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Bash Scripting Introduction HOWTO
Maintainers: Francis Litterio <franl@world.std.com>,
Rohit Patil <rvpatil@gmail.com>
<title>Bash Scripting Introduction HOWTO</title>
<!-- Copyright (c) 2004 Francis P. Litterio, Jr. -->
<holder>Francis P. Litterio, Jr.</holder>
Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document
under the terms of the <ulink url="&gfdlurl;">GNU Free Documentation
License</ulink>, Version 1.1 or any later version published by the Free
Software Foundation A copy of the license is included in the section
entitled "GNU Free Documentation License" (<xref
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First release in Docbook format. Based on an earlier version in Linuxdoc
format by Mike G.
This HOWTO helps you write basic Bash shell scripts. This HOWTO assumes
that you know nothing about shell scripting, but it assumes you
have used Bash or the Bourne shell interactively. You do not have to be a
programmer to benefit from this HOWTO. This is not an advanced shell scripting
HOWTO. If you want to read an advanced document on this topic, see
<emphasis>The Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide</emphasis> at the &ldp;
(<ulink url="&ldpurl;">&ldpurl;</ulink>).
<sect1 id="sect-intro">
<sect2 id="sect-finding-this-howto">
<title>Where to Find This HOWTO</title>
You can always find the latest version of this HOWTO at the <ulink
url="&ldpurl;">Linux Documentation Project</ulink> at this location:
<para><ulink url="&thisurl;">&thisurl;</ulink>.</para>
<sect2 id="sect-overview">
The Bourne Again Shell (Bash) is the primary shell of the GNU system. It
is compatible with the Bourne shell, which is one of the oldest UNIX
shells, but it has many enhancements that make it superior to the Bourne
shell. A Bash <firstterm>script</firstterm> is a human-readable file
containing commands that are executed by Bash. This HOWTO is an
introduction to writing Bash scripts.
This HOWTO is written for anyone who wants to begin writing Bash scripts
but who has no prior scripting experience. You do not have to be a
programmer to benefit from this HOWTO, but you need to have some
experience using Linux (or any UNIX system) from an interactive shell,
preferably Bash or the Bourne shell. If you are a C shell user who has
never used a Bourne-like shell, some of the Bash commands may appear
strange, but this HOWTO should still be valuable to you.
<sect2 id="sect-disclaimer">
No liability for the contents of this document can be accepted. Use the
concepts, examples and information at your own risk. There may be
errors and inaccuracies in this document that could lead to damage to
your system. Proceed with caution, and although damage to your system
is highly unlikely, the author(s) do not take any responsibility for
damage or loss caused by errors in this document. All copyrights are
held by their by their respective owners, unless specifically noted
otherwise. Use of a term in this document should not be regarded as
affecting the validity of any trademark or service mark. Naming of
particular products or brands should not be seen as endorsements.
<sect2 id="sect-credits">
<title>Credits and Contributors</title>
This document is based on an earlier version written by Mike G. The
following people contributed to this document in one form or another:
<!-- Please scramble addresses; help prevent spam/email harvesting -->
<itemizedlist spacing="compact">
<listitem>Nathan Hurst</listitem>
<listitem>Jon Abbott</listitem>
<listitem>Felix Hudson</listitem>
<listitem>Kees van den Broek</listitem>
<listitem>Andreas Beck</listitem>
<sect2 id="sect-feedback">
Feedback is welcome. Send your comments to the author.
<sect2 id="sect-translations">
There are currently no translations of this document into other
languages. If you would like to provide one, please contact the
<ulink url="http://tldp.org/">French Translation</ulink> provided by
INDIVIDUAL <email>someone (at) somewhere.fr</email>.
<ulink url="http://tlpd.org/">German Translation</ulink>
provided by INDIVIDUAL <email>someone (at) somewhere.de</email>.
<sect1 id="sect-getting-started">
<title>Getting Started</title>
<sect2 id="sect-what-you-should-know">
<title>What You Should Already Know</title>
This HOWTO assumes you know the following things about using Bash
You understand the purpose of the Bash startup files
<filename>.bash_profile</filename> and <filename>.bashrc</filename>
in your home directory, even if you have not editted them yourself.
You understand the purpose of the environment variables
<envar>HOME</envar> and <envar>PATH</envar>.
You understand the purpose of basic shell metacharacters, such as
"<computeroutput>?</computeroutput>", and
You understand how to run commands in the background by appending a
"<computeroutput>&amp;</computeroutput>" to the end of a command.
<sect2 id="sect-what-is-bash">
<title>What and Where is Bash?</title>
Bash is a <firstterm>shell</firstterm>, which is a program that reads
commands and executes them. Sometimes, the commands that Bash reads
come directly from the keyboard as you type them. When this happens, we
say that Bash is an <firstterm>interactive</firstterm> shell. If you've
ever logged into a UNIX system, then you've used an interactive shell.
Bash is the default interactive shell of the GNU/Linux system (and you
might also find it installed on commercial UNIX systems). Sometimes,
the commands that Bash reads come from a file called a <firstterm>shell
script</firstterm>. When this happens, we say that Bash is a
<firstterm>non-interactive</firstterm> shell. In this case, Bash reads
each line of the script file from top to bottom, executing each command
as if it had been typed on the keyboard.
Where is the Bash shell? On GNU/Linux systems, you'll always find
Bash in <filename>/bin/bash</filename>. On commerical UNIX systems, such
as Solaris or HP-UX, you might find it in the same place, or it might be
in <filename>/usr/local/bin/bash</filename>. You rarely need to run Bash
directly, but you need to know where Bash is located on your system so
that you can write the very first line of your Bash scripts correctly.
Often, you can find where Bash is located on a UNIX system by typing
bash</command></computeroutput>" or
bash</command></computeroutput>" to your interactive shell. If
that doesn't work, try this
<computeroutput><command>find</command></computeroutput> command:
<computeroutput>find / -type f -name bash 2&gt;/dev/null</computeroutput>
If that doesn't work, ask your system administrator or local guru for
help. It's possible that you do not have Bash installed on your system.
If this is the case, you'll have to download the source code for Bash,
build it, and install it. If you've never done those things, ask your
system administrator or local guru for help. It's not hard to do.
<sect2 id="sect-simple-scripts">
<title>Writing a Simple Bash Script</title>
Let's start with a simple Bash script and work up to more complex ones
later. Just about the simplest program you can write in any programming
language is a <emphasis>Hello World</emphasis> program, which is a
program that simply outputs the text "Hello world". <xref
linkend="ex-hello-script"/> shows a Bash script to do that.
<example id="ex-hello-script">
<title>A Simple <emphasis>Hello World</emphasis> Script</title>
echo Hello world
<xref linkend="ex-hello-script"/> shows a very simple two-line Bash script.
Create this script by typing those two lines into a file using your
favorite text editor. The name of the file can be anything you choose,
but you should <emphasis>not</emphasis> name the file
<filename>test</filename>, because there is a built-in
<computeroutput><command>test</command></computeroutput> command in almost
every shell, and it's too easy to accidentally run the built-in
<computeroutput><command>test</command></computeroutput> command instead
of your own script. I suggest that you name this script
Be careful to type the script exactly as you see it in <xref
linkend="ex-hello-script"/>. If you misspell a word or mistype the
first line, the script may not work. One common mistake is to put a
space somewhere on the first line. There should be no spaces anywhere
on the first line. Another common mistake is to put one or more blank
lines above the line containing
"<computeroutput>#!/bin/bash</computeroutput>". That line
<emphasis>must</emphasis> be the very first line of the script.
<sect2 id="sect-running-hello">
<title>Running the <emphasis>Hello World</emphasis> Script</title>
Once you've created your <emphasis>Hello World</emphasis> script, you can
execute it in a variety of ways. Let's assume that you named the script
<filename>hello</filename>, and it exists in your current working
directory. <xref linkend="ex-running-hello"/> shows how to execute the
script. In this example, the interactive shell's prompt is shown as
"<computeroutput>bash$</computeroutput>". Your shell's prompt might look
different, but that's OK.
<example id="ex-running-hello">
<title>How to Run a Bash Script</title>
bash$ <command>bash hello</command>
Hello world
When you type "<computeroutput>bash hello</computeroutput>" as shown in
<xref linkend="ex-running-hello"/>, if you get an error message that says
"<computeroutput>command not found</computeroutput>" (or something
similar) then either you don't have Bash installed on your system or it is
installed in a directory that is not listed in the value of your
<envar>PATH</envar> environment variable. If you get an error message
that says "<computeroutput>No such file or directory</computeroutput>",
then your current working directory is probably not the one containing the
script you just created.
The command "<computeroutput><command>bash
hello</command></computeroutput>" starts a non-interactive Bash shell and
passes it one argument: the name of the file containing the script to
execute. While the script is running, there are actually
<emphasis>two</emphasis> shells running! One is the interactive Bash
shell which displays the "<computeroutput>bash$</computeroutput>" prompt
and executes the command "<computeroutput><command>bash
hello</command></computeroutput>". The other is the non-interactive Bash
shell that you manually started to execute the script. The interactive
shell isn't doing anything while the script is running &mdash; it's merely
waiting for the non-interactive shell to terminate. In <xref
linkend="ex-running-hello"/>, the interactive shell is Bash, but you don't
have to use Bash as your interactive shell to run a Bash script. The
command shown in <xref linkend="ex-running-hello"/> will work no matter
which interactive shell you use.
It's a bit of a hassle to run Bash scripts this way. It would be
simpler if you could just type the name of your script without the
leading "<computeroutput>bash</computeroutput>" to make the operating
system automatically start a new Bash shell to execute your script.
That way, the script can be run just like any other program. To allow
your script to be run without having to type the leading
"<computeroutput>bash</computeroutput>", you must do two things:
Change the permissions on the script to allow you to execute it.
This can be done with the command
You don't have to grant execute permission just to yourself. The
allows everyone to execute your script. See the man page for the
<computeroutput><command>chmod</command></computeroutput> command
for more information.
<listitem id="item-dir-path">
Make sure that the directory containing the script is one of the
directories listed in the value of your <envar>PATH</envar>
environment variable.
A good way to satisfy the requirement in item #<xref
linkend="item-dir-path"/> above is to do this:
Create a directory named "<filename>bin</filename>" under your home
directory. You can do this with the command
"<computeroutput><command>mkdir $HOME/bin</command></computeroutput>".
Move the script to that directory. You can do this with the command
"<computeroutput><command>mv hello $HOME/bin</command></computeroutput>".
List the full pathname of that directory in the value of your
<envar>PATH</envar> environment variable (We cover variables in more
detail in <xref linkend="sect-variables"/>). You can do this by
putting the following line into your interactive Bash startup script
(which is the file <filename>.bashrc</filename> in your home
Terminate your shell, and start a new one. You have to do this
because the changes to your <filename>.bashrc</filename> file only
take effect in shells started after you save the changes.
Lastly, if you don't want to permanently alter your <envar>PATH</envar>
environment variable (as shown above), you can run a Bash script in your
current working directory by typing
"<computeroutput><command>./scriptname</command></computeroutput>". If
you want to run your scripts in this fashion, you still have to make the
script executable using the
<computeroutput><command>chmod</command></computeroutput> command shown
above. <xref linkend="ex-running-hello2"/> shows how you can run your
<filename>hello</filename> script if you have made the script
<example id="ex-running-hello2">
<title>Other Ways to Run a Bash Script</title>
bash$ <command>chmod u+x hello</command>
bash$ <command>./hello</command>
Hello world
bash$ <command>mkdir $HOME/bin</command>
bash$ <command>mv hello $HOME/bin</command>
bash$ <command>PATH="$HOME/bin:$PATH"</command>
bash$ <command>hello</command>
Hello world
<xref linkend="ex-running-hello2"/> shows both the
"<computeroutput><command>./hello</command></computeroutput>" form of the
command and the
"<computeroutput><command>hello</command></computeroutput>" form of the
command. The latter only works if <filename>hello</filename> is located
in a directory that is listed in the value of your <envar>PATH</envar>
environment variable. In the above example, the value of
<envar>PATH</envar> is changed interactively so that it contains the
pathname of the <filename>bin</filename> directory under your home
directory, but to make that change permanent, you should edit your
<filename>.bashrc</filename> as described above and restart your shell.
<sect2 id="sect-understanding-hello">
<title>Understanding the <emphasis>Hello World</emphasis> Script</title>
Let's understand how the script shown in <xref linkend="ex-hello-script"/>
works. It's just two lines long, but both lines are significant. Neither
line can be left out. The first line
(<computeroutput>#!/bin/bash</computeroutput>) tells the operating system
which shell to spawn to execute this script. Unlike programs written in
compiled languages, such as C, Pascal, or C++, a Bash script is
<firstterm>interpreted</firstterm>, which means that some other program
(the <firstterm>interpreter</firstterm>) must read the script and execute
the commands in the script. Bash is the interpreter for a Bash script. A
good analogy is to think of a chef cooking a meal by reading a recipe. In
this case, your script is the recipe, and Bash is the chef.
The first line of your script must specify the full pathname of the Bash
shell immediately after the characters
"<computeroutput>#!</computeroutput>". If your Bash shell is installed
somewhere other than <filename>/bin/bash</filename>, then you must know
where it is installed and write the first line of your script accordingly.
If you are using Linux, then Bash is always installed in
<filename>/bin/bash</filename>. The first line in a shell script is
sometimes called the <firstterm>shebang</firstterm> line. This term is
derived from the use of the word "bang" to refer to an exclaimation mark
and the fact that the first line of a shell script names a shell.
The second line of the script in <xref linkend="ex-hello-script"/> is an
<computeroutput><command>echo</command></computeroutput> command. You
typically use this command in an interactive shell to view the value of
variables (we'll cover variables in <xref linkend="sect-variables"/>). In
a Bash script, the
<computeroutput><command>echo</command></computeroutput> command is the
general purpose mechanism for producing output. It simply outputs its
arguments to the terminal on which the script is running. A single space
is output betwen each argument, and a newline character is appended.
In general, Bash executes the commands in a script from top to bottom,
executing each command as if it had been typed into an interactive shell.
You can put any command in a Bash script that you would normally type
to an interactive shell, and it will work the same way (see <xref
linkend="sect-interactive-vs-noninteractive"/> for a short list of
exceptions to this rule). But what about that
<emphasis>shebang</emphasis> line
(<computeroutput>#!/bin/bash</computeroutput>)? What happens when Bash
reads and executes that line?
The answer is: nothing. The text between a
"<computeroutput>#</computeroutput>" character and the end of the same
line is a <firstterm>comment</firstterm>. A comment is completely ignored
by Bash. You should use comments to make your script more readable
by including information that helps the reader understand your script.
We cover comments in more detail in <xref linkend="sect-comments"/>.
Since the "<computeroutput>#!/bin/bash</computeroutput>" line is ignored
by Bash, why can't you leave it out? Although it is ignored by Bash, it
is not ignored by the operating system, which uses the first line of the
script to determine which shell to spawn to interpret the script. Thus,
the first line of the Bash script shown in <xref
linkend="ex-hello-script"/> cannot be omitted, even though it is
ignored by Bash.
After Bash has executed the command on the last line of the script, Bash
terminates, thus terminating your script. Later, we'll see how you can
control when and how your script terminates.
<sect2 id="sect-interactive-vs-noninteractive">
<title>Interactive vs. Non-Interactive Shells</title>
Before we move on to a more advanced Bash script, we should cover the few
situations where the commands that you type into a Bash script work
differently than the same commands typed into an interactive Bash shell.
This is not a long list, but it is important to remember the
following differences.
If you have aliases defined in your personal
<filename>.bashrc</filename> startup file, you cannot use those
aliases in a Bash script. This is a good thing. Imagine that you
could use your own personal aliases within a script. If you give that
script to someone else, then it will malfunction, because the other
user doesn't necessarily have the same aliases defined as you. That
is why aliases are ignored by Bash when it executes a script. Aliases
only work in interactive shells.
In a Bash script, job control commands are not available.
Specifically, after launching a background job by appending
"<computeroutput>&amp;</computeroutput>" to a command, you cannot use
the <computeroutput><command>bg</command></computeroutput>,
<computeroutput><command>fg</command></computeroutput>, and
<computeroutput><command>jobs</command></computeroutput> commands to
examine and manipulate the background job. You also cannot use the
"<computeroutput><command>kill %JOBID</command></computeroutput>" form
of the <computeroutput><command>kill</command></computeroutput>
command to kill background jobs. This is not a great loss, since the
job control commands were designed for interactive use, and they don't
make much sense in a script.
In a Bash script, if the
<computeroutput><command>exec</command></computeroutput> command fails
for any reason, Bash immediately terminates. This doesn't happen in
an interactive shell so that you can try the
<computeroutput><command>exec</command></computeroutput> command
In a Bash script, you cannot use the history expansion character
("<computeroutput>!</computeroutput>") to execute previously executed
commands. In fact, all command history functionality is disabled in a
script (e.g., the
<computeroutput><command>history</command></computeroutput> command is
<sect2 id="sect-comments">
A comment is any text following a "<computeroutput>#</computeroutput>"
character on the same line, but the "<computeroutput>#</computeroutput>"
character must be the first character in a word. Comments are ignored by
Bash, but they help the person who reads the script to understand it.
<xref linkend="ex-comments"/> shows a script containing some comments.
This is also the first script we've seen that contains blank lines. Bash
ignores blank lines, so you can use them to make your script more
<example id="ex-comments">
<title>Using Comments</title>
# This script is an example of using comments.
echo Hello world # This comment shares a line with a command!
# The next line does _not_ contain a comment!
echo Hello#world
# This is also a comment. The "#" doesn't have to be
# in the leftmost column. Compare the next echo
# command with the previous echo command. One little
# space can make a big difference!
echo Hello #world
The first line in the script shown in <xref linkend="ex-comments"/> is the
classic shebang line, described in <xref
linkend="sect-understanding-hello"/>. The comments should be fairly easy
to see. The line that reads
"<computeroutput>echo Hello#world</computeroutput>" contains a
"<computeroutput>#</computeroutput>" character, but there is
<emphasis>no</emphasis> comment on that line, because the
"<computeroutput>#</computeroutput>" does not occur at the beginning of a
word. The line that reads
"<computeroutput>echo Hello #world</computeroutput>" contains a
comment, because the "<computeroutput>#</computeroutput>" character occurs
at the beginning of a word. As you can see from the output of this
script, that line outputs only the text
"<computeroutput>Hello</computeroutput>". When the above script executes,
it produces this output:
Hello world
Some people think that writing comments in a script is a waste of time.
Professional software engineers know this is not true. Software is hard
to understand if you are not the author. Even if you are the author, it
can be hard to understand long afterwards, when it isn't fresh in your
mind. 20% to 50% of the lines in your scripts should be comments.
<sect1 id="sect-quotes">
<title>Using Quotes</title>
It is virtually impossible to write a Bash script without using quotes of
one form or another. In a Bash script, the quote characters are:
<computeroutput>"</computeroutput> (double quote)
<computeroutput>'</computeroutput> (single quote)
<computeroutput>`</computeroutput> (backquote)
<computeroutput>\</computeroutput> (backslash)
Let's look at each one in turn.
<sect2 id="sect-double-quote">
<title>Double Quotes</title>
The double quote (<computeroutput>"</computeroutput>) character is the
simplest of the quoting characters. It is most commonly used to group
space-separated words together so that Bash treats them as if they were
one word. For instance, if you need to refer to a file that has spaces in
its name, you can use double quotes, as follows:
cat "meeting agenda.txt"
In the above command, the
<computeroutput><command>cat</command></computeroutput> program will be
passed a single filename, <computeroutput>meeting
agenda.txt</computeroutput>. Had the double quotes been omitted, the
<computeroutput><command>cat</command></computeroutput> command would have
been passed two filenames, <filename>meeting</filename> and
<filename>agenda.txt</filename>. It's important to understand that the
<computeroutput><command>cat</command></computeroutput> program receives
this single argument:
<computeroutput>meeting agenda.txt</computeroutput>
Notice that there are no double quotes in the argument that
<computeroutput><command>cat</command></computeroutput> receives, but
there are double quotes in the command. Quote characters are
<firstterm>metacharacters</firstterm>, which means they are removed by
Bash before the command is executed. Even though metacharacters are
removed, they are not ignored by Bash. In the above
<computeroutput><command>cat</command></computeroutput> command, the
double quotes change how Bash passes the arguments to the program, even
though the <computeroutput><command>cat</command></computeroutput> program
never sees the double quotes!
Double quotes (and their cousins, single quotes and backquotes) must occur
in pairs within a command. Unfortunately, if you accidentally use an odd
number of double quotes in a command, Bash will not report an error. This
happens because you can use double quotes to group words that span a
newline character. Try this command in your interactive shell:
echo "This output occupies
two lines"
When you press the <keysym>ENTER</keysym> key after typing the first line
of that command, your interactive shell doesn't execute the command.
Instead, it notices that you have not typed a closing double quote, and
prompts you to continue entering the command. Only when a complete
command &mdash; with a balanced set of double quotes &mdash; has been
entered, will pressing the <keysym>ENTER</keysym> key execute the command.
You can write the above command in a shell script too, and it will behave
the same way.
When writing a script, one common mistake is to leave out a closing quote.
As a result, you end up quoting the remainder of the script --
perhaps dozens or hundreds of lines of code! Bash detects the error only
when it reaches the end of the script and fails to find the matching
quote. The error message will look like this:
scriptname: line 3: unexpected EOF while looking for matching `"'
The line number indicates the line on which the opening quote appears, so
you won't have much trouble locating your mistake.
Double quotes are also used to prevent Bash from giving special meaning to
certain metacharacters. If you want your script to output an asterisk,
you might attempt to do it with this command:
echo *
But the above command outputs the names of all files and directories in
the script's current working directory, which is not what you intended.
This happens because the asterisk is a Bash wildcard metacharacter, and
Bash replaces each word containing an asterisk with a list of matching file
and directory names before executing the command. You want Bash to treat
the asterisk as if it were just an ordinary character &mdash; not a
metacharacter. To do this, you use double quotes to
<firstterm>escape</firstterm> (or <firstterm>quote</firstterm>) the
asterisk as follows:
echo "*"
From now on, we'll use the more technical term
<firstterm>escape</firstterm> instead of <firstterm>quote</firstterm> to
mean using one metacharacter to remove the special meaning of another
metacharacter. Let's be clear exactly which metacharacters double quotes
escape. Double quotes escape the following Bash metacharacters.
Wildcard characters: <computeroutput>*</computeroutput>,
The home directory character: <computeroutput>~</computeroutput>
Single quotes: <computeroutput>'</computeroutput>...<computeroutput>'</computeroutput>
The background job creation character: <computeroutput>&amp;</computeroutput>
I/O Redirection characters: <computeroutput>&gt;</computeroutput>,
<computeroutput>&gt;&amp;</computeroutput>, and
From this list, you can see that the double quote metacharacter does not
escape itself. What if you want to output some text surrounded by double
quotes from a Bash script? In other words, how would you write a script so
that the output of the script includes double quote characters? A command
of this form doesn't work:
echo Now type "start-backup".
Try the above command in an interactive Bash shell. The double quotes do
not appear, because Bash removes them before executing the
<computeroutput><command>echo</command></computeroutput> command.
Instead, you must escape the double quotes. That is, you must make Bash
treat the double quote characters as if they are ordinary characters and
not metacharacters. You cannot use double quotes to escape the double
quotes, like this:
echo Now type ""start-backup"".
The double quotes in the above command are paired with each other in the
order they appear. The two pairs of double quotes each quote an empty
string. They are removed by Bash before the
<computeroutput><command>echo</command></computeroutput> command executes.
Instead, we need a different quote metacharacter. We need to use single
<sect2 id="sect-single-quotes">
<title>Single Quotes</title>
Single quotes are similar to double quotes, but they have a greater power
to escape other metacharacters. Other than that one difference, single
quotes are used just like double quotes. An advantage to having two
different quote characters is that you can use one kind of quote character
to escape the other, as <xref linkend="ex-mixing-quotes"/> shows.
<example id="ex-mixing-quotes">
<title>Mixing Single and Double Quotes</title>
# This script shows how you can mix single and double
# quotes, using one kind to escape the other kind.
echo "'This text is surrounded by single quotes.'"
echo '"This text is surrounded by double quotes."'
echo "Welcome to Frodo's Place."
The output of the above script is:
'This text is surrounded by single quotes.'
"This text is surrounded by double quotes."
Welcome to Frodo's Place.
The above example shows that you need two different quote characters so
that they can be used to quote each other, but there's another important
difference between double and single quotes. Single quotes escape more
metacharacters than double quotes do. In fact, single quotes escape
absolutely every metacharacter, except themselves. <xref
linkend="ex-quote-differences"/> shows how double quotes and single quotes
escape metacharacters differently.
<example id="ex-quote-differences">
<title>Differences Between Single and Double Quotes</title>
echo "My home directory is $HOME"
echo 'My home directory is $HOME'
echo "*"
echo '*'
The output of the above script is:
My home directory is /home/franl
My home directory is $HOME
As you can see, both single and double quotes escape the
"<computeroutput>*</computeroutput>" metacharacter, but only single quotes
are powerful enough to escape the "<computeroutput>$</computeroutput>"
metacharacter (which is used to expand variables &mdash; we'll cover
variables in <xref linkend="sect-variables"/>).
Which metacharacters do single quotes escape? The answer is: all of
them except for single-quotes. If you try to use a single quote in the
middle of a single-quoted string, you end up with an odd number of
single quotes, which is not valid Bash syntax.
<sect2 id="sect-backquotes">
The fourth kind of quotes are backquotes:
<computeroutput>`...`</computeroutput>. Backquotes have the same quoting
properties as double quotes, but with one very big difference. The text
between a pair of backquotes is <emphasis>executed by your
shell</emphasis> and is then <emphasis>replaced by the output of that
execution</emphasis>! <xref linkend="ex-backquotes"/> shows backquotes
in action.
<example id="ex-backquotes">
<title>Using Backquotes</title>
echo The current working directory is: `pwd`
echo The current date and time is: `date`</programlisting>
The output of the above script is:
The current working directory is: /home/franl/examples
The current date and time is: Thu Jan 30 20:43:42 EST 2003
You can put any valid Bash command inside backquotes. You can even put
multiple commands separates by ';' characters inside backquotes. If you
find you are writing a long sequence of commands within backquotes, you
probably should create a separate shell script to contain those commands
(or you might want to create a shell function, which is an advanced Bash
scripting topic not covered by this HOWTO).
<sect2 id="sect-backslash">
The third kind of quoting character is the backslash: <computeroutput>\</computeroutput>.
The backslash is unlike the other kinds of quoting characters in that it
does not occur in pairs. A backslash behaves exactly like the single
quote, but it only escapes the <emphasis>character immediately following
the backslash</emphasis>. <xref linkend="ex-backslash"/> shows an
example of how to use backslashes:
<example id="ex-backslash">
<title>Using Backslashes</title>
echo The price of the item is \$15.79
echo Welcome to Frodo\'s Place!
The output of the above script is:
The price of the item is $15.79
Welcome to Frodo's Place!
<sect1 id="sect-variables">
A variable is a name for a place in memory where a shell script can store
a string of characters. Those characters can be anything, including
letters, digits, punctuation, spaces and tabs. In the following sections,
we discuss how to assign values to variables and how to access those
values after they've been assigned.
<sect2 id="sect-using">
<title>Using Variables</title>
<xref linkend="ex-variable-assignment0"/> shows how to assign a string of
characters to a variable.
<example id="ex-variable-assignment0">
<title>Assigning a String to a Variable</title>
In the above example, the name of the variable is
<varname>CARMODEL</varname>, and the string that is stored in the
variable is <computeroutput>Porsche</computeroutput>. There must not be
any spaces around the '<computeroutput>=</computeroutput>' character,
and the string must be a single word. If the string contains any
whitespace (i.e., spaces, TABs, or newlines), then it must quoted, as
shown in <xref linkend="ex-variable-assignment1"/>.
<example id="ex-variable-assignment1">
<title>Assigning a String with Whitespace to a Variable</title>
CARMODEL="Mini Cooper"
As discussed in previous sections, the quotes cause the string inside
the quotes to be taken as a single word (as well as escaping various
shell metacharacters). If there were no spaces (and no metacharacters
that needed to be escaped) in the string, we wouldn't have needed the
quotes, but it's good style to always use quotes when assigning a value
to a variable.
A variable's name must start with a letter or an underscore. The
following characters can be letters, digits, or underscores. It is
convention to write variable names in all uppercase characters, but
that's not required. Here are some valid variable names:
<computeroutput>LINE1</computeroutput>, and
<computeroutput>_FILENAME</computeroutput>. Here are some invalid
variable names: <computeroutput>3rd_PARTY</computeroutput>,
<computeroutput>MY-VAR</computeroutput>, and
After you assign a string to a variable, you can access that string by
writing the variable name prefixed with a
'<computeroutput>$</computeroutput>', as shown in
<xref linkend="ex-variable-assignment2"/>. This is called <firstterm>variable
<example id="ex-variable-assignment2">
<title>Referencing a Variable's Value</title>
echo "The model of the vehicle is: $CARMODEL"
Notice that double quotes do not escape the meaning of the
'<computeroutput>$</computeroutput>' metacharacter (but single quote
will). If you want the variable expansion to be adjacent to other
letters or digits, you need to use braces to mark the start and end of
the variable name, as follows:
echo "There are 5 ${CARMODEL}s for sale."
If there had been no braces around the above variable name, the shell
would have looked for a variable named <varname>CARMODELs</varname>
instead of <varname>CARMODEL</varname>, and the script would have
malfunctioned, because there is no variable named
A common task is to append (or prepend) a string to the current value of
a variable. <xref linkend="ex-variable-append"/> shows how to do each.
<example id="ex-variable-append">
<title>Appending and Prepending Text to a Variable's Value</title>
CUSTOMER_NAME="$CUSTOMER_NAME Smith" # Appends a string.
CUSTOMER_NAME="Mr. $CUSTOMER_NAME" # Prepends a string.
echo "$CUSTOMER_NAME" # Output is: Mr. Fred Smith
<sect2 id="sect-kinds-of-variables">
<title>Kinds of Variables</title>
There are two kinds of variables: <firstterm>shell variables</firstterm>
and <firstterm>environment variables</firstterm>. Shell variables are
not inherited by child processes, and environment variables are
inherited by child processes. Other than that one difference, they
behave exactly the same. Why would you want a variable to be inherited
by a child process? It's a convenient way to communicate information to
a child process. Additionally, there are several common environment
variables that many systems define for every user, such as
<varname>HOME</varname> and <varname>PATH</varname>. Since those
are environment variables in the initial login shell, every process
descended from that shell inherits those variables.
<sect2 id="sect-builtin-variables">
<title>Built-in Variables</title>
Bash automatically defines several built-in variables that contain
useful information. Whether or not you can assign new values to
built-in variables depends on the variable. The Bash manual (<ulink
lists them all, but here are a few:
This variable expands to the current version of the Bash shell.
You cannot assign a value to this variable. This is a shell
This variable expands to the hostname of the computer on which the
Bash shell is executing. You cannot assign a value to this
variable. This is an environment variable.
This variable expands to the current working directory of the Bash
shell (as it was last set by the
<computeroutput><command>cd</command></computeroutput> command).
You cannot assign a value to this variable. This is an
environment variable.
This variable expands to the pathname of the home directory of the
user who is running the shell. You can assign to this variable to
change it temporarilly during a single shell session, but the next
time you login, it will be set to its original value. This is an
environment variable.
There are many more built-in variables. See the Bash man page or the
Bash Manual (<ulink url="http://www.gnu.org/software/bash/manual/bashref.html">http://www.gnu.org/software/bash/manual/bashref.html</ulink>)
for details.
<sect1 id="sect-io-redirection">
<title>Input/Output (I/O) Redirection</title>
It's almost impossible to write a non-trivial Bash script without using
<firstterm>I/O redirection</firstterm>. Every UNIX shell, Bash included,
provides I/O redirection, but the syntax differs between various shells.
Naturally, we'll cover the Bash syntax.
<sect2 id="sect-stdio-streams">
<title>The Standard I/O Streams</title>
A running program is called a <firstterm>process</firstterm>. For
example, your interactive shell is a process. When Bash reads a command
(either from the keyboard or from a script), Bash spawns a new process
to execute the command. Suppose Bash reads and executes the command
"<computeroutput><command>ls</command></computeroutput>". The new
process exists only for the time it takes the
"<computeroutput><command>ls</command></computeroutput>" program to
execute, and then the process terminates. When Bash starts a process to
execute a command, the process is connected to several <firstterm>I/O
streams</firstterm>. An I/O stream is like a hose that has one end
connected to the process and the other end connected to a terminal.
Data flows through an I/O stream like water flows through a hose. The
data flows either from the process to the terminal (this is how the
process produces output) or from the terminal to the process (this is
how the process reads input from the keyboard).
When a process first starts, there are always three <firstterm>standard I/O
streams</firstterm> connected to the process:
<listitem><para>Standard input (stdin)</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>Standard output (stdout)</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>Standard error (stderr)</para></listitem>
<firstterm>Standard input</firstterm> is the name of the I/O stream through
which a process reads input from its terminal. <firstterm>Standard
output</firstterm> is the name of the I/O stream through which a process
writes output to its terminal. <firstterm>Standard error</firstterm> is the
name of the I/O stream through which a process writes error messages to
its terminal. These standard I/O streams are sometimes referred to using
their shorthand names: <firstterm>stdin</firstterm>,
<firstterm>stdout</firstterm>, and <firstterm>stderr</firstterm>.
<title>Inheritance of I/O Streams</title>
When your Bash script is running, it is a process just like any other, so
it also has these three standard I/O streams. The
<computeroutput><command>echo</command></computeroutput> command writes
its output to standard output. Standard output is usually connected to
the terminal on which the script is running, so the output of the
<computeroutput><command>echo</command></computeroutput> command typically
appears on that terminal. It is possible to
<firstterm>redirect</firstterm> an I/O stream so that it is not connected
to the terminal but to a file. <xref linkend="ex-redirect-stdout"/> shows
show you can change the <filename>hello</filename> script to redirect the
standard output of the echo command to a file named
<example id="ex-redirect-stdout">
<title>Redirecting Standard Output</title>
echo Hello world &gt; xyz
In this example, the "<computeroutput>&gt;</computeroutput>" is a
metacharacter. The "<computeroutput>&gt;</computeroutput>" tells Bash to
temporarilly redirect standard output of the current command from its
current destination (the terminal) to the specified file for the duration
of the command. You can specify any relative or absolute pathname after
the "<computeroutput>&gt;</computeroutput>". In this example, the output
of the "<computeroutput><command>echo Hello
world</command></computeroutput>" command is redirected to the file
<filename>xyz</filename> in the current working directory.
If you redirect standard output to a file that already exists, the file
is overwritten, destroying the previous contents of the file! Always be
sure that you don't have any valuable data in the file that is going to
be overwritten by redirection.
<sect1 id="sect-conditionals">
Like all programming languages, Bash scripts can make decisions based on
the values of variables and many other aspects of their system
environment. A <firstterm>conditional</firstterm> is a statement that
makes a decision. A conditional statement causes one or more other
statements to execute or not depending on the answer to a question.
<sect2 id="sect-exit-status">
<title>Exit Status</title>
Every command executed by the shell has an <firstterm>exit
status</firstterm> that is a number between 0 and 255. The exit status
indicates the success or failure of the command. If a command's exit
status is 0, it was successful, otherwise the non-zero exit status
indicates which of many different errors occurred. The exit status of
the last command that executed is stored in the built-in shell variable
<varname>$?</varname>. <xref linkend="ex-exit-status"/> shows some
<example id="ex-exit-status">
<title>Examining the Exit Status of Commands</title>
bash$ touch newfile
bash$ echo $?
bash$ rm newfile # This command succeeds.
bash$ echo $?
bash$ rm newfile # This command fails: the file doesn't exist anymore.
rm: cannot remove `newfile': No such file or directory
bash$ echo $?
bash$ echo $? # Can you explain this output?
Notice the odd behavior of the last <computeroutput><command>
echo $?</command></computeroutput>. Why does it output
"<computeroutput>1</computeroutput>" the first time and
"<computeroutput>0</computeroutput>" the second time? The reason is
that the value of <varname>$?</varname> is always the exit status of the
<emphasis>last</emphasis> command that executed. In <xref
linkend="ex-exit-status"/> (above), the second <computeroutput><command>
echo $?</command></computeroutput> command outputs a
<computeroutput>0</computeroutput> because the first
<computeroutput><command>echo $?</command></computeroutput> command was
successful. It's important to remember that <emphasis>any</emphasis>
command alters the value of <varname>$?</varname>, so you only have one
chance to access the value stored in <varname>$?</varname>. A common
scripting practice is to store the value of <varname>$?</varname> in a
shell variable so it can be accessed later, as shown in <xref
<example id="ex-saving-exit-status">
<title>Saving the Exit Status for Later Use</title>
echo "The first command exitted with status $STATUS."
<sect2 id="sect-test-command">
<title>The <computeroutput><command>test</command></computeroutput> Command</title>
<para>*** UNDER CONSTRUCTION ***</para>
<sect2 id="sect-if-statements">
<title>If Statements</title>
<para>*** UNDER CONSTRUCTION ***</para>
<sect2 id="sect-andand">
<title>The <computeroutput>&amp;&amp;</computeroutput> Operator</title>
<para>*** UNDER CONSTRUCTION ***</para>
<sect2 id="sect-oror">
<title>The <computeroutput>||</computeroutput> Operator</title>
<para>*** UNDER CONSTRUCTION ***</para>
<sect1 id="sect-loops">
<para>*** UNDER CONSTRUCTION ***</para>
<sect2 id="sect-while-loops">
<title>While and Until Loops</title>
<para>*** UNDER CONSTRUCTION ***</para>
<sect2 id="sect-for-loops">
<title>For Loops</title>
<para>*** UNDER CONSTRUCTION ***</para>
<sect1 id="sect-more-info">
<title>Where to Get More Information</title>
<para>*** UNDER CONSTRUCTION ***</para>
o Refer to the man page.
o Refer to bug/help/announce/developer mailing list (bug-bash@gnu.org).
o Refer to the #bash channel on the freenode IRC network.
o Refer to the Advanced Bash Programming Guide.
<sect1 id="sect-copyleft">
<title>Copyright and License</title>
<!-- The LDP recommends, but doesn't require, the GFDL. -->
This document, <emphasis>Introduction to Bash Scripting HOWTO</emphasis>,
is copyrighted (C) 2002 by Francis Litterio. Permission is granted to copy,
distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free
Documentation License, Version 1.1 or any later version published by the
Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, with no Front-Cover
Texts, and with no Back-Cover Texts. A copy of the license is included in
the section entitled "GNU Free Documentation License".
<title>GNU Free Documentation License</title>
<para>Version 1.1, March 2000</para>
Copyright (C) 2000 Free Software Foundation, Inc. 59 Temple Place, Suite
330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. Everyone is permitted to copy and
distribute verbatim copies of this license document, but changing it is
not allowed.
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without modifying it, either commercially or noncommercially.
Secondarily, this License preserves for the author and publisher a way
to get credit for their work, while not being considered responsible for
modifications made by others.</para>
<para>This License is a kind of "copyleft", which means that
derivative works of the document must themselves be free in the same
sense. It complements the GNU General Public License, which is a
copyleft license designed for free software.</para>
<para>We have designed this License in order to use it for manuals
for free software, because free software needs free documentation: a
free program should come with manuals providing the same freedoms that
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it can be used for any textual work, regardless of subject matter or
whether it is published as a printed book. We recommend this License
principally for works whose purpose is instruction or reference.</para>
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<para>Translation is considered a kind of modification, so you may
distribute translations of the Document under the terms of section
4. Replacing Invariant Sections with translations requires
special permission from their copyright holders, but you may
include translations of some or all Invariant Sections in addition
to the original versions of these Invariant Sections. You may
include a translation of this License provided that you also
include the original English version of this License. In case of
a disagreement between the translation and the original English
version of this License, the original English version will
<para>You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the
Document except as expressly provided for under this License. Any
other attempt to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the
Document is void, and will automatically terminate your rights
under this License. However, parties who have received copies, or
rights, from you under this License will not have their licenses
terminated so long as such parties remain in full
<para>The Free Software Foundation may publish new, revised
versions of the GNU Free Documentation License from time to time.
Such new versions will be similar in spirit to the present
version, but may differ in detail to address new problems or
concerns. See <ulink
<para>Each version of the License is given a distinguishing
version number. If the Document specifies that a particular
numbered version of this License "or any later version" applies to
it, you have the option of following the terms and conditions
either of that specified version or of any later version that has
been published (not as a draft) by the Free Software Foundation.
If the Document does not specify a version number of this License,
you may choose any version ever published (not as a draft) by the
Free Software Foundation.</para>
<title>How to use this License for your documents</title>
<para>To use this License in a document you have written, include
a copy of the License in the document and put the following
copyright and license notices just after the title page:</para>
Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document
under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.1
or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation;
with the Invariant Sections being LIST THEIR TITLES, with the
Front-Cover Texts being LIST, and with the Back-Cover Texts being LIST.
A copy of the license is included in the section entitled "GNU
Free Documentation License".
<para>If you have no Invariant Sections, write "with no Invariant
Sections" instead of saying which ones are invariant. If you have
no Front-Cover Texts, write "no Front-Cover Texts" instead of
"Front-Cover Texts being LIST"; likewise for Back-Cover
<para>If your document contains nontrivial examples of program
code, we recommend releasing these examples in parallel under your
choice of free software license, such as the GNU General Public
License, to permit their use in free software.</para>