
314 lines
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2016-03-25 16:54:56 +00:00
#! /usr/bin/python
# -- migrate to the new naming scheme
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
import os
import sys
import errno
import shutil
import logging
import functools
logformat = '%(levelname)-9s %(name)s %(filename)s#%(lineno)s ' \
+ '%(funcName)s %(message)s'
logging.basicConfig(stream=sys.stderr, format=logformat, level=logging.DEBUG)
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# -- short names
opa = os.path.abspath
opb = os.path.basename
opd = os.path.dirname
opj = os.path.join
opn = os.path.normpath
opr = os.path.relpath
ops = os.path.split
SKIP = object()
def add_renamed_stems(stems):
stems['ppp-ssh'] = 'VPN-PPP-SSH-HOWTO'
stems['intro-linux'] = 'Intro-Linux'
stems['DPT-Hardware-RAID'] = 'DPT-Hardware-RAID-HOWTO'
stems['Loadlin+Win95'] = 'Loadlin+Win95-98-ME'
stems['Laptop-HOWTO'] = 'Mobile-Guide'
stems['IR-HOWTO'] = 'Infrared-HOWTO'
stems['Xnews-under-Linux-HOWTO'] = 'Windows-Newsreaders-under-Linux-HOWTO'
stems['Access-HOWTO'] = 'Accessibility-HOWTO'
stems['Adv-Bash-Scr-HOWTO'] = 'abs-guide'
stems['abs'] = 'abs-guide'
stems['Mosix-HOWTO'] = 'openMosix-HOWTO'
stems['Partition-Rescue-New'] = 'Partition-Rescue'
stems['Partition-Mass-Storage-Dummies-Linux-HOWTO'] = 'Partition-Mass-Storage-Definitions-Naming-HOWTO'
def add_skipped_stems(stems):
stems['index.html'] = SKIP
stems['INDEX'] = SKIP
stems['README'] = SKIP
stems['.htaccess'] = SKIP
stems['GCC-HOWTO'] = SKIP
stems['Netscape+Proxy'] = SKIP
stems['Sendmail+UUCP'] = SKIP
stems['GTEK-BBS-550'] = SKIP
stems['Consultants-HOWTO'] = SKIP
stems['Acer-Laptop-HOWTO'] = SKIP
stems['Linux-From-Scratch-HOWTO'] = SKIP
stems['Distributions-HOWTO'] = SKIP
stems['MIPS-HOWTO'] = SKIP
stems['3Dfx-HOWTO'] = SKIP
stems['PostgreSQL-HOWTO'] = SKIP
stems['Term-Firewall'] = SKIP
stems['WikiText-HOWTO'] = SKIP
stems['Security-Quickstart-Redhat-HOWTO'] = SKIP
def collect_published_stems(dirbase):
d = dict()
for stem in os.listdir(dirbase):
if not os.path.isdir(opj(dirbase, stem)):
d[stem] = stem
return d
def validate_args(argv):
if len(argv) == 4:
for d in argv[:3]:
if not os.path.isdir(d):
return False
return True
return False
def walk_simple(stems, dirbase, root):
for name in os.listdir(dirbase):
if name.endswith('.pdf'):
stem, _ = os.path.splitext(name)
stem = name
relpath = opr(opj(dirbase, name), start=root)
newstem = stems.get(stem, None)
if newstem is None:
logger.error("%s missing stem: %s", stem, relpath)
elif newstem is SKIP:
logger.info("%s ignoring stem: %s", stem, relpath)
yield newstem, relpath
def walk_html_single(stems, dirbase, root):
for name in os.listdir(dirbase):
if name == 'images':
dirname = opj(dirbase, name)
if not os.path.isdir(dirname):
indexhtml = opj(dirname, 'index.html')
if not os.path.isfile(indexhtml):
logger.error("%s missing index.html: %s", stem, indexhtml)
stem = name
relpath = opr(indexhtml, start=root)
newstem = stems.get(stem, None)
if newstem is None:
logger.error("%s missing stem: %s", stem, relpath)
elif newstem is SKIP:
logger.info("%s ignoring stem: %s", stem, relpath)
yield newstem, relpath
def walk_html_chunked_dirs(stems, dirbase, root):
for name in os.listdir(dirbase):
if name in ('images', 'pdf', 'text', 'html_single', 'archived'):
dirname = opj(dirbase, name)
if not os.path.isdir(dirname):
for subname in os.listdir(dirname):
fname = opj(dirname, subname)
if os.path.isdir(fname):
stem = name
relpath = opr(fname, start=root)
newstem = stems.get(stem, None)
if newstem is None:
logger.error("%s missing stem: %s", stem, relpath)
elif newstem is SKIP:
logger.info("%s ignoring stem: %s", stem, relpath)
yield newstem, relpath
def walk_html_chunked_files(stems, dirbase, root):
for name in os.listdir(dirbase):
fname = opj(dirbase, name)
if not os.path.isfile(fname):
stem, ext = os.path.splitext(name)
if stem == 'index' or ext != '.html':
if stem not in stems:
stem = '-'.join(stem.split('-')[:-1])
if stem not in stems:
logger.error("Could not determine stem for %s", fname)
relpath = opr(fname, start=root)
newstem = stems.get(stem, None)
if newstem is None:
logger.error("%s missing stem: %s", stem, relpath)
elif newstem is SKIP:
logger.info("%s ignoring stem: %s", stem, relpath)
yield newstem, relpath
def htmlf(stem, relpath, pubdir, newtree):
pubf = opj(pubdir, stem, relpath)
newf = opj(newtree, relpath)
if os.path.exists(pubf):
return stem, relpath, newf, pubf
return stem, relpath, newf, opj(pubdir, stem, 'index.html')
def htmld(stem, relpath, pubdir, newtree):
pubf = opj(pubdir, relpath)
newf = opj(newtree, relpath)
if os.path.exists(pubf):
return stem, relpath, newf, pubf
return stem, relpath, newf, opj(pubdir, stem, 'index.html')
def htmls(stem, relpath, pubdir, newtree):
pubf = opj(pubdir, stem, stem + '-single.html')
newf = opj(newtree, relpath)
if os.path.exists(pubf):
return stem, relpath, newf, pubf
return stem, relpath, newf, opj(pubdir, stem, 'index.html')
def txt(stem, relpath, pubdir, newtree):
pubf = opj(pubdir, stem, stem + '.txt')
newf = opj(newtree, relpath)
if os.path.exists(pubf):
return stem, relpath, newf, pubf
return stem, relpath, newf, None
def pdf(stem, relpath, pubdir, newtree):
pubf = opj(pubdir, stem, stem + '.pdf')
newf = opj(newtree, relpath)
if os.path.exists(pubf):
return stem, relpath, newf, pubf
return stem, relpath, newf, None
def make_refresh(target, title, delay=0):
text = '''<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<title>{1}: {0}</title>
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="{2};URL='{0}'" />
<p>This page has moved permanently to
<a href="{0}">{0}</a>.
Update your bookmarks if you wish. The compatibility
redirect will remain through, at least, early 2017.
return text.format(target, title, delay)
def create_symlink(source, target):
assert not os.path.exists(target)
targetdir = os.path.dirname(target)
if not os.path.isdir(targetdir):
logger.debug("Creating directory %s", targetdir)
logger.debug("Creating symlink %s, pointing to %s", target, source)
os.symlink(os.path.relpath(source, start=targetdir), target)
def create_refresh_meta_equiv(fname, url, stem, **kwargs):
assert not os.path.exists(fname)
targetdir = os.path.dirname(fname)
if not os.path.isdir(targetdir):
logger.debug("Creating directory %s", targetdir)
logger.debug("Creating file %s, with redirect to %s", fname, url)
with open(fname, 'w') as f:
f.write(make_refresh(url, stem, **kwargs))
def howtos(stems, howtopath, newtree, pubdir, urlbase):
ldptree = dict()
for s, r in walk_html_chunked_files(stems, howtopath, howtopath):
ldptree[r] = htmlf(s, r, pubdir, newtree)
# print('chunked_files', s, r)
for s, r in walk_html_chunked_dirs(stems, howtopath, howtopath):
ldptree[r] = htmld(s, r, pubdir, newtree)
# print('chunked_dirs', s, r)
howto_htmls = opj(howtopath, 'html_single')
for s, r in walk_html_single(stems, howto_htmls, howtopath):
ldptree[r] = htmls(s, r, pubdir, newtree)
# print('html_single', s, r)
for s, r in walk_simple(stems, opj(howtopath, 'text'), howtopath):
ldptree[r] = txt(s, r, pubdir, newtree)
# print('text', s, r)
for s, r in walk_simple(stems, opj(howtopath, 'pdf'), howtopath):
ldptree[r] = pdf(s, r, pubdir, newtree)
# print('pdf', s, r)
# -- have to symlink the PDF and TXT files
for fname in sorted(ldptree.keys(), key=lambda x: x.lower()):
stem, relpath, newpath, pubpath = ldptree[fname]
url = pubpath.replace(pubdir, urlbase)
if fname.startswith('text/') or fname.startswith('pdf/'):
create_symlink(pubpath, newpath)
url = pubpath.replace(pubdir, urlbase)
create_refresh_meta_equiv(newpath, url, stem, delay=2)
def main(fin, fout, argv):
me = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])
usage = "usage: %s <howtopath> <howtocompat> <pubdir> <urlbase>" % (me,)
if not validate_args(argv):
return usage
howtopath, howtocompat, pubdir, urlbase = argv
oldtree = opd(opn(howtopath))
stems = collect_published_stems(pubdir)
howtos(stems, howtopath, howtocompat, pubdir, urlbase)
return os.EX_OK
if __name__ == '__main__':
sys.exit(main(sys.stdin, sys.stdout, sys.argv[1:]))
# -- end of file