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2001-05-21 13:31:40 +00:00
<article id="XWindow-Overview-HOWTO">
<title>X Window System Architecture Overview HOWTO</title>
<address><email>roadmr@entropia.com.mx</email> </address>
Initial LDP release.
<para>This document provides an overview of the X Window
System's architecture, give a better understanding of its design,
which components integrate with X and fit together to provide a
working graphical environment and what choices are there regarding
such components as window managers, toolkits and widget libraries, and
desktop environments.</para>
<sect1 id="preface">
This document aims to provide an overview of the X Window System's
architecture, hoping to give people a better understanding of why it's
designed the way it's designed, which components integrate with X and
fit together to provide a working graphical environment and what
choices are there regarding those components.
We explore several concepts that get mentioned a lot but might be a
bit unclear for those without a technical background, such as widgets
and toolkits, window managers and desktop environments. Some examples
of how these components interact during day-to-day use of applications
are provided.
This document is, deliberately, not too technically oriented. It's
based on the author's (empyrical) knowledge of the subject, and while
it's primarily meant as a non-technical introduction, it can certainly
benefit from any kind of comments, further examples and explanations,
and technical corrections. The author welcomes all questions and
comments regarding this document and can be reached at <ulink url="mailto:roadmr@entropia.com.mx"><citetitle>roadmr@entropia.com.mx</citetitle></ulink>.
<sect1 id="introduction">
<para>Back when UNIX was a new thing, around 1970, graphical user
interfaces were only a weird thing being played with in a laboratory
(Xerox's PARC to be precise). Nowadays, however, any operating system
in hopes of being competitive needs to have a GUI subsystem. GUIs are
supposed to be easier to use. This is not much of a concern under
UNIX, which has traditionally been, to some extent, pretty
user-hostile, preferring versatility over ease of use. However, there
are several reasons why a GUI is desirable even on a UNIX system. For
instance, given UNIX's multitasking nature, it's natural to have a lot
of programs running at any given time. A GUI gives more control over
how things are displayed on-screen, thus providing with better
facilities for having a lot of programs on-screen at the same time.
Also, some kinds of information are better displayed in graphical form
(some, even, can only be displayed in graphical form; like pr0n and
other inherently graphical data).
<para>Historically, UNIX has had a lot of improvements done by
academic types. A good example is the BSD networking code added to it
in the late 1970's, which was, of course, the product of work at
Berkeley. As it turns out, the X Window System (also called X, but
never X Windows), which is the foundation for most GUI subsystems
found in modern UNIX (unices?), Linux and the BSD's included, was also
the result of an academic project, namely the Athena project at MIT.
<para>Unix has been a multiuser, multitasking, timesharing operating
system since its beginnings. Also, since the incorporation of
networking technologies, it's had the ability to allow a user to
connect remotely and perform work on the system. Previously this was
accomplished either via dumb serial terminals, or network connections
(the legendary telnet).
<para>When the time came to develop a GUI system that could run
primarily under Unix, these concepts were kept in mind and
incorporated into the design. Actually, X has a pretty complex design,
which has often been mentioned as a disadvantage. However, because of
its design, it's also a really versatile system, and this will become
quite clear as we explain how all the parts comprising a GUI under
Unix fit together.
<para>Before taking a look at X's architecture, a really brief tour of
its history, and how it ended up on your Linux system, is in order.
<para>X was developed by the Athena project, and released in 1984. In
1988 an entity called the "X Consortium" took over X, and to this day
handles its development and distribution. The X specification is
freely available, this was a smart move as it has made X almost
ubiquitous. This is how XFree86 came to be. XFree86 is the
implementation of X we use on our Linux computers. XFree86 also works
on other operating systems, like the *BSD lineage, OS/2 and maybe
others. Also, despite its name, XFree86 is also available for other
CPU architectures. </para>
<sect1 id="arch-overview">
<title>The X Window System Architecture: overview</title>
<para>X was designed with a client-server architecture. The
applications themselves are the clients; they communicate with the
server and issue requests, also receiving information from the server.
<para>The X server maintains exclusive control of the display and
services requests from the clients. At this point, the advantages of
using this model are pretty clear. Applications (clients) only need to
know how to communicate with the server, and need not be concerned
with the details of talking to the actual graphics display device. At
the most basic level, a client tells the server stuff like "draw a
line from here to here", or "render this string of text, using this
font, at this position on-screen".
<para>This would be no different from just using a graphics library to
write our application. However the X model goes a step further. It
doesn't constrain the client being in the same computer as the server.
The protocol used to communicate between clients and server can work
over a network, or actually, any "inter-process communication
mechanism that provides a reliable octet stream". Of course, the
preferred way to do this is by using the TCP/IP protocols. As we can
see, the X model is really powerful; the classical example of this is
running a processor-intensive application on a Cray computer, a
database monitor on a Solaris server, an e-mail application on a small
BSD mail server, and a visualization program on an SGI server, and
then displaying all those on my Linux workstation's screen.
<para>So far we've seen that the X server is the one handling the
actual graphics display. Also, since it's the X server which runs on
the physical, actual computer the user is working on, it's the X
server's responsibility to perform all actual interactions with the
user. This includes reading the mouse and keyboard. All this
information is relayed to the client, which of course will have to
react to it.
<para>X provides a library, aptly called Xlib, which handles all
low-level client-server communication tasks. It sounds obvious that,
then, the client has to invoke functions contained within Xlib to get
work done.
<para>At this point everything seems to be working fine. We have a
server in charge of visual output and data input, client applications,
and a way for them to communicate between each other. In picturing a
hypotetical interaction between a client and a server, the client
could ask the server to assign a rectangular area on the screen. Being
the client, I'm not concerned with where i'm being displayed on the
screen. I just tell the server "give me an area X by Y pixels in
size", and then call functions to perform actions like "draw a line
from here to there", "tell me whether the user is moving the mouse in
my screen area" and so on.
<sect1 id="window-managers">
<title>Window Managers</title>
<para>However, we never mentioned how the X server handles
manipulation of the clients' on-screen display areas (called
windows). It's obvious, to anyone who's ever used a GUI, that you need
to have control over the "client windows". Typically you can move and
arrange them; change size, maximize or minimize windows. How, then,
does the X server handle these tasks? The answer is: it doesn't.
<para>One of X's fundamental tenets is "we provide mechanism, but not
policy". So, while the X server provides a way (mechanism) for window
manipulation, it doesn't actually say how this manipulation behaves
<para>All that mechanism/policy weird stuff basically boils down to
this: it's another program's responsibility to manage the on-screen
space. This program decides where to place windows, gives mechanisms
for users to control the windows' appearance, position and size, and
usually provides "decorations" like window titles, frames and buttons,
that give us control over the windows themselves. This program, which
manages windows, is called (guess!) a "window manager".
<para>"The window manager in X is just another client -- it is not
part of the X window system, although it enjoys special privileges --
and so there is no single window manager; instead, there are many,
which support different ways for the user to interact with windows and
different styles of window layout, decoration, and keyboard and
colormap focus."
<para>The X architecture provides with ways for a window manager to
perform all those actions on the windows; but it doesn't actually
provide a window manager.
<para>There are, of course, a lot of window managers, because since
the window manager is an external component, it's (relatively) easy to
write one according to your preferences, how you want windows to look,
how you want them to behave, where do you want them to be, and so on.
Some window managers are simplistic and ugly (twm); some are flashy
and include everything but the kitchen sink (enlightenment); and
everything in between; fvwm, amiwm, icewm, windowmaker, afterstep,
sawfish, kwm, and countless others. There's a window manager for every
<para>A window manager is a "meta-client", whose most basic mission is
to manage other clients. Most window managers provide a few additional
facilities (and some provide a lot of them). However one piece of
functionality that seems to be present in most window managers is a
way to launch applications. Some of them provide a command box where
you can type standard commands (which can then be used to launch
client applications). Others have a nice application launching menu of
some sort. This is not standardized, however; again, as X dictates no
policy on how a client application should be launched, this
functionality is to be implemented in client programs. While,
typically, a window manager takes on this task (and each one does it
differently), it's conceivable to have client applications whose sole
mission is to launch other client applications; think a program
launching pad. And of course, people have written large amounts of
"program launching" applications.
<sect1 id="client-applications">
<title>Client Applications</title>
<para>Let's focus on the client programs for a moment. Imagine you
wanted to write a client program from scratch, using only the
facilities provided by X. You'd quickly find that Xlib is pretty
spartan, and that doing things like putting buttons on screen, text,
or nice controls (scrollbars, radio boxes) for the users, is terribly
<para>Luckily, someone else went to the trouble of programming these
controls and giving them to us in a usable form; a library. These
controls are usually known as "widgets" and of course, the library is
a "widget library". Then I just have to call a function from this
library with some parameters and have a button on-screen. Examples of
widgets include menus, buttons, radio buttons, scrollbars, and
<para>A "canvas" is an interesting kind of widget, because it's
basically a sub-area within the client where i can draw
stuff. Understandably, since I shouldn't use Xlib directly, because
that would interfere with the widget library, the library itself gives
a way to draw arbitrary graphics within the canvas widget.
<para>Since the widget library is the one actually drawing the
elements on-screen, as well as interpreting user's actions into input,
the library used is largely responsible for each client's aspect and
behavior. From a developer's point of view, a widget library also has
a certain API (set of functions), and that might define which widget
library i'll want to use.
<sect1 id="toolkits">
<title>Widget Libraries or toolkits</title>
<para>The original widget library, developed for the Athena Project,
is of course the Athena widget library, also known as Athena
Widgets. It's very basic, very ugly, and the usage is not intuitive by
today's standards (for instance, to move a scrollbar or slider
control, you don't drag it; instead, you click the right button to
scroll up and the left button to scroll down). As such, it's pretty
much not used a lot these days.
<para>Just as it happens with window managers, there are a lot of
toolkits, with different design goals in mind. One of the earliest
toolkits is the well-known Motif, which was part of the Open Software
Foundation's Motif graphical environment, consisting of a window
manager and a matching toolkit. The OSF's history is beyond the scope
of this document. the Motif toolkit, being superior to the Athena
widgets, became widely used in the 1980's and early 1990's.
<para>These days, Motif is not a popular toolkit choice. It's not free
(speech), and OSF Motif costs money if you want a developer license
(i.e. to compile your own programs with it), altough it's OK to
distribute a binary linked against Motif. Perhaps the best-known Motif
application, for Linux users at least, is Netscape
Navigator/Communicator (prior to Mozilla).
<para>For a while Motif was the only decent toolkit available, and
there's a lot of Motif software around. Of course people started
developing alternatives, and there are plenty of toolkits, such as
XForms, FLTK and a few others.
<para>Motif is not heard of much these days, specially in the free
software world. The reason is that there are now better alternatives,
in terms of licensing, performance (Motif is widely regarded as quite
a pig) and features.
<para>One such toolkit, the widely known and used Gtk, was
specifically created to replace Motif in the GIMP project (one
possible meaning of Gtk is "GIMP ToolKit, altough, with its widespread
use, it could be interpreted as the GNU ToolKit). Gtk is now very
popular because it's relatively lightweight, feature-rich, extensible
and totally free (speech). The 0.6 release of the GIMP included
"Bloatif has been zorched" in the changelog. This sentence is a
testament to Motif's bloatedness.
<para>Another very popular toolkit these days is Qt. It was not too
well-known until the advent of the KDE project, which utilizes Qt for
all its GUI elements. We certainly won't get into Qt's licensing
issues and the KDE/GNOME disjunctive. Gtk gets a lengthy mention
because its history as a Motif replacement is interesting; Qt gets a
brief mention because it's really popular.
<para>Finally, another alternative worth mentioning is LessTif. The
name is a pun on Motif, and LessTif aims to be a free, API-compatible
replacement for Motif. It's not clear to what extent LessTif aims to
be used in new development, rather than just helping those with Motif
code use a free alternative while they (conceivably) port their apps
to some other toolkit.
<sect1 id="so-far">
<title>What we have so far</title>
<para>Up to this point we have an idea of how X has a client-server
architecture, where the clients are our application programs. Under
this client-server graphic system, we have several possible window
managers, which manage our screen real estate; we also have our client
applications, which are where we actually get our work done, and
clients can be programmed using several possible different toolkits.
<para>Here's where the mess begins. Each window manager has a
different approach to managing the clients; the behavior and
decorations are different from one to the next. Also, as defined by
which toolkit each client uses, they can also look and behave
differently from each other. Since there's nothing that says authors
have to use the same toolkit for all their applications, it's
perfectly possible for a user to be running, say, six different
applications, each written using a different toolkit, and they all
look and behave differently. This creates a mess because behavior
between the apps is not consistent. If you've ever used a program
written with the Athena widgets, you'll notice it's not too similar to
something written using Gtk. And you'll also remember it's a mess
using all these apps which look and feel so different. This basically
negates the advantage of using a GUI environment in the first place.
<para>On a more technical standpoint, using lots of different toolkits
increases resource usage. Modern operating systems support the concept
of dynamic shared libraries. This means that if I have two or three
applications using Gtk, and I have a dynamic shared version of Gtk,
then those two or three applications share the same copy of Gtk, both
on the disk and in memory. This saves resources. On the other hand, if
I have a Gtk application, a Qt application, something Athena-based, a
Motif-based program such as Netscape, a program that uses FLTK and
another using XForms, I'm now loading six different libraries in
memory, one for each of the different toolkits. Keep in mind that all
the toolkits provide basically the same functionality.
<para>There are other problems here. The way of launching programs
varies from one window manager to the next. Some have a nice menu for
launching apps; others don't, and they expect us to open a
command-launching box, or use a certain key combination, or even open
an xterm and launch all your apps by invoking the commands. Again,
there's no standarization here so it becomes a mess.
<para>Finally, there are niceties we expect from a GUI environment
which our scheme hasn't covered. Things like a configuration utility,
or "control panel"; or a graphical file manager. Of course, these can
be written as client apps. And, in typical free software fashion,
there are hundreds of file managers, and hundreds of system
configuration programs, which conceivably, further the mess of having
to deal with a lot of disparate software components.
<sect1 id="desktop-environments">
<title>Desktop environments to the rescue</title>
<para>Here's where the concept of a desktop environment kicks in. The
idea is that a desktop environment provides a set of facilities and
guidelines aiming to standardizing all the stuff we mentioned so that
the problems we mentioned earlier are minimized.
<para>The concept of a desktop environment is something new to people
coming for the first time to Linux because it's something that other
operating systems (like Windows and the Mac OS) intrinsically
have. For example, MacOS, which is one of the earliest graphical user
interfaces, provides a very consistent look-and-feel during the entire
computing session. For instance, the operating system provides a lot
of the niceties we mentioned: it provides a default file manager (the
finder), a systemwide control panel, and single toolkit that all
applications have to use (so they all look the same). Application
windows are managed by the system (strictly speaking there's a window
manager working there). Finally, there are a set of guidelines that
tell developers how their applications should behave, recommend
control looks and placement, and suggest behaviors according to those
of other applications on the system. All this is done in the sake of
consistency and ease of use.
<para>This begs the question, "why didn't the X developers do things
that way in the first place?". It makes sense; after all, it would
have avoided all the problems we mentioned earlier. The answer is that
in designing X, its creators chose to make it as flexible as
possible. Going back to the policy/mechanism paradigm, the MacOS
provides mostly policies. Mechanisms are there, but they don't
encourage people to play with those. As a result I lose versatility;
if I don't like the way MacOS manages my windows, or the toolkit
doesn't provide a function I need, i'm pretty much out of luck. This
doesn't happen under X, altough as seen before, the price of
flexibility is greater complexity.
<para>Under Linux/Unix and X, it all comes down to agreeing on stuff
and sticking to it. Let's take KDE for example. KDE includes a single
window manager (kwm), which manages and controls the behavior of our
windows. It recommends using a certain graphic toolkit (Qt), so that
all KDE applications look the same, as far as their on-screen controls
go. KDE further extends Qt by providing a set of environment-specific
libraries (kdelibs) for performing common tasks like creating menus,
"about" boxes, program toolbars, communicating between programs,
printing, selecting files, and other things. These make the
programmer's work easier and standardize the way these special
features behave. KDE also provides a set of design and behavior
guidelines to programmers, with the idea that, if everybody follows
them, programs running under KDE will both look and behave very
similarly. Finally, KDE provides, as part of the environment, a
launcher panel (kpanel), a standard file manager (which is, at the
time being, Konqueror), and a configuration utility (control panel)
from which we can control many aspects of our computing environment,
from settings like the desktop's background and the windows' titlebar
color to hardware configurations.
<para>The KDE panel is an equivalent to the MS Windows taskbar. It
provides a central point from which to launch applications, and it
also provides for small applications, called "applets", to be
displayed within it. This gives functionality like the small, live
clock most users can't live without.
<sect1 id="specific-desktop-environments">
<title>Specific Desktop Environments</title>
<para>We used KDE as an example, but it's by no means the earliest
desktop environment for Unix systems. Perhaps one of the earliest is
CDE (Common Desktop Environment), another sibling of the OSF. As per
the CDE FAQ: "The Common Desktop Environment is a standard desktop for
UNIX, providing services to end-users, systems administrators, and
application developers consistently across many platforms." The key
here is consistency. However CDE wasn't as feature-rich and easy as it
needed to be. Along with Motif, CDE has practically disappeared from
the free software world, having been replaced by better alternatives.
<para>Under Linux, the two most popular desktop environments are KDE
and GNOME, but they're not the only ones. A quick internet search will
reveal about half a dozen desktop environments: GNUStep, ROX,
GTK+XFce, UDE, to name a few. They all provide the basic facilities we
mentioned earlier. GNOME and KDE have had the most support, both from
the community and the industry, so they're the most advanced ones,
providing a large amount of services to users and applications.
<para>We mentioned KDE and the components that provide specific
services under that environment. As a good desktop environment, GNOME
is somewhat similar in that. The most obvious difference is that GNOME
doesn't mandate a particular window manager (the way KDE has kwm). The
GNOME project has always tried to be window manager-agnostic,
acknowledging that most users get really attached to their window
managers, and forcing them to use something that manages windows
differently would detract from their audience. Originally GNOME
favored the Enlightenment window manager, and currently their
preferred window manager is Sawfish, but the GNOME control panel has
always had a window manager selector box.
<para>Other than this, GNOME uses the Gtk toolkit, and provides a set
of higher-level functions and facilities through the gnome-libs set of
libraries. GNOME has its own set of programming guidelines in order to
guarantee a consistent behavior between compliant applications; it
provides a panel (called just "panel"), a file manager (gmc, altough
it's probably going to be superseded by Nautilus), and a control panel
(the gnome control center).
<sect1 id="fit-together">
<title>How it all fits together</title>
<para>Each user is free to choose whichever desktop environment feels
the best. The end result is that, if you use an all-kde or all-gnome
system, the look and feel of the environment is very consistent; and
your applications all interact between them pretty nicely. This just
wasn't possible when we had apps written in a hodgepodge of different
toolkits. The range of facilities provided by modern desktop
environments under Linux also enable some other niceties, like
component architectures (KDE has Kparts and GNOME uses the Bonobo
component framework), which allow you to do things like having a live
spreadsheet or chart inside a word processing document; global
printing facilities, similar to the printing contexts found in
Windows; or scripting languages, which let more advanced users write
programs to glue applications together and have them interact and
cooperate in interesting ways.
<para>Under the Unix concept of "desktop environment", you can have
programs from one environment running in another. I could conceivably
use Konqueror within GNOME, or Gnumeric under KDE. They're just
programs, after all. Of course the whole idea of a desktop environment
is consistency, so it makes sense to stick to apps that were designed
for your particular environment; but if you're willing to cope with an
app that looks "out of place" and doesn't interact with the rest of
your environment, you are completely free to do so.
<sect1 id="a-day">
<title>A day in the life of an X system</title>
<para>This is an example of how a typical GNOME session goes, under a
modern desktop environment in a Linux system. It's very similar to how
things work under other environments, assuming they work on top of X.
<para>When a Linux system starts X, the X server comes up and
initializes the graphic device, waiting for requests from
clients. First a program called gnome-session starts, and sets up the
working session. A session includes things such as applications I
always open, their on-screen positions, and such. Next, the panel gets
started. The panel appears at the bottom (usually) and it's sort of a
dashboard for the windowing environment. It will let us launch
programs, see which ones are running, and otherwise control the
working environment. Next, the window manager comes up. Since we're
using GNOME, it could be any of several different window managers, but
in this case we'll assume we're running Sawfish. Finally, the file
manager comes up (gmc or Nautilus). The file manager handles
presentation of the desktop icons (the ones that appear directly on
the desktop). At this point my GNOME environment is ready to work.
<para>So far all of the programs that have been started are clients,
connecting to the X server. In this case the X server happens to be in
the same computer, but as we saw before, it need not be.
<para>We'll now open an xterm to type some commands. When we click on
the xterm icon, the panel spawns, or launches, the xterm
application. It's another X client application, so it starts, connects
to the X server and begins displaying its stuff. When the X server
assigns screen space for my xterm, it lets the window manager
(Sawfish) decorate the window with a nice titlebar, and decide where
it will be on screen.
<para>Let's do some browsing. We click on the Netscape icon on the
panel, and up comes a browser. Keep in mind that this browser doesn't
use GNOME's facilities, nor does it use the Gtk toolkit. It looks a
bit out of place here... also, it doesn't interact very nicely with
the rest of the environment. I'll open the "File" menu. Motif is
providing the on-screen controls, so it's the Motif library's job to
make the appropriate calls to the underlying Xlib, draw the necessary
on-screen elements to display the menu and let me select the "exit"
option, closing the application.
<para>Now I open a Gnumeric spreadsheet and start doing some stuff. At
some point I need to do some work on the xterm I had open, so I click
on it. Sawfish sees that, and, being in charge of managing windows,
brings the xterm to the top and gives it focus so I can work there.
<para>After that, I go back to my spreadsheet, now that I'm finished I
want to print my document. Gnumeric is a GNOME application, so it can
use the facilities provided by the GNOME environment. When I print,
Gnumeric calls the gnome-print library, which actually communicates
with the printer and produces the hard copy I need.
<sect1 id=copyright>
<title>Copyright and License</title>
<para>Copyright (c) 2001 by Daniel Manrique</para>
Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document
under the terms of the <ulink
url="http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/fdl.html"><citetitle>GNU Free Documentation
License</citetitle></ulink>, Version 1.1 or any later version
published by the Free Software Foundation with no Invariant Sections,
no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts. A copy of the license
can be found <ulink url="http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/fdl.html">here</ulink>.