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2004-09-13 12:45:14 +00:00
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<chapter id="techniques" xreflabel="Techniques">
<?dbhtml filename="techniques.html"?>
In this chapter, we look at various ways to weed out junk mail
during the SMTP transaction from remote hosts. We will also try
to anticipate some of the side effects from deploying these
<section id="smtpdelays" xreflabel="SMTP transaction delays">
<?dbhtml filename="smtpdelays.html"?>
<title>SMTP Transaction Delays</title>
As it turns out, one of the more effective ways of stopping spam
is by imposing transaction delays during an inbound SMTP
dialogue. This is a primitive form of
<emphasis>teergrubing</emphasis>, see: <ulink
Most spam and nearly all e-mail borne virii are delivered
directly to your server by way of specialized SMTP client
software, optimized for sending out large amounts of mail in a
very short time. Such clients are commonly known as
<xref linkend="ratware"/>.
In order to accomplish this task, ratware authors commonly take
a few shortcuts that, ahem, <quote>diverge</quote> a bit
from the RFC 2821 specification. One of the intrinsic traits of
ratware is that it is notoriously impatient, especially with
slow-responding mail servers. They may issue the
<command>HELO</command> or <command>EHLO</command> command
before the server has presented the initial SMTP banner, and/or
try to pipeline several SMTP commands before the server has
advertised the <command>PIPELINING</command> capability.
Certain <xref linkend="mta" />s (such as Exim) automatically
treat such SMTP protocol violations as
<emphasis>synchronization errors</emphasis>, and immediately
drop the incoming connection. If you happen to be using such an
MTA, you may already see a lot of entries to this effect in your
log files. In fact, chances are that if you perform any
time-consuming checks (such as
<xref linkend="dnschecks"/>) prior to presenting the initial
SMTP banner, such errors will occur frequently, as ratware
clients simply do not take the time to wait for your server to
come alive (Things to do, people to spam).
We can help along by imposing additional delays. For instance,
you may decide to wait:
20 seconds before presenting the initial SMTP banner,
20 seconds after the Hello (<command>EHLO</command> or
<command>HELO</command>) greeting,
20 seconds, after the <command>MAIL FROM:</command>
command, and
20 seconds after each <command>RCPT TO:</command> command.
Where did 20 seconds come from, you ask. Why not a minute? Or
several minutes? After all, RFC 2821 mandates that the sending
host (client) should wait up to several minutes for every SMTP
response. The issue is that some receiving hosts, particularly
those that use Exim, may perform <xref linkend="callback"/> in
response to incoming mail delivery attempts. If you or one of
your users send mail to such a host, it will contact the <xref
linkend="mx"/> (MX host) for your domain and start an SMTP
dialogue in order to validate the sender address. The default
timeout of such <xref linkend="callback"/>s is 30 seconds - if
you impose delays this long, the peer's sender callout
verification would fail, and in turn the original mail delivery
from you/your user might be rejected (usually with a temporary
failure, which means the message delivery will be retried for 5
days or so before the mail is finally returned to the sender).
In other words, 20 seconds is about as long as you can stall
before you start interfering with legitimate mail deliveries.
If you do not like imposing such delays on every SMTP
transaction (say, you have a very busy site and are low on
machine resources), you may choose to use
<quote>selective</quote> transaction delays. In this case, you
could impose the delay:
If there is a problem with the peer's DNS information (see
<xref linkend="dnschecks"/>).
After detecting some sign of trouble during the SMTP
transaction (see <xref linkend="smtpchecks"/>).
Only in the highest-numbered MX host in your DNS zone,
i.e. the mail exchanger with the last priority. Often,
<xref linkend="ratware"/> specifically target these hosts,
whereas legitimate MTAs will try the lower-numbered MX hosts
In fact, selective transaction delays may be a good way to
incorporate some less conclusive checks that we will discuss in
the following sections. You probably do not wish to reject the
mail outright based the results from e.g. the SPEWS <link
linkend="dnsbl">blacklist</link>, but on the other hand, it may
provide a strong enough indication of trouble that you can at
least impose transaction delays. After all, legitimate mail
deliveries are not affected, other than being subjected to a
slight delay.
Conversely, if you find conclusive evidence of spamming (e.g. by
way of certain <xref linkend="smtpchecks"/>), and your server
can afford it, you may choose to impose an extended delay,
e.g. 15 minutes or so, before finally rejecting the delivery
Beware that while you are holding up an incoming SMTP
delivery, you are also holding up a TCP socket on your
server, as well as memory and other server resources. If
your server is generally busy, imposing SMTP transaction
delays will make you more vulnerable to Denial-of-Service
attacks. A more <quote>scalable</quote> option may be to
drop the connection once you have conclusive evidence that
the sender is a ratware client.
This is for little or no benefit other than slowing down the
spammer a little bit in their quest to reach as many people as
possible before DNS blacklists and other collaborative network
checks catch up. In other words, pure altruism on your
side. :-)
In my own case, selective transaction delays and the resulting
SMTP synchronization errors account for nearly 50% of rejected
incoming delivery attempts. This roughly translates into saying
that nearly 50% of incoming junk mail is stopped by SMTP
transaction delays alone.
See also <link linkend="qanda-adapt"><emphasis>What happens when
spammers adapt...</emphasis></link>.
<section id="dnschecks" xreflabel="DNS checks">
<?dbhtml filename="dnschecks.html"?>
<title>DNS Checks</title>
Some indication of the integrity of a particular peer can be
gleaned directly from the <xref linkend="dns"/> (DNS), even
before SMTP commands are issued. In particular, various DNS
blacklists can be consulted to find out if a particular IP
address is known to violate or fulfill certain criteria, and a
simple pair of forward/reverse (DNS/rDNS) lookups can be used as
a vague indicator of the host's general integrity.
Moreover, various data items presented during the SMTP dialogue
(such as the name presented in the Hello greeting) can be
subjected to DNS validation, once it becomes available. For a
discussion on these items, see the section on <xref
linkend="smtpchecks"/>, below.
A word of caution, though. DNS checks are not always conclusive
(e.g. a required DNS server may not be responding), and not
always indicative of spam. Moreover, if you have a very busy
site, they can be expensive in terms of processing time per
message. That said, they can provide useful information for
logging purposes, and/or as part of a more holistic integrity
<section id="dnsbl" xreflabel="DNS Blacklists">
<title>DNS Blacklists</title>
DNS blacklists (DNSbl's, formerly called "Real-time Black-hole
Lists" after the original blacklist, "mail-abuse.org") make up
perhaps the most common tool to perform transaction-time spam
blocking. The receiving server performs one or more rDNS
lookups of the peer's IP address within various DNSbl zones,
such as "dnsbl.sorbs.net", "opm.blitzed.org",
"lists.dsbl.org", and so forth. If a matching DNS record is
found, a typical action is to reject the mail delivery.
Similar lists exist for different purposes. For instance,
<quote>bondedsender.org</quote> is a <emphasis>DNS
whitelist</emphasis> (DNSwl), containing
<quote>trusted</quote> IP addresses, whose owners have
posted a financial bond that will be debited in the event
that spam originates from that address. Other lists
contain IP addresses in use by specific countries,
specific ISPs, etc.
If in addition to the DNS address ("A" record) you look up the
"TXT" record of an entry, you will typically receive a
one-line description of the listing, suitable for inclusion in
a SMTP reject response. To try this out, you can use the
"host" command provided on most Linux and UNIX systems:
<screen>host -t txt</screen>
There are currently hundreds of these lists available, each
with different listing criteria, and with different
listing/unlisting policies. Some lists even combine several
listing criteria into the same DNSbl, and issue different data
in response to the rDNS lookup, depending on which criterion
affects the address provided. For instance, a rDNS lookup
against <option>sbl-xbl.spamhaus.org</option> returns for IP addresses that are believed by the SpamHaus
staff to directly belong to spammers and their providers, response for <xref linkend="zombie"/>s, or a response for <xref linkend="openproxy"/> servers.
Unfortunately, many of these lists contain large blocks of IP
addresses that are not directly responsible for the alleged
violations, don't have clear listing / delisting policies,
and/or post misleading information about which addresses are
For instance, the outgoing mail exchangers (<quote>smart
hosts</quote>) of the world's largest Internet Service
Provider (ISP), comcast.net, is as of the time of this
writing included in the SPEWS <emphasis>Level 1</emphasis>
list. Not wholly undeserved from the viewpoint that
Comcast needs to more effectively enforce their own AUP,
but this listing does affect 30% of all US internet users,
mostly <quote>innocent</quote> subscribers such as myself.
To make matters worse, information published in the <ulink
url="http://spews.org/faq.html">SPEWS FAQ</ulink> states:
The majority of the Level 1 list is made up of netblocks
owned by the spammers or spam support operations
themselves, with few or no other legitimate customers
Technically, this information is accurate if (a) you
consider Comcast a <quote>spam support operation</quote>,
and (b) pay attention to the word <quote>other</quote>.
Word parsing aside, this information is clearly misleading.
The blind trust in such lists often cause a large amount of
what is referred to as <xref linkend="coldamage"/> (not to be
confused with <xref linkend="colspam"/>).
For that reason, rather than rejecting mail deliveries
outright based on a single positive response from DNS
blacklists, many administrators prefer to use these lists in a
more nuanced fashion. They may consult several lists, and
assign a "score" to each positive response. If the total
score for a given IP address reaches a given threshold,
deliveries from that address are rejected. This is how DNS
blacklists are used by filtering software such as
SpamAssassin (<xref linkend="spamscanners"/>).
One could also use such lists as one of several triggers for
SMTP transaction delays on incoming connections
(a.k.a. "teergrubing"). If a host is listed in a DNSbl, your
server would delay its response to every SMTP command issued
by the peer for, say, 20 seconds. Several other criteria can
be used as triggers for such delays; see the section on
<xref linkend="smtpdelays"/>.
<section id="rdns" xreflabel="DNS Integrity Check">
<title>DNS Integrity Check</title>
Another way to use DNS is to perform a reverse lookup of the
peer's IP address, then a forward lookup of the resulting
name. If the original IP address is included in the result,
its DNS integrity has been validated. Otherwise, the DNS
information for the connecting host is not valid.
Rejecting mails based on this criterion may be an option if
you are a militant member of the DNS police, setting up an
incoming MX for your own personal domain, and don't mind
rejecting legitimate mail as a way to impress upon the sender
that they need to ask their own system administrator to clean
up their DNS records. For everyone else, the result of a DNS
integrity check should probably only be used as one data point
in a larger set of heuristics. Alternatively, as above, using
SMTP transaction delays for misconfigured hosts may not be a
bad idea.
<section id="smtpchecks" xreflabel="SMTP checks">
<?dbhtml filename="smtpchecks.html"?>
<title>SMTP checks</title>
Once the SMTP dialogue is underway, you can perform various
checks on the commands and arguments presented by the remote
host. For instance, you will want to ensure that the name
presented in the Hello greeting is valid.
However, even if you decide to reject the delivery attempt early
in the SMTP transaction, you may not want to perform the actual
rejection right away. Instead, you may stall the sender with
SMTP transaction delays until after the <command>RCPT
TO:</command>, then reject the mail at that point.
The reason is that some ratware does not understand rejections
early in the SMTP transaction; they keep trying. On the other
hand, most of them give up if the <command>RCPT TO:</command>
Besides, this gives a nice opportunity to do a little
<section id="helocheck" xreflabel="HELO/EHLO check">
<title>Hello (HELO/EHLO) checks</title>
Per RFC 2821, the first SMTP command issued by the client
should be EHLO (or if unsupported, HELO), followed by its
primary, <xref linkend="fqdn"/>. This is known as the Hello
greeting. If no meaningful FQDN is available, the client can
supply its IP address enclosed in square brackets:
"[]". This last form is known as an IPv4 address
"literal" notation.
Quite understandably, <xref linkend="ratware"/> rarely present
their own FQDN in the Hello greeting. Rather, greetings from
ratware usually attempt to conceal the sending host's
identity, and/or to generate confusing and/or misleading
"Received:" trails in the message header. Some examples of
such greetings are:
Unqualified names (i.e. names without a period), such as
the <quote>local part</quote> (username) of the
recipient address.
A plain IP address (i.e. not an IP literal); usually
yours, but can be a random one.
Your domain name, or the FQDN of your server.
Third party domain names, such as
<option>yahoo.com</option> and
Non-existing domain names, or domain names with
non-existing name servers.
No greeting at all.
<section id="helosyntax" xreflabel="HELO/EHLO syntax check">
<title>Simple HELO/EHLO syntax checks</title>
Some of these RFC 2821 violations are both easy to check
against, and clear indications that the sending host is
running some form of <xref linkend="ratware"/>. You can
reject such greetings -- either right away, or e.g. after
the <command>RCPT TO:</command> command.
First, feel free to reject plain IP addresses in the Hello
greeting. Even if you wish to generously allow everything
RFC 2821 mandates, recommends, and suggests, you will note
that IP addresses should always be enclosed in square
brackets when presented in lieu of a name.
Although this check is normally quite effective at
weeding out junk, there are reports of buggy L-Soft
<ulink url="http://www.lsoft.com/products/default.asp?item=listserv">listserv</ulink>
installations that greet with the plain IP address of
the list server.
In particular, you may wish to issue a strongly worded
rejection message to hosts that introduce themselves using
<emphasis>your</emphasis> IP address - or for that matter,
your host name. They are plainly lying. Perhaps you want
to stall the sender with an exceedingly long SMTP
transaction delay in response to such a greeting; say,
For that matter, my own experience indicates that
<emphasis>no</emphasis> legitimate sites on the internet
present themselves to other internet sites using an IP
address literal (the [x.y.z.w] notation) either. Nor should
they; all hosts sending mail directly on the internet should
use their valid <xref linkend="fqdn"/>. The only use of use
of IP literals I have come across is from mail user agents
on my local area network, such as Ximian Evolution,
configured to use my server as outgoing SMTP server
(smarthost). Indeed, I only accept literals from my own
You may or may not also wish to reject unqualified host
names (host names without a period). I find that these are
rarely (but not never - how's that for double negative
negations) legitimate.
Similarly, you can reject host names that contain invalid
characters. For internet domains, only alphanumeric letters
and hyphen are valid characters; a hyphen is not allowed as
the first character. (You may also want to consider the
underscore a valid character, because it is quite common to
see this from misconfigured, but ultimately well-meaning,
Windows clients).
Finally, if you receive a <command>MAIL FROM:</command>
command without first having received a Hello greeting,
well, polite people greet first.
On my servers, I reject greetings that fail any of these
syntax checks. However, the rejection does not actually
take place until after the <command>RCPT TO:</command>
command. In the mean time, I impose a 20 second transaction
delay after each SMTP command (<command>HELO/EHLO</command>,
<command>MAIL FROM:</command>, <command>RCPT TO:</command>).
<section id="heloverify" xreflabel="HELO/EHLO verification via DNS">
<title>Verifying the Hello greeting via DNS</title>
Hosts that make it this far have presented at least a
superficially credible greeting. Now it is time to verify
the provided name via DNS. You can:
Perform a forward lookup of the provided name, and
match the result against the peer's IP address
Perform a reverse lookup of the peer's IP address, and
match it against name provided in the greeting.
If either of these two checks succeeds, the name has been
Your MTA may have a built-in option to perform this check.
For instance, in Exim (see <xref linkend="exim" />),
you want to set "helo_try_verify_hosts = *", and create ACLs
that take action based on the "verify = helo" condition.
This check is a little more expensive in terms of processing
time and network resources than the simple syntax checks.
Moreover, unlike the syntax checks, a mismatch does not
always indicate ratware; several large internet sites, such
as hotmail.com, yahoo.com, and amazon.com, frequently
present unverifiable Hello greetings.
On my servers, I do a DNS validation of the Hello greeting
if I am not already stalling the sender with transaction
delays based on prior checks. Then, if this check fails, I
impose a 20 second delay on every SMTP command from this
point forward. I also prepare a
<quote>X-HELO-Warning:</quote> header that I will later add
to the message(s), and use to increase the <link
linkend="spamassassin">SpamAssassin</link> score for
possible rejection after the message data has been received.
<section id="senderchecks" xreflabel="Sender Address Checks">
<title>Sender Address Checks</title>
After the client has presented the
<command>MAIL FROM:</command> &lt;<parameter>address</parameter>&gt;
command, you can validate the supplied
<xref linkend="envfrom"/> address as follows.
A special case is the NULL envelope sender address
(i.e. <command>MAIL FROM:</command> &lt;&gt;) used in
<xref linkend="dsn"/>s and other automatically generated
responses. This address should always be accepted.
<section id="sendersyntax" xreflabel="Sender Address Syntax Check">
<title>Sender Address Syntax Check</title>
Does the supplied address conform to the format
Is the <parameter>domain</parameter> part a syntactically
valid <xref linkend="fqdn" />?
Often, your MTA performs these checks by default.
<section id="impostor" xreflabel="Impostor Check">
<title>Impostor Check</title>
In the case where you and your users send all your outgoing
mail only through a select few servers, you can reject
messages from other hosts in which the <quote>domain</quote>
of the sender address is your own.
A more general alternative to this check is
<xref linkend="spf"/>.
<section id="sendervalid" xreflabel="Simple Sender Address Validation">
<title>Simple Sender Address Validation</title>
If the address is local, is the <quote>local part</quote>
(the part before the @ sign) a valid mailbox on your
If the address is remote, does the <quote>domain</quote>
(the part after the @ sign) exist?
<section id="callback" xreflabel="Sender Callout Verification">
<title>Sender Callout Verification</title>
This is a mechanism that is offered by some MTAs, such as
Exim and Postfix, to validate the <quote>local part</quote>
of a remote sender address. In Postfix terminology, it is
called <quote>Sender Address Verification</quote>.
Your server contacts the MX for the
<parameter>domain</parameter> provided in the sender
address, attempting to initiate a secondary SMTP transaction
as if delivering mail to this address. It does not actually
send any mail; rather, once the <command>RCPT TO:</command>
command has been either accepted or rejected by the remote
host, your server sends <command>QUIT</command>.
By default, Exim uses an empty envelope sender address for
such callout verifications. The goal is to determine if a
<xref linkend="dsn"/> would be accepted if returned to the
Postfix, on the other hand, defaults to the sender address
for address verification purposes
(<parameter>domain</parameter> is taken from the
<option>$myorigin</option> variable). For this reason, you
may wish to treat this sender address the same way that you
treat the NULL envelope sender (for instance, avoid <xref
linkend="smtpdelays"/> or <xref linkend="greylisting"/>, but
require <xref linkend="signedsender"/>s in recipient
addresses). More on this in the implementation appendices.
You may find that this check alone may not be suitable as a
trigger to reject incoming mail. Occasionally, legitimate
mail, such as a recurring billing statement, is sent out
from automated services with an invalid return address.
Also, an unfortunate side effect of spam is that some users
tend to mangle the return address in their outgoing mails
(though this may affect the <quote>From:</quote> header in
the message itself more often than the <xref
Moreover, this check only verifies that an address is valid,
not that it was authentic as the sender of this particular
message (but see also <xref linkend="signedsender"/>).
Finally, there are reports of sites, such as
<quote>aol.com</quote>, that will unconditionally blacklist
any system from which they discover sender callout requests.
These sites may be frequent victims of <xref
linkend="joejob"/>s, and as a result, receive storms of
sender callout requests. By taking part in these DDoS
(Distributed Denial-of-Servcie) attacks, you are effectively
turning yourself into a pawn in the hands of the spammer.
</section> <!-- Sender Address Checks -->
<section id="rcptchecks" xreflabel="Recipient Address Checks">
<title>Recipient Address Checks</title>
This should be simple, you say. A recipient address is either
valid, in which case the mail is delivered, or invalid, in
which case your MTA takes care of the rejection by default.
Let us have a look, shall we?
<section id="relayprevent" xreflabel="Open Relay Prevention">
<title>Open Relay Prevention</title>
<emphasis>Do not relay mail from remote hosts to remote
addresses!</emphasis> (Unless the sender is authenticated).
This may seem obvious to most of us, but apparently this is
a frequently overlooked consideration. Also, not everyone
may have a full grasp of the various internet standards
related to e-mail addresses and delivery paths (consider
<quote>percent hack domains</quote>, <quote>bang (!)
paths</quote>, etc).
If you are unsure whether your MTA acts as an <xref
2004-09-13 12:45:14 +00:00
linkend="openrelay" />, you can test it via
At a shell prompt on your server, type:
<screen>telnet relay-test.mail-abuse.org</screen>
This is a service that will use various tests to see whether
your SMTP server appears to forward mail to remote e-mail
addresses, and/or any number of address <quote>hacks</quote>
such as the ones mentioned above.
Preventing your servers from acting as open relays is
extremely important. If your server is an open relay, and
spammers find you, you will be listed in numerous DNS
blacklists instantly. If the maintainers of certain other
DNS blacklists find you (by probing, and/or by acting on
complaints), you will be listed in those for an extended
period of time.
<section id="rcptvalid" xreflabel="Recipient Address Lookups">
<title>Recipient Address Lookups</title>
This, too may seem banal to most of us. It is not always so.
If your users' mail accounts and mailboxes are stored
directly on your incoming mail exchanger, you can simply
check that the <quote>local part</quote> of the recipient
address corresponds to a valid mailbox. No problem here.
There are two scenarios where verification of the recipient
address is more cumbersome:
If your machine is a backup MX for the recipient
If your machine forwards all mail for your domain to
another (presumably internal) server.
The alternative to recipient address verification is to
accept all recipient addresses within these respective
domains, which in turn means that you or the destination
server might have to generate a <xref linkend="dsn" /> for
recipient addresses that later turn out to be invalid.
Ultimately, this means that you would be generating
collateral spam.
With that in mind, let us see how we can verify the
recipient in the scenarios listed above.
<section id="callforward" xreflabel="Recipient Callout Verification">
<title>Recipient Callout Verification</title>
This is a mechanism that is offered by some MTAs, such as
Exim and Postfix, to verify the <quote>local part</quote>
of a remote recipient address (see <emphasis><xref
linkend="callback"/></emphasis> for a description of how
this works). In Postfix terminology, this is called
<quote>Recipient Address Verification</quote>.
In this case, server attempts to contact the final
destination host to validate each recipient address before
you, in turn, accept the <command>RCPT TO:</command>
command from your peer.
This solution is simple and elegant. It works with any
MTA that might be running on the final destination host,
and without access to any particular directory service.
Moreover, if that MTA happens to perform a fuzzy match on
the recipient address (this is the case with Lotus Domino
servers), this check will accurately reflect whether the
recipient address is eventually going to be accepted or
not - something which may not be true for the mechanisms
described below.
Be sure to keep the original <xref linkend="envfrom"/>
intact for the recipient callout, or the response from the
destination host may not be accurate. For instance, it
may reject bounces (i.e. mail with no envelope sender) for
system users and aliases, as described in <xref
Among major MTAs, Exim and Postfix support this mechanism.
<section id="ldap" xreflabel="Directory Services">
<title>Directory Services</title>
Another good solution would be a directory service
(e.g. one or more LDAP servers) that can be queried by
your MTA. The most common MTAs all support LDAP, NIS,
and/or various other backends that are commonly used to
provide user account information.
The main sticking point is that unless the final
destination host of the e-mail already uses such a
directory service to map user names to mailboxes, there
may be some work involved in setting this up.
<section id="replicdir" xreflabel="Replicated Mailbox Lists">
<title>Replicated Mailbox Lists</title>
If none of the options above are viable, you could fall
back to a <quote>poor man's directory service</quote>,
where you would periodically copy a current list of
mailboxes from the machine where they are located, to your
MX host(s). Your MTA would then consult this list to
validate <command>RCPT TO:</command> commands in incoming
If the machine(s) that host(s) your mailboxes is/are
running on some flavor of UNIX or Linux, you could write a
script to first generate such a list, perhaps from the
local <quote>/etc/passwd</quote> file, and then copy it to
your MX host(s) using the <quote>scp</quote> command from
the <ulink url="http://www.openssh.org/">OpenSSH</ulink>
suite. You could then set up a <quote>cron</quote> job
(type <command>man cron</command> for details) to
periodically run this script.
</section> <!-- replicdir -->
</section> <!-- rcptvalid -->
<section id="rcptmisses" xreflabel="Dictionary Attach Prevention">
<title>Dictionary Attack Prevention</title>
<emphasis>Dictionary Attack</emphasis> is a term used to
describe SMTP transactions where the sending host keeps
issuing <command>RCPT TO:</command> commands to probe for
possible recipient addresses based on common names (often
alphabetically starting with <quote>aaron</quote>, but
sometimes starting later in the alphabet, and/or at random).
If a particular address is accepted by your server, that
address is added into the spammer's arsenal.
Some sites, particularly larger ones, find that they are
frequent targets of such attacks. From the spammer's
perspective, chances of finding a given username on a
large site is better than on sites with only a few users.
One effective way to combat dictionary attacks is to issue
increasing transaction delays for each failed address. For
instance, the first non-existing recipient address can be
rejected with a 20-second delay, the second address with a
30-second delay, and so on.
<section id="dsnonercpt" xreflabel="Accept only one recipient for DSNs">
<title>Accept only one recipient for DSNs</title>
Legitimate <xref linkend="dsn"/>s should be sent to only one
recipient address - the originator of the original message
that triggered the notification. You can drop the
connection if the <xref linkend="envfrom"/> address is
empty, but there are more than one recipients.
<section id="greylisting" xreflabel="Greylisting">
<?dbhtml filename="greylisting.html"?>
The <emphasis>greylisting</emphasis> concept is presented by
Evan Harris in a whitepaper at:
<ulink url="http://projects.puremagic.com/greylisting/"/>.
<section id="greylisting-theory">
<title>How it works</title>
Like <xref linkend="smtpdelays"/>, greylisting is a simple but
highly effective mechanism to weed out messages that are being
delivered via <xref linkend="ratware"/>. The idea is to
establish whether a prior relationship exists between the
sender and the receiver of a message. For most legitimate
mail it does, and the delivery proceeds normally.
On the other hand, if no prior relationship exists, the
delivery is temporariliy rejected (with a
<command>451</command> SMTP response). Legitimate MTAs will
treat this response accordingly, and retry the delivery in a
little while<footnote id="noretrysenders">
Although rare, some <quote>legitimate</quote> bulk mail
senders, such as <option>groups.yahoo.com</option>, will not
retry temporarily failed deliveries. Evan Harris has
compiled a list of such senders, suitable for whitelisting
<ulink url="http://cvs.puremagic.com/viewcvs/greylisting/schema/whitelist_ip.txt?view=markup"/>.
</footnote>. In contrast, ratware will either make repeated
delivery attempts right away, and/or simply give up and move
on to the next target in its address list.
Three pieces of information from a delivery attempt, referred
to a as a <emphasis>triplet</emphasis> are used to uniquely
identify the relationship between a sender and a receiver:
The <xref linkend="envfrom" />.
The sending host's IP address.
The <xref linkend="envto" />.
If a delivery attempt was temporarily rejected, this triplet
is cached. It remains greylisted for a given amount of time
(nominally 1 hour), after which it is whitelisted, and new
delivery attempts would succeed. If no new delivery attempts
occur prior to a given timeout (nominally 4 hours), then the
triplet expires from the cache.
If a whitelisted triplet has not been seen for an extended
duration (at minimum one month, to account for monthly billing
statements and the like), it is expired. This prevents
unlimited growth of the list.
These timeouts are taken from Evan Harris' original
greylisting whitepaper (or should we say, ahem,
<quote>greypaper</quote>?) Some people have found that a
larger timeout may be needed before greylisted triplets
expire, because certain ISPs (such as
<emphasis>earthlink.net</emphasis>) retry deliveries only
every 6 hours or similar.
Large sites often use multiple servers to handle outgoing
mail. For instance, one server or pool of servers may be
used for immediate delivery. If the first delivery
attempt fails, the mail is handed off to a fallback server
which has been tuned for large queues. Hence, from such
sites, the first two delivery attempts will fail.
<section id="greylisting-multimx">
<title>Greylisting in Multiple Mail Exchangers</title>
If you operate more than one incoming mail exchangers, and
each exchanger maintains its own greylisting cache, then:
First-time deliveries from a given sender to one of your
users may theoretically be delayed up to
<parameter>N</parameter> times the initial 1-hour delay,
where <parameter>N</parameter> is the number of mail
exchangers. This is because the message would likely be
retried at a different server than the one that issued the
<command>451</command> response to the initial delivery.
In the worst case, the sender host may not get around to
retrying the delivery to the first exchanger for 4 hours,
or until after the greylist triplet has expired, thereby
causing the delivery attempt to be rejected over and over
again, until the sender gives up (usually after 4 days or
In practice, this is unlikely. If a delivery attempt
temporarily fails, the sender host normally retries the
delivery immediately, using a different MX. Thus, after
one hour, any of these MX hosts would accept the message.
Even after a triplet has been whitelisted in one of your
MXs, the next message with the same triplet will be
greylisted if it is delivered to a different MX.
For these reasons, you may want to implement a solution where
the database of greylist triplets is shared between your
incoming mail exchangers. However, since the machine that
hosts this database would become a single point of failure,
you would have to take a sensible action if that machine is
down (e.g. accept all deliveries). Or you could use database
replication techniques and have the SMTP server fall back to
one of the replicating servers for lookups.
<section id="greylisting-results">
In my own experience, <emphasis>greylisting</emphasis> gets
rid of about 90% of unique junk mail deliveries,
<emphasis>after</emphasis> most of the <xref
linkend="smtpchecks"/> previously described are applied! If
you used greylisting as a first defense, it would likely catch
an even higher percentage of incoming junk mail.
Conversely, there are virtually zero <xref linkend="falsepos"/>s
resulting from this technique. All major <xref linkend="mta"/>s
perform delivery retries after a temporary failure, in a manner
that will eventually result in a successful delivery.
The downside to greylisting is a legitimate mail from people
who have not e-mailed a particular recipient in the past is
subject to a one-hour delay (or maybe several hours, if you
operate several MX hosts).
See also <link linkend="qanda-adapt"><emphasis>What happens when
spammers adapt...</emphasis></link>.
<section id="senderauth" xreflabel="Sender Authorization Schemes">
<?dbhtml filename="senderauth.html"?>
<title>Sender Authorization Schemes</title>
Various schemes have been developed for sender verification
where not only the validity, but also the authenticity, of
the sender address is checked. The owner of a internet
domain specifies certain criteria that must be fulfilled in
authentic deliveries from senders within that domain.
Two early proposed schemes of this kind were:
<option>MAIL-FROM</option> MX records, conceived by Paul
Vixie <email>paul (at) vix.com</email>
Reverse Mail Exchanger (RMX) records as an addition to DNS
itself, conceived and published by Hadmut Danisch
<email>hadmut (at) danisch.de</email>.
Under both of these schemes, all mails from
<email>user@domain.com</email> had to come from the hosts
specified in <email>domain.com</email>'s DNS zone.
These schemes have evolved. Alas, they have also forked.
<section id="spf" xreflabel="Sender Policy Framework">
<title>Sender Policy Framework (SPF)</title>
<quote>Server Policy Framework</quote> (previously
<quote>Sender Permitted From</quote>) is perhaps the most
well-known scheme for sender authorization. It is loosely
based on the original schemes described above, but allows
for a bit more flexibility in the criteria that can be
posted by the domain holder.
SPF information is published as a <option>TXT</option>
record in a domain's top-level DNS zone. This record can
which hosts are allowed to send mail from that domain
the mandatory presence of a GPG (GNU Privacy Guard)
signature in outgoing mail from the domain
other criteria; see
<ulink url="http://spf.pobox.com/" /> for details.
The structure of the <command>TXT</command> record is still
undergoing development, however basic features to accomplish
the above are in place. It starts with the string
<option>v=spf1</option>, followed by such modifiers as:
<option>a</option> - the IP address of
the domain itself is a valid sender host
<option>mx</option> - the incoming mail exchanger for
that domain is also a valid sender
<option>ptr</option> - if a rDNS lookup of the
sending host's IP address yields a name within the
domain portion of the sender address, it is a valid
Each of these modifiers may be prefixed with a plus sign (+),
minus sign (-), question mark (?), or tilde (~) to indicate
whether it specifies an authorative source, an non-authorative
source, a neutral stance, or a likely non-authorative source,
Each modifier may also be extended with a colon, followed by
an alternate domain name. For instance, if you are a Comcast
subscriber, your own DNS zone may include the string
ptr:comcast.net</option></quote> to indicate that your
outgoing e-mail never comes from a host that resolves to
<parameter>anything</parameter>.client.comcast.net, but could
come from other hosts that resolve to
SPF information is currently published for a number of
high-profile internet domains, such as aol.com,
altavista.com, dyndns.org, earthlink.net, and google.com.
Sender authorization schemes in general and SPF in particular
are not universally accepted. In particular, one objection is
that domain holders may effectively establish a monopoly on
relaying outgoing mail from their users/customers.
Another objection is that SPF breaks traditional e-mail
forwarding - the forwarding host may not have the authority to
do so per the SPF information in the envelope sender domain.
This is partly addressed via <ulink
url="http://spf.pobox.com/srs.html">SRS</ulink>, or
<emphasis>Sender Rewriting Scheme</emphasis>, wherein the
forwarder of the mail will modify the <xref
linkend="envfrom"/> address to the format:
</section> <!-- SPF -->
<section id="ms-cide" xreflabel="Microsoft Caller-ID for E-Mail">
<title>Microsoft Caller-ID for E-Mail</title>
Similar to SPF, in that acceptance criteria are posted
via a TXT record in the sending domain's DNS zone.
However, rather than relying on simple keywords, MS CIDE
information consists of fairly large structures encoded in
XML. The XML schema is published under a license by
While SPF would nominally be used to check the <xref
linkend="envfrom"/> address of an e-mail, MS CIDE is
mainly a tool to validate the RFC 2822 header of the
message itself. Thus, the earliest point at which such a
check could be applied would be after the message data has
been delivered, before issuing the final
<command>250</command> response.
Quite frankly, dead on arrival. Encumbered by patent issues
and sheer complexity.
That said, Recent SPF tools posted on <ulink
url="http://spf.pobox.com/"/> are capable of checking MS
Caller-ID information in addition to SPF.
</section> <!-- Microsoft Caller-ID for E-mail -->
<section id="rmxplus" xreflabel="RMX++">
(part of <emphasis>Simple Caller Authorization Framework -
SCAF</emphasis>). This scheme is developed by Hadmut Danisch,
who also conceived of the original RMX.
RMX++ allows for dynamic authorization by way of HTTP servers.
The domain owner publishes a server location via DNS, and the
receiving host contacts that server in order to obtain an
<emphasis>authorization record</emphasis> to verify the
authenticity of the caller.
This scheme allows the domain owner more fine-grained control
of criteria used to authenticate the sender address, without
having to publicly reveal the structure of their network (as
with SPF information in static TXT records). For instance, an
example from Hadmut is an authorization server that allows no
more than five messages from a given address per day after
business hours, then issues an alert once the limit has been
Moreover, SCAF is not limited to e-mail, but can also be used
to provide caller authentication for other services such as
Voice over IP (VoIP).
One possible downside with RMX++, as noted by Rick Stewart
<email>rick.stewart (at) theinternetco.net</email>, is its
impact on machine and network resources: Replies from HTTP
servers are not as widely cached as information obtained
directly via DNS, and it is signifcantly more expensive to
make an HTTP request than a DNS request.
Further, Rick notes that the dynamic nature of RMX++ makes
faults harder to track. If there is a five-message-per-day
limit, as in the example above, and one message gets checked
five times, then the limit is hit with a single message. It
makes re-checking a message impossible.
For more information on RMX, RMX++, and SCAF, refer to: <ulink
</section> <!-- RMX+ -->
</section> <!-- Sender Address Verification Schemes -->
<section id="datachecks" xreflabel="Message Data Checks">
<?dbhtml filename="datachecks.html"?>
<title>Message data checks</title>
Time has come to look at the content of the message itself.
This is what conventional spam and virus scanners do, as they
normally operate on the message after it has been accepted.
However, in our case, we perform these checks
<emphasis>before</emphasis> issuing the final
<command>250</command> response, so that we have a chance to
reject the mail on the spot rather than later generating <xref
If your incoming mail exchangers are very busy (i.e. large site,
few machines), you may find that performing some or all of these
checks directly in the mail exchanger is too costly. In
particular, running <xref linkend="virusscanners"/> and <xref
linkend="spamscanners"/> do take up a fair amount of CPU
bandwidth and time.
If so, you will want to set up dedicated machines for these
scanning operations. Most server-side anti-spam and anti-virus
software can be invoked over the network, i.e. from your mail
exchanger. More on this in the following chapters, where we
discuss implementation for the various MTAs.
<section id="headerchecks">
<title>Header checks</title>
<section id="headersmissing">
<title>Missing Header Lines</title>
<ulink url="http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2822.txt">RFC
2822</ulink> mandates that a message
<emphasis>should</emphasis> contain at least the following
header lines:
From: ...
To: ...
Subject: ...
Message-ID: ...
Date: ...
The absence of any of these lines means that the message
is not generated by a mainstream <xref linkend="mua"/>, and
that it is probably junk
Some specialized MTAs, such as certain mailing list
servers, do not automatically generate a
<option>Message-ID:</option> header for
<quote>bounced</quote> messages (<xref
linkend="dsn"/>s). These messages are identified by an
empty <xref linkend="envfrom"/>.
<section id="headersyntax">
<title>Header Address Syntax Check</title>
Addresses presented in the message header (i.e. the
<command>To:</command>, <command>Cc:</command>,
<command>From:</command> ... fields) should be syntactically
valid. Enough said.
<section id="headeraddress">
<title>Simple Header Address Validation</title>
For each address in the message header:
If the address is local, is the <emphasis>local
part</emphasis> (before the @ sign) a valid mailbox?
If the address is remote, does the <emphasis>domain
part</emphasis> (after the @ sign) exist?
<section id="headercallout">
<title>Header Address Callout Verification</title>
This works similar to <xref linkend="callback"/> and <xref
linkend="callforward"/>. Each remote header address is
verified by calling the primary MX for the corresponding
domain to determine if a <xref linkend="dsn"/> would be
<section id="jmsr" xreflabel="Junk Mail Signature Repository">
<title>Junk Mail Signature Repositories</title>
One trait of junk mail is that it is sent to a large number of
addresses. If 50 other recipients have already flagged a
particular message as spam, why couldn't you use this fact to
decide whether or not to accept the message when it is
delivered to you? Better yet, why not set up <xref
linkend="spamtrap"/>s that feed a public pool of known spam?
I am glad you asked. As it turns out, such pools do exist:
<ulink url="http://razor.sf.net/">Razor</ulink>
<ulink url="http://pyzor.sf.net/">Pyzor</ulink>
Checksum Clearinghouse (DCC)</ulink>
These tools have progressed beyond simple signature checks
that only trigger if you receive an identical copy of a
message that is known to be junk mail. Rather, they evaluate
common patterns, to account for slight variations in the
message header and body.
<section id="garbagechars">
<title>Binary garbage checks</title>
Messages containing non-printable characters are rare. When
they do show up, the message is nearly always a virus, or in
some cases spam written in a non-western language, without the
appropriate MIME encoding.
One particular case is where the message contains NUL
characters (ordinal zero). Even if you decide that figuring
out what a <emphasis>non-printable</emphasis> character means
is more complex than beneficial, you might consider checking
for this character. That is because some <xref
linkend="mda"/>s, such as the <ulink
url="http://asg.web.cmu.edu/cyrus/">Cyrus Mail Suite</ulink>,
will ultimately reject mails that contain it.
The IMAP protocol does not allow for NUL characters to be
transmitted to the mail user agent, so the Cyrus
developers decided that the easiest way to deal with mails
containing it was to reject them.
If you use such software, you should definitely consider
getting rid of NUL characters.
On the other hand, the (now obsolete) RFC 822 specification
did not explicitly prohibit NUL characters in the message.
For this reason, as an alternative to rejecting mails
containing it, you may choose to strip these characters from
the message before delivering it to Cyrus.
<section id="mimeerrors">
<title>MIME checks</title>
Similarly, it might be worthwhile to validate the MIME
structure of incoming message. MIME decoding errors or
inconsistencies do not happen very often; but when they do,
the message is definitely junk. Moreover, such errors may
indicate potential problems in subsequent checks, such as
<xref linkend="fileext"/>s, <xref linkend="virusscanners"/>,
or <xref linkend="spamscanners"/>.
In other words, if the MIME encoding is illegal, reject the
<section id="fileext" xreflabel="File Attachment Check">
<title>File Attachment Check</title>
When was the last time someone sent you a Windows screensaver
(<quote>.scr</quote> file) or Windows Program Information File
(<quote>.pif</quote>) that you actually wanted?
Consider blocking messages with <quote>Windows
executable</quote> file attachment(s) - i.e. file names that
end with a period followed by any of a number of three-letter
combinations such as the above. This check consumes
significantly less resources on your server than <xref
linkend="virusscanners"/>, and may also catch new virii for
which a signature does not yet exist in your anti-virus
For a more-or-less comprehensive list of such <quote>file name
extensions</quote>, please visit: <ulink
<section id="virusscanners" xreflabel="Virus Scanners">
<title>Virus Scanners</title>
A number of different server-side virus scanners are
available. To name a few:
<ulink url="http://www.kapersky.com/">KAVDaemon</ulink>
<ulink url="http://clamav.elektrapro.com/">ClamAV</ulink>
<ulink url="http://www.sald.com/">DrWeb</ulink>
In situations where you are not willing to block all
potentially dangerous files based on their file names alone
(consider <quote>.zip</quote> files), such scanners are
helpful. Also, they will be able to catch virii that are
not transmitted as file attachments, such as the
<quote>Bagle.R</quote> virus that arrived in March, 2004.
In most cases, the machine performing the virus scan does not
need to be your mail exchanger. Most of these anti-virus
scanners can be invoked on a different host over a network
Anti-virus software mainly detect virii based on a set of
signatures for known virii, or <emphasis>virus
definitions</emphasis>. These need to be updated regularly,
as new virii are developed. Also, the software itself
should at any time be up to date for maximum accuracy.
<section id="spamscanners" xreflabel="Spam Scanners">
<title>Spam Scanners</title>
Similarly, anti-spam software can be used to classify messages
based on a large set of heuristics, including their content,
standards compliance, and various network checks such as <xref
linkend="dnsbl"/> and <xref linkend="jmsr"/>. In the end,
such software typically assigns a composite
<quote>score</quote> to each message, indicating the
likelihood that the message is spam, and if the score is above
a certain threshold, would classify it as such.
Two of the most popular server-side heuristic anti-spam
filters are:
<listitem id="spamassassin">
<ulink url="http://www.spamassassin.org/">SpamAssassin</ulink>
<listitem id="brightmail">
<ulink url="http://www.brightmail.com/">BrightMail</ulink>
These tools undergo a constant evolution as spammers find ways
to circumvent their various checks. For instance, consider
<quote>creative</quote> spelling, such as <quote>GR0W lO
1NCH35</quote>. So, just like anti-virus software, if you use
anti-spam software, you should update it frequently for the
highest level of accuracy.
I use SpamAssassin, although to minimize impact on machine
resources, it is no longer my first line of defense. Out of
approximately 500 junk mail delivery attempts to my personal
address per day, about 50 reach the point where they are being
checked by SpamAssassin (mainly because they are forwarded
from one of my other accounts, so the checks described above
are not effective). Out of these 50 messages, one message
ends up in my inbox approximately every 2 or 3 days.
<section id="collateral" xreflabel="Blocking Collateral Spam">
<?dbhtml filename="collateral.html"?>
<title>Blocking Collateral Spam</title>
<xref linkend="colspam"/> is more difficult to block with the
techniques described so far, because it normally arrives from
legitimate sites using standard mail transport software (such as
Sendmail, Postfix, or Exim). The challenge is to distinguish
these messages from valid <xref linkend="dsn"/>s returned in
response to mail sent from your own users. Here are some
ways that people do this:
<section id="bogusviruswarning" xreflabel="Bogus Virus Warning Filter">
<title>Bogus Virus Warning Filter</title>
Most of the time, collateral spam is virus warnings generated
by anti-virus scanners<footnote><para>Why on earth the authors
of anti-virus software are stupid enough to trust the sender
address in an e-mail containing a virus is perhaps a topic for
a closer psychoanalytic study.</para></footnote>. In turn,
the wording in the <option>Subject:</option> line of these
virus warnings, and/or other characteristics, is usually
provided by the anti-virus software itself. As such, you
could create a list of the more common characteristics, and
filter out such bogus virus warnings.
Well, aren't you in luck - someone already did this for
you. :-)
Tim Jackson <email>tim (at) timj.co.uk</email> maintains a
list of bogus virus warnings for use with <link
linkend="spamassassin">SpamAssassin</link>. This list is
available at:
<ulink url="http://www.timj.co.uk/linux/bogus-virus-warnings.cf"/>.
<section id="addspf" xreflabel="Publish SPF info for your domain">
<title>Publish SPF info for your domain</title>
The purpose of the <xref linkend="spf"/> is precisely to
protect against <xref linkend="joejob"/>s; i.e. to prevent
forgeries of valid e-mail addresses.
If you publish SPF records in the DNS zone for your domain,
then recipient hosts that incorporate SPF checks would not
have accepted the forged message in the first place. As such,
they would not be sending a <xref linkend="dsn"/> to your
<section id="signedsender" xreflabel="Envelope Sender Signature">
<title>Enveloper Sender Signature</title>
A different approach that I am currently experimenting with
myself is to add a signature in the local part of the <xref
linkend="envfrom"/> address in outgoing mail, then check for
this signature in the <xref linkend="envto"/> address before
accepting incoming <xref linkend="dsn"/>s. For instance, the
generated sender address might be of the following format:
Normal message replies are unaffected. These replies go to
the address in the <option>From:</option> or
<option>Reply-To:</option> field of the message, which are
left intact.
Sounds easy, doesn't it? Unfortunately, generating a
signature that is suitable for this purpose is a bit more
complex than it sounds. There are a couple of conflicting
considerations to take into account:
To gain any benefit from this method, the signed envelope
sender address that you generate should be useless in the
hands of spammers. Typically, this would imply that the
signature incorporates a time stamp that would eventually
If you send mail to a site that incorporates <xref
linkend="greylisting"/>, your envelope sender address
should remain constant for that particular recipient.
Otherwise, your mail will continuously be greylisted.
With this in mind, you could generate a <xref
linkend="envfrom"/> based on the <xref linkend="envto"/>
Although this address does not expire, if you start seeing
junk mail to it, you will at least know the source of the
leak - it is incorported in the recipient address.
Moreover, you can easily block specific recipient address
signatures, without affecting normal mail delivery to that
same recipient.
Two more issues occur with mailing list servers. Usually,
replies to request mails (such as
<quote>subscribe</quote>/<quote>unsubscribe</quote>) are
sent with no envelope sender.
The first issue pertains to servers that send
responses back to the <xref linkend="envfrom"/>
address of the request mail (as in the case of
<email>discuss@en.tldp.org</email>). The problem is
that commands for the mailing list server (such as
<command>subscribe</command> or
<command>unsubscribe</command>) are typically sent to
one or more different addresses
(e.g. <email>discuss-subscribe@en.tldp.org</email> and
respectively) than the address used for list mail.
Hence, the subscriber address will be different from
the sender address in messages sent to the list itself
-- and in this example, also different from the
address that will be generated for unsubscription
requests. As a result, you may not be able to post to
the list, or unsubscribe.
The compromise would be to incorporate only the
recipient <emphasis>domain</emphasis> in the sender
signature. The sender address might then look like:
The second issue pertains to those that send responses
back to the reply address in the message header of the
request mail (such as
Since this address is not signed, the response from
the list server would be blocked by your server.
There is not much you can do about this, other than to
<quote>whitelist</quote> these particular servers in
such a way that they are allowed to return mail to
unsigned recipient addresses.
At this point, this approach starts losing some of its edge.
Moreover, even legitimate DSNs are rejected unless the
original mail has been sent via your server. Thus, you should
only consider doing this if for those of your users that do
not roam, or otherwise send their outgoing mail via servers
outside your control.
That said, in situations where none of the above concerns
apply to you, this method gives you a good way to not only
eliminate collateral spam, but also a way to educate the
owners of the sites that (presumably unwittingly) generate it.
Moreover, as a side benefit, sites that perform <xref
linkend="callback"/> will only get a positive response from
you if the original mail was, indeed, sent from your site. In
essence, you are reducing your exposure to sender address
forgeries by spammers.
You could perhaps allow your users to specify whether to sign
outgoing mails, and if so, specify which hosts should be
allowed to return mails to the unsigned version of their
address. For instance, if they have system accounts on your
mail server, you could check for the existence and content,
respectively, of a given file in their home directory.
<section id="dsnrealuser"
xreflabel="Accept Bounces Only for Real Users">
<title>Accept Bounces Only for Real Users</title>
Even if you check for envelope sender signatures, there may be
a loophole that allows bogus bounces to be accepted.
Specifically, if your users have to opt in to the scheme, you
are probably not checking for this signature in mails sent to
system aliases, such as <option>postmaster</option> or
<option>mailer-daemon</option>. Moreover, since these users
do not generate outgoing mail, they should not receive any
You can reject mail if it is sent to such system aliases, or
alternatively, if there is no mailbox for the provided
recipient address.