
277 lines
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# -- Makefile for handling TLDP documentation
default: all
DESTDIR := output
NODESTDIR := $(shell stat 2>/dev/null -t $(DESTDIR))
ifeq ($(NODESTDIR),)
$(error ENOENT (2): $(DESTDIR); please create or specify alternate DESTDIR directory)
WORKING := working
NOWORKING := $(shell stat 2>/dev/null -t $(WORKING))
ifeq ($(NOWORKING),)
$(error ENOENT (2): $(WORKING); please create or specify alternate WORKING directory)
ifeq ($(OBJ),)
$(error OBJ not specified, please supply a DocBook SGML source file)
FLAVOR=$(shell awk -F= '/^ID=/{print $$2}' /etc/os-release)
ifeq ($(FLAVOR),ubuntu)
# -- Ubuntu:
# -- for DocBook SGML (DSSSL) processing
LDPDSL := /usr/share/sgml/docbook/stylesheet/dsssl/ldp/ldp.dsl
DBDSL := /usr/share/sgml/docbook/stylesheet/dsssl/modular/html/docbook.dsl
COLLATE := /usr/bin/collateindex.pl
# -- for DocBook XML (XSLT layer) processing
XSLCHUNK := /usr/share/xml/docbook/stylesheet/ldp/html/tldp-sections.xsl
XSLSINGLE := /usr/share/xml/docbook/stylesheet/ldp/html/tldp-one-page.xsl
XSLPRINT := /usr/share/xml/docbook/stylesheet/ldp/fo/tldp-print.xsl
else ifeq ($(FLAVOR),opensuse)
# -- OpenSUSE-13.2
# -- for DocBook SGML (DSSSL) processing
DBDSL := /usr/share/sgml/docbook/dsssl-stylesheets-1.79/html/docbook.dsl
COLLATE := /usr/share/sgml/docbook/dsssl-stylesheets-1.79/bin/collateindex.pl
LDPDSL := /home/mabrown/vcs/LDP/LDP/builder/dsssl/ldp.dsl
# -- for DocBook XML (XSLT layer) processing
XSLCHUNK := /home/mabrown/vcs/LDP/LDP/builder/xsl/ldp-html-chunk.xsl
XSLSINGLE := /home/mabrown/vcs/LDP/LDP/builder/xsl/ldp-html.xsl
XSLPRINT := /home/mabrown/vcs/LDP/LDP/builder/xsl/ldp-print.xsl
$(error Sorry, unknown/untested flavor of Linux, $(FLAVOR))
# -- standard definitions and other little tools
XML_CATALOG_FILES := /etc/xml/catalog
PERL := $(shell which perl 2>/dev/null)
OBJDIR := $(dir $(OBJ))
OBJFORMAT := $(lastword $(subst ., ,$(suffix $(OBJ))))
OBJFILE := $(notdir $(OBJ))
OBJINDEX := $(abspath $(OBJDIR)/index.sgml)
ifeq ($(OBJFORMAT),sgml)
LINUXDOC := $(shell head -n 5 "$(OBJ)" | tr A-Z a-z | awk '/doctype linuxdoc system/{ print $$2}')
ifeq ($(LINUXDOC),linuxdoc)
OBJFORMAT = linuxdoc
OUTDIR = $(abspath $(abspath $(WORKING))/$(OBJSTEM))
FO = $(abspath $(OUTDIR)/$(OBJSTEM).fo)
PDF = $(abspath $(OUTDIR)/$(OBJSTEM).pdf)
HTML = $(abspath $(OUTDIR)/$(OBJSTEM).html)
HTMLS = $(abspath $(OUTDIR)/$(OBJSTEM)-single.html)
TEXT = $(abspath $(OUTDIR)/$(OBJSTEM).txt)
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
# generic targets
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
all: announce clear_$(OUTDIR) $(OBJFORMAT)-all
rsync $(VERBOSE) --archive --delay-updates --delete-after --partial $(OUTDIR)/ $(DESTDIR)/$(OBJSTEM)/
(test ! -d $(OUTDIR) || ( cd $(dir $(OUTDIR)) && rm -rf $(VERBOSE) -- $(notdir $(OUTDIR))))
mkdir $(OUTDIR)
$(OUTDIR)/images $(OUTDIR)/resources: $(OUTDIR)
(cd $(OBJDIR) && test ! -d $(notdir $@) || rsync -aL $(VERBOSE) ./$(notdir $@) $(OUTDIR))
.PHONY: announce
$(info Detected $(OBJ) file as $(OBJFORMAT).)
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
# specific handling for DocBook SGML documents
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
.PHONY: sgml-all
sgml-all: sgml-$(OBJINDEX) sgml-$(HTMLS) sgml-$(TEXT) sgml-$(PDF) sgml-$(HTML)
rm -f -- "$(OBJINDEX)"
sgml-$(OBJINDEX): $(OUTDIR)/images $(OUTDIR)/resources
(cd $(OUTDIR) \
&& $(PERL) $(COLLATE) -N -o "$(OBJINDEX)" \
&& openjade -t sgml -V html-index -d "$(DBDSL)" "$(OBJ)" \
&& $(PERL) $(COLLATE) -g -t Index -i doc-index -o "$(notdir $(OBJINDEX))" HTML.index "$(OBJ)" \
&& mv -f $(VERBOSE) -- $(notdir $(OBJINDEX)) $(dir $(OBJINDEX)) \
&& find . -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type f -print0 | xargs --null --no-run-if-empty -- rm -f --)
.PHONY: sgml-$(HTMLS)
sgml-$(HTMLS): $(OUTDIR)/resources $(OUTDIR)/images $(INDEX)
# -- note the mv -vu $(notdir $(HTML)) $(notdir $(HTMLS))
# the docbook2html processor will create a single-page
# HTML file called $(OBJSTEM).html. We want to name it
# $(OBJSTEM)-single.html, so that, later, $(OBJSTEM).html
# can be the main output for chunked HTML
(cd $(OUTDIR) \
&& jw -f docbook -b html \
--dsl "$(LDPDSL)#html" \
-V nochunks \
-V '%callout-graphics-path%=images/callouts/' \
-V '%stock-graphics-extension%=.png' \
-V '%stylsheet-type%=freddie.css' \
--output . \
$(OBJ) \
&& mv --update $(VERBOSE) -- $(notdir $(HTML)) $(notdir $(HTMLS)))
.PHONY: sgml-$(TEXT)
sgml-$(TEXT): sgml-$(HTMLS)
(cd $(OUTDIR) && html2text -style pretty -nobs $(notdir $(HTMLS)) > $(notdir $@))
.PHONY: sgml-$(PDF)
sgml-$(PDF): $(OUTDIR)
( cd $(OUTDIR) \
&& jw -f docbook -b pdf --output . $(OBJ) \
|| dblatex -F sgml -t pdf -o sgml-$(PDF) $(OBJ))
.PHONY: sgml-$(HTML)
sgml-$(HTML): $(OUTDIR)
# -- the jade DocBook processing toolchain produces an HTML output
# file called index.html in the chunked output; therefore, we want
# to create a link from Some-Name.html to index.html; if TLDP
# wishes to do something else with index.html, this is the place
# to change it (for SGML DocBook inputs, anyway).
( cd $(OUTDIR) \
&& jw -f docbook -b html \
--dsl "$(LDPDSL)#html" \
-V '%admon-graphics-path%=images/' \
-V '%callout-graphics-path%=images/callouts/' \
-V '%stock-graphics-extension%=.png' \
--output . \
$(OBJ) \
&& ln -snf $(VERBOSE) -- index.html $(notdir $(HTML)))
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
# specific handling for DocBook XML documents
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
.PHONY: xml-all
xml-all: xml-$(HTMLS) xml-$(TEXT) xml-$(PDF) xml-$(HTML)
.PHONY: xml-$(HTMLS)
xml-$(HTMLS): $(OUTDIR) $(OUTDIR)/images $(OUTDIR)/resources
# -- note the mv -vu $(notdir $(HTML)) $(notdir $(HTMLS))
# the docbook2html processor will create a single-page
# HTML file called $(OBJSTEM).html, which we will want
# to create as a symlink, later
(cd $(OUTDIR) \
xsltproc > "$(notdir $(HTMLS))" \
--nonet \
--stringparam admon.graphics.path images/ \
--stringparam base.dir . \
"$(XSLSINGLE)" "$(OBJ)")
# -- what about images and other resources?
.PHONY: xml-$(TEXT)
xml-$(TEXT): xml-$(HTMLS)
(cd $(OUTDIR) && html2text -style pretty -nobs $(notdir $(HTMLS)) > $(notdir $@))
.PHONY: xml-$(FO)
xml-$(FO): $(OUTDIR)
( cd $(OUTDIR) \
&& XML_CATALOG_FILES=/etc/xml/catalog \
xsltproc > "$(notdir $(FO))" \
--nonet \
"$(XSLPRINT)" "$(OBJ)")
.PHONY: xml-$(PDF)
xml-$(PDF): xml-$(FO)
(fop -fo $(FO) -pdf $(PDF) && rm -f $(FO) \
|| dblatex -F xml -t pdf -o $(PDF) $(OBJ))
xml-$(HTML): xml-$(HTMLS)
( cd $(OUTDIR) \
&& XML_CATALOG_FILES=/etc/xml/catalog \
xsltproc \
--nonet \
--stringparam admon.graphics.path images/ \
--stringparam base.dir . \
"$(XSLCHUNK)" "$(OBJ)" \
&& ln -snf $(VERBOSE) -- index.html $(notdir $(HTML)))
# -- what about images and other resources?
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
# specific handling for LinuxDoc documents
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
.PHONY: linuxdoc-all
linuxdoc-all: linuxdoc-$(HTMLS) linuxdoc-$(TEXT) linuxdoc-$(PDF) linuxdoc-$(HTML)
.PHONY: linuxdoc-$(HTMLS)
linuxdoc-$(HTMLS): $(OUTDIR)/images
# -- note the mv -vu $(notdir $(HTML)) $(notdir $(HTMLS))
# the docbook2html processor will create a single-page
# HTML file called $(OBJSTEM).html, which we will want
# to create as a symlink, later
(cd $(OUTDIR) \
&& sgml2html --split=0 $(OBJ) \
&& mv --update $(VERBOSE) -- $(notdir $(HTML)) $(notdir $(HTMLS)))
# -- what about images and other resources?
.PHONY: linuxdoc-$(TEXT)
linuxdoc-$(TEXT): linuxdoc-$(HTMLS)
(cd $(OUTDIR) && html2text -style pretty -nobs $(notdir $(HTMLS)) > $(notdir $(TEXT)))
.PHONY: linuxdoc-$(PDF)
linuxdoc-$(PDF): linuxdoc-$(HTMLS)
( cd $(OUTDIR) \
&& htmldoc --size universal -t pdf --firstpage p1 --outfile $(notdir $(PDF)) $(notdir $(HTMLS)))
.PHONY: linuxdoc-$(HTML)
linuxdoc-$(HTML): $(OUTDIR)
# -- LinuxDoc processing tools create the output document file as
# Some-Name.html (and Some-Name-1.html, Some-Name-2.html), so we
# should create a symlink from index.html to the Some-Name.html.
( cd $(OUTDIR) \
&& sgml2html $(OBJ) \
&& ln -snf $(VERBOSE) -- $(notdir $(HTML)) index.html)
# -- what about images and other resources?
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
# more general fragments for Makefile degubbing
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
@printf "%s\n" \
"OBJ = $(OBJ)" \
"PDF = $(PDF)" \
"HTML = $(HTML)" \
"HTMLS = $(HTMLS)" \
"TEXT = $(TEXT)" \
.PHONY: help
@printf "%s\n" \
"There will be help here in the future."
# -- end of file