/divisibleBy*divisibleBy)) -ne ${maximum} ]; then
if [ ${maximum} -lt 0 ]; then
# We need to generate only positive array subscripts,
#+ so we need a displacement that that will guarantee
#+ positive results.
for ((i=${minimum}; i<=${maximum}; i+=divisibleBy)); do
# Now loop a large number of times to see what we get.
loopIt=1000 # The script author suggests 100000,
#+ but that takes a good long while.
for ((i=0; i<${loopIt}; ++i)); do
# Note that we are specifying min and max in reversed order here to
#+ make the function correct for this case.
randomBetween ${max} ${min} ${divisibleBy}
# Report an error if an answer is unexpected.
[ ${randomBetweenAnswer} -lt ${min} -o ${randomBetweenAnswer} -gt ${max} ] && echo MIN or MAX error - ${randomBetweenAnswer}!
[ $((randomBetweenAnswer%${divisibleBy})) -ne 0 ] && echo DIVISIBLE BY error - ${randomBetweenAnswer}!
# Store the answer away statistically.
# Let's check the results
for ((i=${minimum}; i<=${maximum}; i+=divisibleBy)); do
[ ${answer[i+displacement]} -eq 0 ] && echo "We never got an answer of $i." || echo "${i} occurred ${answer[i+displacement]} times."
exit 0

View File

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
# This example contributed by Bjon Eriksson.
cat $0 |
while read line
echo "{$line}"
printf "\nAll done, last:$last\n"
exit 0 # End of code.
# (Partial) output of script follows.
# The 'echo' supplies extra brackets.
{cat $0 |}
{while read line}
{echo "{$line}"}
{printf "nAll done, last:$lastn"}
All done, last:(null)
The variable (last) is set within the subshell but unset outside.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
#! /bin/bash
# set -vx
Copyright (c) Michael S. Zick, 2003; All Rights Reserved
License: Unrestricted reuse in any form, for any purpose.
Warranty: None
Revision: $ID$
Documentation redirected to the Bash no-operation. Bash will
'/dev/null' this block when the script is first read.
(Uncomment the above set command to see this action.)
Remove the first (Sha-Bang) line when sourcing this as a library
procedure. Also comment out the example use code in the two
places where shown.
Complement of the "$(_pls 'Literal String')" function.
(See the example.)
StringVar=$(_upls ProtectedSringVariable)
When used on the right-hand-side of an assignment statement;
makes the substitions embedded in the protected string.
The strange names (_*) are used to avoid trampling on
the user's chosen names when this is sourced as a
_upls() {
local IFS=$'x1B' # \ESC character (not required)
eval echo $@ # Substitution on the glob.
# :<<-'_UnProtect_Literal_String_Test'
# # # Remove the above "# " to disable this code. # # #
_pls() {
local IFS=$'x1B' # \ESC character (not required)
echo $'\x27'$@$'\x27' # Hard quoted parameter glob
# Declare an array for test values.
declare -a arrayZ
# Assign elements with various types of quotes and escapes.
arrayZ=( zero "$(_pls 'Hello ${Me}')" 'Hello ${You}' "\'Pass: ${pw}\'" )
# Now make an assignment with that result.
declare -a array2=( ${arrayZ[@]} )
# Which yielded:
# - - Test Three - -
# Element 0: zero is: 4 long # Our marker element.
# Element 1: Hello ${Me} is: 11 long # Intended result.
# Element 2: Hello is: 5 long # ${You} expanded to nothing.
# Element 3: 'Pass: is: 6 long # Split on the whitespace.
# Element 4: ' is: 1 long # The end quote is here now.
# set -vx
# Initialize 'Me' to something for the embedded ${Me} substitution.
# This needs to be done ONLY just prior to evaluating the
#+ protected string.
# (This is why it was protected to begin with.)
Me="to the array guy."
# Set a string variable destination to the result.
newVar=$(_upls ${array2[1]})
# Show what the contents are.
echo $newVar
# Do we really need a function to do this?
newerVar=$(eval echo ${array2[1]})
echo $newerVar
# I guess not, but the _upls function gives us a place to hang
#+ the documentation on.
# This helps when we forget what a # construction like:
#+ $(eval echo ... ) means.
# What if Me isn't set when the protected string is evaluated?
unset Me
newestVar=$(_upls ${array2[1]})
echo $newestVar
# Just gone, no hints, no runs, no errors.
# Why in the world?
# Setting the contents of a string variable containing character
#+ sequences that have a meaning to Bash is a general problem in
#+ script programming.
# This problem is now solved in eight lines of code
#+ (and four pages of description).
# Where is all this going?
# Dynamic content Web pages as an array of Bash strings.
# Content set per request by a Bash 'eval' command
#+ on the stored page template.
# Not intended to replace PHP, just an interesting thing to do.
# Don't have a webserver application?
# No problem, check the example directory of the Bash source;
#+ there is a Bash script for that also.
# _UnProtect_Literal_String_Test
# # # Remove the above "# " to disable this code. # # #
exit 0